posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:28 PM
On corporal punishment of children: The main lesson that children learn from being beaten by their parents is that it's okay to hit someone,
especially if they are smaller than you.
The only time I ever spanked my son was when he was 2 years old and got curious about what was down the driveway from our house... (I had turned my
back on him in the yard for about 30 seconds to turn the hose on in order to do some plant watering.) Luckily, I caught up with him just before he
got to the roadway. Unluckily, my adrenalin was pumping way too much and I spanked him on his bottom twice with my hand (because I was so
terrified...and angry...that he could have been killed). Sigh... he started crying and promptly told me "Mommy, you are a monster." Well, so we
went back home and Talked About It. He's now 18, just got accepted to a fine university, etc. While a very outspoken person, he is nonviolent. So
far so good.
Want to really make a monster? The stepfather of Adolf Hitler, as well as the father of Josef Stalin, administered a famous amount of frequent -- and
exceptionally brutal -- beatings to them when those two dictators were themselves boys, with results that the world will never forget. See the
following book by the acclaimed psychology writer Alice Miller:
Thou shalt not be aware: society's betrayal of the child (paperback)
She has also written about 18 other books on this subject. Her books were printed originally in German, but have all been translated into English.
On the Amazon web site, you can use the "Look Inside The Book" feature to get the gist of her
-- Peace and blessings.