posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 08:11 AM
Yup. So many new invented, or over-exadurated and promoted dieseases.
Its really sickening. I saw a thing on the tv news about the new 'restless leg syndrome', and see, the thing is.. here in Australia, advertising
drugs on television and other means directly (eg, naming the drug). So most ads here (like ones for Viagra) tend to hint towards the symptoms and say
"See Your Doctor." Though the % of these ads we see on television here is severly less than in the US.
I'm kind of beating around the bush a bit, but i found it suprising that this was newsworthy, as to me it seemed more like an advitorial. It occured
to me, when I did some work experience at a tv networks newsroom most of the 'news' for the day is sourced from big providers (AP, Reuters etc)
aswell as the more local news coming from faxed "Press Releases". Surely all it took to get the "restless leg" thing out there, as a new
'treatable disease' as as simple as hiring a PR Firm to issue a Press Release. Then WAM BAM you're selling useless drugs for something everyone
( Im 99% sure they mentioned the drug by name, but I cant for the life of me remember, i just remember thinking "hrmm.. they're aloud to do that?"
Makes good financial sence though. I think its human nature to sometimes question things that happen to us, and think.. Hrmm, is that normal? I think
these kind of things really pray on that, promoting it as a disease when it is infact a very normal, scientifically documented occurance. They are
really tapping into everyones wish for a miracle pill. Though the ugly truth is, not one medicine on the shelves today is a miracle pill.
Just on the news now as im typing, is another 'medical update' on a drug used to treat osteoperosis. They are now saying that taking this drug can
reduce the chances of older women developing breast cancer by 50%.
Have you noticed that lately, so many 'older drugs' that have been used to treat so many other things, are suddenly being repromoted to treat
completely unrelated things?
I can't name others, but this is a growing trend i have noticed in the last few months. I tend to remember one of the others recently was a heart