posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:56 PM
Ok, this is going to sound really stupid. I found a story about a quantum physicist who says that he received calls from aliens in a Flying Saucer.
They told him that if he wanted to "learn"? I don't know if any of it is true, actually, I highly doubt it. But I'll post it anyway because I had
something similar hppen to me a few months back. I remember the phone calls, there was someone with a robotic voice who left messages on my answering
machine. Could it be the aliens? Yeah right! Was probably my brother.
See story
I remember posting the calls I recieved in a thread here on ATS, but I don't remember which post it was?
*found the post* The sound files are not working though. But you can read what I thought of the person calling me. I was so pissed! I wonder if I
still have the recording on tape? Will check out the machine tapes later.
[edit on 6-4-2006 by Cabanman]