posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:27 AM
Microsoft is the only company that realizes this is the 21st century and there console is perfect...Sony went with unproven technologies, and
everything that costs a small fortune, they thought is was the 22nd century.....and then theres Nintendo...they still think its the 20th century,
there "Revolution" is as powerful as the original Xbox.
I think the 360 will win this round.
Nintendo wont die out, basically because they say there console will be able to play ALL old games, that means the original NES, Super NES, N-64, &
Gamecube, and then of course the newer Revo games...that HUGE library its rumored $200 price tag, should make this console sell very
Sony was the clear Victor the last time with there PS2, but this time I think they were to ambitious. Games simply aren’t that massive that they
need 25 gigs, while dvd's (dual layered) can hold 8.5 gigs, which is plenty even for HD games. People dont own Blu-Ray movies...because they dont
yet exist, it will take a few years for Blu-Ray to at least build a decent library...So no thanks, I'm not interested in Blu-Ray (or HD-DVD for that
matter). They also went with the cell processor, which is much more expensive versus a normal CPU.
I've thought about this a lot...and my pick for the console war is the Xbox 360. I dont own one yet...I'm waiting until they make it in black (the
whole console...I'm not a big fan of faceplates, those were cool on cell phones a couple years ago...there time is done).