posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 07:15 AM
My parish priest, Monsineur Farrell (the closest thing we know to a living saint - exception to the Pope at the time), once gave a sermon about lent
and "giving things up" for Lent.
He told us how it's not necessary.
Everyone "carries their crosses" he said - Jesus carried his, and we carry ours. Our cross is our sins, our wants, our greed, our misjudgements,
etc. During lent we need to hang up one of our crosses. For many people they give up some sort of food or pleasure, as has been simple tradition. But
some of those whom I considering going deeper into their faith tend to start seeing the real point of lent and do things differently.
I've had a few friends/peers who did fasts during the entire Lent season.
Myself, I don't give up anything, but simply re-resolve to do things better... to be more accepting of other points of view, to better understand
what people are going through, and to help others more.
This year I didn't do anything - because I'm dealing with some other things - but I know that's okay.
By the way, I hope you had a good time without pop! I know when I was young I tried that and I failed. I also tried chocolate, and I would've
succeeded, except that... well... being a kid I forgot about it whilst at some science museum and ate chocolate.