posted on Oct, 13 2003 @ 09:19 AM
Hey all, just really got freaked out when I realise somone always in my dreamz. In reality, i was on the train with my friends and this girl walked on
and yea just took a look kept on talkin to my friends, looked again and i was mesmerized like i went quiet for least 2 hours after not a word to my
friends or anything, was extremely weired.... anywayz for the past bout 5 months iv been having normal dreamz and when something weired happens in my
dream which says to me "hey ur dreamin" this girl would appear and id take a step outside or down a street or just turn around with her and even
thou the place seems the same, its the most amazing view and architecture iv ever seen with her standin there... that was the first cuple of dreamz
now last dream that i rember i was in city talkin to someone and just looked over at the passing crowd and she was walkin by, she took a look and i
just woke up.... i have no idea what is goin on, any help of oppinions would be appreciated
[Edited on 13-10-2003 by Mesmerized]