posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:11 PM
Well well well, my issues with this PC weren’t over.
Apparently there is a hardware issue compounding things. Ironically it’s this issue which was the original problem I think, and the conflicting
partitions was just a side issue.
I have come to the conclusion it needs a new power supply.
Im quite surprised about this too, but it makes sense when I break it down. It’s a Compaq Presario (blah, but its free) and it came with a 250 watt
PS. 250 Watt PS to support a Pentium 4 2.53? I bet the PS was just barely enough to handle that PC.
Well, at the start of the problems, the original owner was told they had a HD problem and had a new one installed, a bigger and faster HD. I bet that
new HD uses just enough more juice to make that 250 PS not quite enough making the system unstable. It freezes up randomly. The onboard Intel
Extreme graphics went at the same time the HD was replaced. I can only boot it with default graphics settings now. So now when I try to fix that
Extreme Graphics driver, its freezes 100% of the time after the reboot, if it boots at all. And that’s why I am convinced it’s the PS. There
simply isn’t enough juice to power that chip and keep everything else running.
Let me know if you agree. I ordered a new 350 watt from Newegg and will try that in a day or so when it shows up.