posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 03:08 AM
The UK is becoming a police state. In my small home town, there are on the spot fines for 'drunken behaviour' dropping litter, they are stopping
kids on the street to test their soft drinks with'dipsticks'
Dispersal orders are coming into power to stop youths hanging round the street together. We have ASBOS (Antisocial bejaviour orders) putting you on
curfew and banning you from places. ID cards are on their way.
There is detention without charge, to supposedly prevent 'terrorism.' and a new offence - glorification of terrorism, which will eventually ban all
protest. The police have new stop and search powers.
The uk has one of the highest concentrations of CCTV anywhere-and its such a small country. Tony Blair is a tyrant. This country is so bad now he is
in power. He has created such chaos through social engineering and faked terrorism. I fear detention centres, possibly using the bird flu scare, will
be next.