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1,700 Sue Over 9/11 Sickness

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posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:59 PM
This story JUST aired on CNN.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:05 PM
Sorry, the link is old but the story is today.
I'm looking for the CNN link to what I just saw.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:10 PM
This almost makes me mad; I realize that they have had some difficulties on that day, and they may have gotten sick, but that is in their line of duty. This seems to me to be a scam because they want money, and the satisfaction of their honorable actions should be enough; and despite the horrors of that day, they should not be used as an excuse to gain wealth. Just my opinion, though.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Omniscient
This almost makes me mad; I realize that they have had some difficulties on that day, and they may have gotten sick, but that is in their line of duty. This seems to me to be a scam because they want money, and the satisfaction of their honorable actions should be enough; and despite the horrors of that day, they should not be used as an excuse to gain wealth. Just my opinion, though.

Welcome the the fundemental nature of our greed based sociaty.
You've just tripped over the rotten core that's the heart of almost every hardship and vile action you can think of.

Changing that is the only way "out" and we're NOT up to the task.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:26 PM

Richard Lahm, 49, who retired from the 46th Precinct in the Bronx this year, is battling terminal tonsil cancer - a condition his doctor claims was caused by the toxins released at Ground Zero.

The illnesses include sarcoidosis, a permanent lung condition; asthma; reactive airway disorders; chronic coughs, and emergency workers with glass lodged in their lung tissue, according to medical records reviewed by the Daily News.

More than 300 firefighters have retired with disabilities related to injuries and illnesses related to their work at Ground Zero, Gribbon said. There are an additional 300 disability pension cases pending, meaning that 600 firefighters are on track to retire with three-quarter pensions.

"The Fire Department is concerned about health risks. We gave medicals to every one of our people since 9/11 - active and retired firefighters," Gribbon said.

The FDNY received a $25 million federal grant to monitor health issues with firefighters. The NYPD was denied a similar grant.

Now if precautions were not taken while these guys were working around Ground Zero and these diseases were caused directly from this, they should be entitled to some compensation. NYPD was already denied a grant that the FDNY was awarded.

This was a terrible day where alot of people lost their lives, but the people who were on hand trying to save the man under the rubble so he could make it home to see his daughter. He should be given the same effort so he can make it home to see his daughter or atleast recieve some sort of compensation.

Some of the people fighting for this cause are losing their lives for trying to save another. They are deserving.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:37 PM

Some of the people fighting for this cause are losing their lives for trying to save another. They are deserving.

Good point... but ideally, shouldn't they be covered via health care/public insurance?

I know those things don't exist in the US, but I'm looking at the greed factor and suggesting that the reason those things aren't there to help the people is because... well, people are greedy. Why spend money on a public healthcare system when there's wars to start and oil to win?

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:40 PM
Between the asbestos and the DU this was inevitable!....They will be ignored and left to suffer. Claiming these are false and greed drives this is ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:48 PM
Some of the in depth details listed in that article seem to be tough to ignore.

I do not understand how the NYPD was denied on a grant that the FDNY was awarded. These guys are supposed to be on the same side right? Both efforts on that day should have been acknowledged.

Every death from 9/11 is equal, whether it was on one of the hijacked aircrafts, high up in the WTC or even if its from the results of being exposed to these chemicals without the proper protection. In the end, none of these people will be coming home to their families and compensation is in their rights.

The greed here rests on the shoulders of the officials for cutting corners at every opportunity. That is a whole other story though. We'll try to stay on topic here.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:50 PM
I had posted this article this morning to ATS, it seems to relate.

Six 9/11 Police Officers Have Brain Cancer

Fire Engineering

An alarming number of 9/11 responders have been stricken with brain cancer - including six NYPD cops, The Post has learned.

At least 11 of the Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers and their families claim in a class-action lawsuit - which includes dozens of other cancer victims - that toxic air and dust caused or triggered the rare, often fatal, brain illness.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 06:09 PM
Thank you Sauron,

Going to have a read now.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by YIAWETA
Between the asbestos and the DU this was inevitable!....They will be ignored and left to suffer. Claiming these are false and greed drives this is ridiculous.

I think you might have read me wrong...

I'm suggesting that their compensation should be a defacto no-brainer.

My first post was just to highlight the issue that is playing biggest on my mind these days, and the original poster had just managed to trip over it without even noticing (apparently).

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 07:33 PM
Could be something that has to do with the explosives used, maybe some type of hightech stuff.

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