You gotta wonder about a guy who has that kinda thing as a pet. I mean... I always thought tarantulas were weird pets, but that thing... there's no
way you could actually hold it (unlike a tarantula) without getting bitten, and I'm sure that a bite from that monster would hurt.
aha, that googlemaps link is pretty funny. I wonder if the google team put it in as a joke. or perhaps there really is a giant bug somewhere that we
dont know about.
actually, it could be some sort of attraction they have that looks like a giant bug, but i wouldnt imagine it would be located in the middle of what
looks like farm land.
Thought I would bring this thread back up with a link to another video I found. In this one we see a cute little Scolopendra making the acquaintance
of a tarantula -
This little guy is nothing. If you go back about 300 million years, there use to the giant
Arthropleura, which was a 8 foot centipede. This sucker was the largest insect ever.
That's not a rat, its a mouse, a decent sized rat would tear it up pretty good if it got any bites in, although that venom has gotta hurt like a [A
whole lot]
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AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! that was as bad as the damn massive wasps in japan or china......i will not be able to sleep tonight!!!
i hope you area happy now.....yuk!! lol.....but ya know my father in law keeps getting these weird bites...they look like spider bites (like you can
see where each little fang went in ) but the are like an inch or more apart and he gets them all the time!!!! sometimes i tracks up his arms or just
one or two here and there!! anyone able to explain??
AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! that was as bad as the damn massive wasps in japan or china......i will not be able to sleep tonight!!!
i hope you area happy now.....yuk!! lol.....but ya know my father in law keeps getting these weird bites...they look like spider bites (like you can
see where each little fang went in ) but the are like an inch or more apart and he gets them all the time!!!! sometimes i tracks up his arms or just
one or two here and there!! anyone able to explain??
Dude, I almost put you on ignore for this one. Not that I'm against your views or anything like that. It just brought back some of my worst
experiences in my military time in Hawaii. I don't think I came across any THAT size but I had a few friends that came out on the wrong end of a
confrontation with a few centipedes. One guys face swelled up completely shut and had to be medivacced out.
You do realize I am going to have to strip down my bed every night for the next couple weeks and shake out my blankets because of this? Do you happen
to live in the U.S.? LOL Maybe I can sue you! hehe (just kidding)
Ok, now I have a huge case of the willies. Im sorry, as much as insects are an important part of the animal kingdom. I don't like anything with more
than four legs other than bee's.
Yeah it is real, however arthropleura which lived during the carboniferous grew up to 6 feet in length. There is some argument about exctally what it
ate but it could have been at least omnivorous. Also what makes it look bigger is what it is eating is not a rat but a mouse big difference in size