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Who Is a terrorist?

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posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 11:05 AM
The scenes from Gaza are heartbreaking. Heartbreaking? That's not for certain. The sight of the Aben family from Beit Lahiya mourning its 12-year-old daughter Hadil last week did not stir any particular shock in Israel. Nor did anyone take to the streets and protest over the sight of her wounded mother and little brother lying in shock on the floor of their shanty in Gaza.

On the day Hadil Aben was killed, Yedioth Aharonoth carried a story about Nelly, the dog from Kibbutz Zikim that died of heart failure from the booming noise of the Israeli artillery firing into Gaza.

Instead of expressions of sorrow at the death of children, the upper echelons of the defense establishment came out with a stream of strident statements. The defense minister said that the only thing to do was step up the pressure on the Palestinians. The deputy chief of staff spoke about a possible invasion of Gaza and the head of army operations added, "what we've seen so far are only the previews." The IDF announced it would further reduce the "safety range" that is designed to avoid shells hitting the civilian population.

Mod Edit: Posting work written by others. – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 16-4-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 02:13 PM
The problem is that the Palestinians and Muslims in general don't believe that Israel has a right to exist. Israel is surrounded by people who openly preach,teach,believe, that Israel cannot exist.
Thats good though, because it just makes you sure that there really is a God and a Devil. Israel and the jews are God's chosen people. Chosen for what exactly is debateable. But for some reason Israel and the jews are hated by almost all men. Good and Evil. God and the Devil. God tolerates adversity, so the devil is going to be an adversary.
Now iran wants to nuke Israel someday, what the heck, the palestinians will " make peace and leave". Why should they be there when the nuke happens. they'll just move in later.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by shot messenger
The problem is that the Palestinians and Muslims in general don't believe that Israel has a right to exist. Israel is surrounded by people who openly preach,teach,believe, that Israel cannot exist.

That is such a lie.

The Islamic Council's of many Nation's acknowledge Israel and its right to exist. You have no right to generalize such a claim to 1.5-2billion people. Have you ever spoken to an Imam? Any of the President's of the Islamic Council's?

Yes, two sovereign independent states of Palestine and Israel can live side by side in peace provided that the standards of justice remain the same for Palestinians and Israelis. The principle of "peace with justice" is the key for successful settlement. History provides us with many instances where Muslims and Jews coexisted in peace within their shared communities. When Jews were getting persecuted by Christians in Europe, they found shelter in Muslim countries, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, etc. and were easily integrated into the daily lives of the communities. Today, Jews and Muslims live side by side in Canada, USA, Europe, etc. Why can't they live in peace in the holy land?

It is odd, how many of them actually say they can live side-by-side. It's justh the media don't like to admit it. Not really a top selling story:
Muslim's actually don't mind Israel existing.

As for a Terrorist? That's all culturally and socially dependent. In essence, it is anyone who goes against any Government, there own or another Nation. Patriots can be defined as a terrorist, it is all based heavily upon your own views.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by shot messenger
The problem is that the Palestinians and Muslims in general don't believe that Israel has a right to exist. Israel is surrounded by people who openly preach,teach,believe, that Israel cannot exist.

neither have the jews. . ..but the jews came up with the idea first. . . .

The Invisible Nation
By: Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban
24 Mar. 2006
The raid on Jericho prison is not an isolated incident in the history of Israeli occupation. Every passing day, Israeli forces murder Palestinian civilians, rape Palestinian women at checkpoints and strip Palestinians naked to humiliate them in front of their relatives. A daily fact of life confirmed by Checkpoints Watch, an Israeli organization founded by 400 Jewish women to observe Israeli soldiers’ behavior at checkpoints. Adi Dagan, the organization’s spokeswoman said that “approximately two million Palestinians are subjected to very ugly suffering, and the Israeli public doesn’t know about it.” Obviously, neither does the “international community.”[snip]

Schlomo Lavi, who had already voiced his support for transfer at the Ihud Po'alei Tzion Convention in 1937, said that “the...transfer of Arabs out of the country in my eyes is one of the most just, moral and correct things that can be done. I have thought this for many years. This was seconded by Avraham Katnelson, another influential Mapai leader, who opined that there was nothing “more moral, from the viewpoint of universal human ethic, than the emptying of the Jewish state of Arabs and their transfer elsewhere....This requires [the use of] force.”(62)

Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of “Transfer” in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948. Nur Masalha. (Washington, D.C.: 1992) Page 129.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:28 AM
Let's see if someone edits out the relevant part of the post it won't make sense now will it?
Sun., April 16, 2006 Nisan 18, 5766
Last update - 09:44 16/04/2006
Who is a terrorist?
By Gideon Levy
Nor was there any substantive debate after a possible slip of the tongue by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, in an interview to the BBC, in which she said that there was a difference between attacking civilians and attacking soldiers. Even though she did not resolutely stand by her own words in an interview with Channel 10, Livni dared to speak the truth: If harming civilians is a measure of terror, then Israel is a terror state. With 18 killed in Gaza alone in 12 days, three of them children, the absence of intent cannot suffice for us. Someone who uses artillery to shell population centers and says with horrific indifference that this is "just a preview," as if it were another reality show on TV, cannot claim that he does not intend to kill children.

Those responsible for such bombings around the world are rightfully considered war criminals. That's terror - just ask Livni. And when it is done in the name of a state, it is much worse than in those cases when the perpetrators are from rogue organizations.

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Shamgar]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:34 AM
I would love to see a thread or response stating sympathy for Israelis who have died from Palestinian terror!

Todays terror bombing at a restauraunt! Why are you not demanding a response from the Palestinians, Muslims, Hammas?

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by crmanager
I would love to see a thread or response stating sympathy for Israelis who have died from Palestinian terror! Todays terror bombing at a restauraunt! Why are you not demanding a response from the Palestinians, Muslims, Hammas?

Israel is a terrorist state. .. the *mod edit*jews deserve no sympathy. . . the *mod edit* jews started the terror attacks. .so the*mod edit*jews are reaping EXACTLY what they have sown . . . too bad!

The IZL [Irgun Zevai Lemui] executed Jews suspected of informing, even though some of these persons were totally innocent.

Anita Shapira, Land and Power: The Zionists Resort to Force, 1881-1948. ( New York: 1992) Page 249.

In order to kill the greatest number of soldiers, without taking risks oneself, nothing could equal electric mines. Made to look like milestones, they contained fifteen kilogrammes of explosives, which we made ourselves from common chemical manure (ammonium nitrate). To this we added five to eight kilogrammes of bolts as shrapnel. A curfew having been established on all roads from nine o'clock on, we left every evening in groups of three to place our mines at the edge of some orange-grove. A wire, fifty yards long, connected the false milestone to a little detonator. A push on the button was enough to blow up a truck. Leaving aside the fact that they face, and that they had the unpleasant experience of seeing their transport interfered with, the English lost tens of dead, and suffered innumerable wounds, without ever succeeding in capturing one of the girls or boys responsible. Records were set up for losses inflicted with a single mine; I believe it was held by Lea, the wife of Dov, with thirteen killed.
Avner. “Memoirs of an Assassin: Confessions of a Stern Gang Killer” (New York: 1959)
Page 87.

*The racist remarks will stop NOW*

[edit on 18-4-2006 by Amuk]

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 08:27 AM
The racist remarks will end NOW


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