posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 11:08 PM
I am not a scientist, but even to an average Joe such as myself, I can punch holes in these theories...
(you gotts read the site first)
***Decay of Earth's Magnetic Field...
Interesting... take the observations of 175+ years, make a graph, if going back in time the graph line goes up, you just keep drawing the line until
you reach a number that says "ooh, there's no way the earth could support life before this". All in all, the earths magnetic field is not very
strong to begin with, and the decay of the field is due to the approching shift, the magnetic field will be at 0% before reversing, like having to
bring your car to a complete stop before going in reverse.
***Human Artifacts throughout the Geologic Column...
This proves just the opposite, a shoe found in rock?? DO you know how long it would take for that to happen?? more that 6,500 years, I can tell you
that much.
***Helium Content in Earth's Atmosphere...
Yeah... and... that is helium 4 accumulated from space. It sounds like he didn't take into consideration the helium 4 that is produced by the Earth,
and that ALL helium eventually leaves the atmosphere since it is lighter than our atmosphere. In fact there is no real way to keep tabs on the growth
of helium levels on Earth, since helium literally keeps comming and going.
***Expansion of Space Fabric...
Time only dialates when you are traveling at high speeds, so if galaxies are traveling away from each other at high speeds, time for us has slowed
down, but actual time would then be much longer than what we are experiencing, in essence proving just the opposite of the intended theory.
***Population Statistics...
This is using modern data of people living to 80, 90, 100 years. Even 60 years ago the everage was half this, and up until maybe 300 years ago, you
weren't expected to live much past 30, and in prehistory, we are looking at death in the early 20's. I'm sure that if you take these new variables
into consideration, and start with 8 people, you would find that population growth wouldn't have started til sometime after the biblical record of
Noahs flood, which would prove the bible wrong, by saying that Noah couldn't have exhisted.
***Design in Living Systems...
And how many stars are in the universe?? Yeah, that's right, if you take that into consideration along with the billions of years that the universe
was cool enough to allow life to flourish, with Earth being that lucky 1 in 10 4,478,296 .17, I would say that NOT ONLY are we with in the % range,
there should actaully be more life in the universe that just us.
***Design in the Human Brain...
Yeah, and your point is?? Does that mean someone else created the brains for the cat, horse and dog?? And that God only had his hand in dealing with
the human brain?? Hmmmm... The human brain became complex out of necessity. The humans with inadiquate brains were usually eaten by various
creatures of the man-eating type. So this means God only got it right with the human brains and not the brains of all the other animals?? I thought
God was supposed to be perfect. The imperfection of the brains of the other animal shows that the brains adapted to the needs and necessity of the
surroundings, and not "created". You ask any lion that is knawing on human bones in the African grasslands, and I'm sure it will tell you that IT
has the superior brain.