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posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:38 AM
I have been ripped off before via paypal ... it took me a lot of research and investigation into what was happening! I used to run a website which delivered traffic and visitors to other peoples websites.

Here is my story! A letter I wrote to paypal after getting ripped off!

I believe is a major sponsor and supporter of terrorism, illegal crime, mafia and much more illegal activities!

My Letter to

Dear, [email protected] , [email protected]

I am writing this email regarding recent fraudulent transactions and reversed transactions and a pending Chargeback that have taken place on my business account. I have proof to you that I am no way responsible for these transactions and
I wish to be compensated for the loss of my own personal money that is owing to me. I would like to complete a full investigation into "EVERY REVERSED TRANSACTION" from my account.

I would also like to inform you that every single one of the reversed transactions that have occurred from my account, that the buyers email address originated from ANOTHER.COM A free email based website.

THIS IS TOO MUCH A COICIDENCE PAYPAL! So it is very obvious to me that all of these orders originate from the one person or possibly persons working together, who is/are using "aliass" and opening up different accounts with different email addresses, and then transferring moneys into those accounts, possibly from one main account to keep them funded with one main primary email paypal account originating from

Then what they are doing is buying downloadable e-goods or Traffic from traffic websites such as my website www.****.com with their account.

Then I or someone else delivers the traffic or e-product to them, and once the product is delivered, they write to you saying someone has fraudulently used their account, thus getting the product for free.

All of the following emails are registered at were used as contacts when Traffic was ordered at my website www.****.com as follows:

**removed personal information of others**

I would like a full and thorough investigation done into my account, and I would like to be reimbursed a total of the money that is owing to me, this is the total of my own money that I used to deliver Website Traffic to the following reversed transactions:
Cancelled Payment (ID #9NN3224743868831E) Pending Reversal In reference to: 69M77738BF764692A Cancelled Payment (ID #0F034443KU3832900) Reversed In reference to: 5NS21987PN970644H

Cancelled Payment (ID #6CW94997J3140194J) Reversed In reference to: 8XY87951N4922652N

Cancelled Payment (ID #7AG95147W13626631) Reversed In reference to: 1UX40873A42263349

See Below for a better example:

Cancelled Payment (ID #9NN3224743868831E) Pending ReversalIn reference to: 69M77738BF764692APayment From claudia griffin [email protected] email address registered at another.comPurchase: US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rushTraffic Category: N/ATarget URL: www....***** OF DELIVERYWeb Accept Payment Sent (ID #4V249100FS638413V)Payment to [email protected] -$93.75US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rushTraffic Category: N/ATarget URL: www....*****.net/main.htmlPaypal I have Lost -$93.75

Cancelled Payment (ID #0F034443KU3832900) Reversed || In reference to: 5NS21987PN970644H
|| Payment From Matthew Bubar $1,008.75 || [email protected] email address registered at Purchase: 150000 visitors to || www....*****.net/?id=defer

| PROOF OF DELIVERY || Web Accept Payment Sent (ID #35869498WU3098741) | Payment to [email protected] -$600.00 | 150000 visitors to www....*****.net/?id=defer |
Paypal I have Lost $600 of my own money from this transaction

Cancelled Payment (ID #6CW94997J3140194J) ReversedIn reference to: 8XY87951N4922652NPayment From STEVEN LOYD $150.00Purchase: US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rushTraffic Category: N/ATarget URL: www....*****.net [email protected] email address registered at another.comPROOF OF DELIVERYWeb Accept Payment Sent (ID #2VD19584FR377532E)Payment to [email protected] -$93.75US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rushTraffic Category: N/ATarget URL: www....*****.net Paypal I have Lost -$93.75

Cancelled Payment (ID #7AG95147W13626631) ReversedIn reference to: 1UX40873A42263349Payment From Daniel Aguilar $150.00 [email protected] email address registered at another.comPurchase: US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rushTraffic Category: N/ATarget URL: www....*****.net PROOF OF DELIVERYWeb Accept Payment Sent (ID #0SS706821E138352R)Payment to [email protected] -$93.75US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rushTraffic Category: N/ATarget URL: http://****.net Paypal I have Lost -$93.75


Cancelled Payment (ID #8LF03932FC620191X)In reference to: 4CK68792D92251104Payment From pete Lloyd [email protected] email address registered at another.comPurchase: w/1 Popup Allowed - 24 Hour IP UniqueTraffic Category: N/ATarget URL: www.*****.net

Refund (ID #2BE51144D0665970U) In reference to: 32H128210R793014Y30000 asiantraffic visitors to Cancelled Payment (ID #8LF03932FC620191X) Payment From Hey Ngan $82.50 [email protected] email address registered at another.comPurchase:
30000 asiantraffic visitors to www....*****.net /main.html Cancelled Payment (ID #8LF03932FC620191X)

Refund (ID #6K076628N8365092N) In reference to: 8RN55390P8379322330000 asiantraffic visitors to http://****.net/Payment From Goksu Eroglu $82.50 [email protected] email address registered at another.comPurchase: 30000 asiantraffic visitors to www....*****.net

Refund (ID #02H03836TW512762D) In reference to: 5AD53929VJ9526722US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rush Traffic Category: N/A Target URL: www....*****.com/Payment from: [email protected] email address registered at another.comPurchase: US Premium Full Campaign Unique - No Popups 7 day rush Traffic Category:
N/A Target URL: www....*****.net
To conclude this email, I would like to say, that I am convinced that I should be refunded all money owing to me, My business has suffered a great deal due to these fraudulent transactions, I am on the verge of shutting my website down due to these financial losses.

Once again, I ask you politely to investigate this matter immediately and thoroughly, as I know that I am not responsible for this fraud.

There is too much of a coincidence for the investigations to pass this down, I am convinced that if you investigate this matter thoroughly and look at the accounts which have requested a reversal that I am not the only person who has been ripped off by this ingenious scheme. I ask you sincerely that you investigate the owners of these Accounts, maybe you will find out exactly what these people are up to, and you will refund the amount of money I lost that is owing to me

Please Investigate this matter thoroughly on my behalf and possibly many other unknown users

Thank You,
Yours Awaiting,


Paypal did reply, they could not care less thus I lost a small fortune!

[edit on 9-4-2006 by sirwilliam]

[edit on 9-4-2006 by sirwilliam]

[edit on 9-4-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:50 AM
The reason I state this is because ithere is no way can keep track of the millions of daily transactions taking place through their site.

I got ripped off big time, I am not the first nor will I be the last... I believe the transactions above were related to the subject!

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:54 AM
and paypal is linked to terror, mafia etc how?

it sounds like you got scammed, and that sucks but is Paypal to blame for that? is paypal working with the scammers? I doubt it.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 09:04 AM
Maybe I did get scammed, but I still believe paypal cannot control illegal activities such as majia, terrorists etc using thier website for illegal funding and so forth!

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 09:29 AM
they can attempt to stop illegal activities from happening via their service but, like most businesses, they can only stop the ones they find. I still don't see the link to terrorists or mafia or any illegal groups other than the scammers that ripped you off.

you are aware of the repercussions your accusations could bring down upon you if paypal were to decide that your comments were slanderous and harmfull to their business, right?

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 09:45 AM
I doubt they are into terrorism somehow, geez they stopped an online re-enactment dealer from using them just because he sells Third Reich re-enactment goods!

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 01:09 PM
Caveat Emptor

This should apply not only to the transactions you have engaged in, but the service you've used to facilitate those transactions.

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