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Great Moussaoui trial exhibit resource

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posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:19 AM
Forget the lo-res cherry-picked images and documents at CNN, go instead to to get everything.

WARNING! Before you click, note that this page includes images of body parts at the WTC, and horribly burned bodies from the Pentagon (the latter aren't identifiable at passengers, so don't feel you need to look for that reason). Don't let that put you off if you're squeamish, though: the images are initially presented in thumbnails and captions say what they contain, so you won't come across them by accident.

Apart from those, you'll find hi-res images of Flight 93 debris, personal effects found at the 93 site, a shot of plane debris at the Pentagon (nothing special, but to my knowledge the only one officially identified as coming from Flight 77), various enlarged images of the hijackers, lots of hijacker-related documents, and loads of other statements and transcripts that I've not even looked at yet.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:56 PM
This trial is a smoking gun, eversince the prosecution presented the transcript of the black box. In my opinion this tapes if real(I have no reason to believe they are not) debunks any theory that involves the military swiching the original planes. I am sorry but from what I can see this whole 911 event is becoming another subject that can not be disscussed odjectively. Like UFO's or Religion. I hope somebody could come up with some kind of explanation as to how this tape affects the current 911 theories.


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