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Please send questions or information regarding disinformation, misinformation, urban legends, conspiracy theories, or false rumors to [email protected]. We will try to respond to all reasonable requests for information.
Please note that the U.S. laws under which the Bureau of International Information Programs operates allow us to respond to requests from outside the United States only.
Finally, if the counter-misinformation team can be of help, ask us. We can’t respond to all requests for information, but if a request is reasonable and we have the time, we will do our best to provide accurate, authoritative information.
Email message from watchtherocks to [email protected]
I have some information that I believe to be false, but I cannot be sure. I have looked into it extensively, but I cannot uncover the truth. I was wondering, if I sent this information to the Bureau of International Information Programs, what methods will you employ to uncover the truth?
As I live outside the U.S., it is possible for you to answer this question - but just wondering, why can't Americans ask an American agency for the truth? That just seems a but wrong, that's all. Can you contact American Intel agencies in your search for the truth? Can they contact you?
Anyway, I have looked into my info, but am having trouble. Would it be possible for you to help me here? And if so, I would like to know exactly how you worked out whether the information is correct or not, as then I can follow these methods in the future.
Cheers, Tom.