posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 07:40 AM
This is embarassing...cringeworthy in fact. In fact, if Alan Partridge was ever to make a UFO documentary it would be nearly as awful as this.
The fact that it is badly made by what looks like a school/college media studies production set up suggest that this is a 21 year old bloke with
absolutely nothing to do but spew his own political agenda and NWO bunkum while offering not a shred of evidence for his claims.
I bet they have the cheek to sell this crap for $29.99 on DVD in the back of Nexus/Fortean Times etc. hoping to make a quick buck.
And surely the production crew didn't think the awful canned applause and random coughing noises would make the intended viewing audience believe
this crap?
Edit: Did anyone fast forward to the end, "Er, I've just been told that our studio has been discovered" and then bursts into prayer.
[edit on 7/4/2006 by FactoryLad]