posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 01:19 PM
This is a google video regarding the oil crisis which forced OPEC to make changes to production rules which lead to the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam
It is stated in this video that Iraq may have been informed that Western Nations would not intervene with the invasion.
This may have been done without informing Saddam of the protection agreement the West had to Kuwait and other Arabian countries.
It goes into further detail (with statements from Norman Schwarzkopf) about how the first Gulf war ended before the original objective was completed
(how saddam could have been removed from power).
Sanctions from the western governments (including medical supply sanctions) were put in place which inturn crippled the Iraqi people so that the oil
production could be influenced.
It also goes into the effect of Gulf War Syndrome upon Western Forces (near 200,000 soldiers filed for disablility) from weapons such Depleted Uranium
Many soldiers were not aware of the amount of radioactive waste after these weapons were used and would clamber of destroyed vehicles or enter
buildings or contact items in this polluted state. Many Iraqi people and soldiers currently in this location have been and are still at risk.
Link to video
(video is 1 hour long)