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Can someone please post a real ghost pic?

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posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:41 AM
For once I'd like to see a proper photo of a ghost. Most pics here have white balls and mist that could be just about anything.

What is the most authentic pic available?

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:37 AM
will this do?

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:53 AM
I agree that the dead woman eating breakfast is quite scary and that pic could pass as a proof but still..

Seriously, that kind of distortion can happen when taking a pic with a digital camera.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:56 AM
Hello Salama
I am a real GhostHunter..I am going on an investigation next month for atleast 2 weeks,when i return i will be more than happy to upload any pics that i capture of ghosts or anything 'paranormal'.I do have Pictures of Ghosts but i am not sure if i am aloud to post the pics here ? as i am new to this site and i think i will have to ask for permission.If i am allowed to post the pics? I will then give you a link to 'photobucket' (that is where i upload my pics to share with people who are interested in Ghosts and the paranormal.I will also post a link to where you can view video's that i have taken on earlier investigations and if i can find a site that i can upload my 'evp's' that i have taken ,i will also post a link to it also ,this way you can listen to the audio voice's of ghosts or spirits..You should understand that in most pictures? 'Mist' as you called it is actually a ghost or spirit in it's natural forum,to actually get a 'clear' detailed picture of a ghost that won't be 'slammed' in a chat room or put down and debunked is very hard, In order to obtain this type of picture? What you would be looking at is called a 'manifistation' of a ghost (this is extremly rare because it is when 'the ghost' enters our reality sort of speak) I do have (i think 3 types of these pictures that you are looking for) I will look through all of my pictures (i have hundreds) and when and if i can find them i will scan the pics then upload them to the site that i use so that you can see them and then judge for yourself.I do have lot's of pictures of being in cemetaries at night and in the pictures there you can clearly see 'ectoplasm' or what you refer to as 'mists' and 'orbs' are there too..I was just looking at other peoples threads when i came across yours and thought that i would write a reply to your thread just to let you know that 'yes' their are 'real actuall ghost hunters ' around who would be more then happy to answer your question and show you some very interesting pictures and video and 'evp'-electronic voice phenomenom, this is recording of audio voice's of ghosts (i don't know if you are familiar with this part of ghost hunting? so i just thought i would throw this in too lol lol
...So if you are willing to wait a few weeks ? I will return with Pictures (i hope) of an actual ghost.

Thank You for taking the time to read my reply


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:57 AM
Isn't that just a badly taken photo with blurring.
Oh ghosthunter, really interested to see what other things you'll post. Have fun!

[edit on 5-4-2006 by T0by]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:03 AM

Here is a link to the most popular and proven to be the BEST picture ever taken of a ghost..This picture was taken in 1936 and back then there could be no tinkering with a photograph or retouching of a photograph either..Scientist and Paranormal Investigators from around the world have confirmed that this picture is authentic and is an actual ghost..

The above link is an enlarged picture of the ghost and the below link is the picture and the history about the house ,the ghost and the people who lived in the house and about the person who took the picture

I hope that this will help you out a bit....

Thank You

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:06 AM
Hi Toby

Are you talking about the pic that says 'enea design'? if so? that is not a pick of a ghost at all..I think it's just joke pic is all lol....


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:06 AM
The ghost of her child that passed away is in the back. I felt her presence took the image, expected to get the usual orbs not a figure. A relatively old picture and one of the clearest I got in my collection from my Ghost Hunting days.

Normally I'd go for other explenations as well, but when you're actually present and use your medium skills to notice a presence right there then it becomes different then seeing someone post an image and try to find logical explenations for it.

As for the shutter time effect that causes the light effects that you can see on the cracker...I donno. Not an expert on camera technology unfortunately.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:16 AM

Sorry, i thought that the picture was posted as a joke,I am very sorry if i offended you as i would never honestly intend to do this to anyone.And after i looked at it carefully? I can see what you mean.The lights did throw me off abit,that is why i thought it was posted as just a quick joke reply...
Why did you say 'in my old ghosthunting days'? Are you not investigating the paranormal anymore? If not? why?...It's a great and very interesting hobby..And your camera is fine,don't worry about the shutter speed or that it's a digital camera..I have lot's of Great pictures of 'orbs/ectoplasm/ghosts using a digital camera.Most times the cheapest cameras will take the better pictures,you don't need expensive camera's or recorders to be a Paranormal Investigator..All you need is 'LOT'S and Lot's of Patients lol lol..Where i live here in Toronto i am very lucky because just across the street is a very old cemetary and it's very active and i have gotten some of my best Pictures from there..I just lucked out i guess
..But please don't give up on ghosthunting,it's a great way to spend time and it can be alot of fun too


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:27 AM
Not offended. Had my portion of frustration this week already and got rid of it.

I still research the paranormal, only in a more "magickal" way.

It's not that I don't like ghosthunting, but there have come other things into my life which I enjoy even more. Still I go on occasional camping trips so that I spend a weekend in an old abonded castle or forests with specific sightings and history. Very interesting even if it is only to go to such mystical places and nothing happens.


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by GhostHunter6666
This picture was taken in 1936 and back then there could be no tinkering with a photograph or retouching of a photograph either..

There are 1,000's of ways they could of tinkered with that photo back then.

A simple double exposure could do it. Here is how you can copy it all in camera. The first exposure is one of a virgin Mary statue draped in some translucent white fabric. Set it up so it's a good distance from any backdrop on a table draped in a black cloth. Make note of where it's positioned in the viewfinder. (Cameras like they used have a grid on the focusing screen that would work great) Now take the picture with just enough flash to illuminate the statue and not the background and make sure that it will be underexposed. Now go to the stairs and take a normal picture making sure to line up the grids where the statue was on the stairs. TaaDaa you have an image that the "experts" wont be able to tell was a double exposure, after all by it's nature a ghost photo will look like a double exposure.

Or you could take two exposures of the stairs both at set up with half the exposure needed. In one exposure you hang your ghost. or you can split them 1/4 exposure for the stairs with the ghost, and 3/4 exposure of the stairs if you wanted a more hazy ghost.

Now that picture may or may not be real, but to state categorically that there could be no "tinkering" going on just because of the date is just ludicrous.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 05:25 AM

Castles? wow! where do you live? your lucky to have these around.I would really enjoy investigating a castle..Now that would be something


I myself wasn't trying to say that 'i' think that the picture wasn't tampered with and that 'anyone ' who read my reply MUST agree with what i said...Sorry if it came across that way..In the article the person who wrote it said it,i have also seen this picture on another site and the author there too said the same thing 'that it is the BEST picture of a ghost ever taken and that it is the most authentic picture ever..I know that what's on the internet should be taken with a grain of salt lol..And i do,don't worry lol..I have seen better pictures then the one i posted the link too but when i saw this thread? I remembered the picture so i posted the link is all...Just thought the 'op' would have found it interesting is all


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 05:37 AM
I live in the netherlands. We got several castles here as well as many in ruins which are in open spots of forests. There are also many caverns in the southern part with a lot of history.

Once we went down into such a cavern, but at a certain point there was no light. So if you turn your lights of it truly is darkness all around. At some point we all heard clattering sounds of metal as if several soldiers were walking in the distance, but we never saw anything nor did we caught anything on camera. I did notice a presence of a lot which felt like a bunch of roman soldiers and some from the French Renesaince area and later the records showed that that cavern was used by old monarchs as a secret passage because above ground there was a castle still standing.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 06:24 AM
Really? Now that sounds cool....Nice to hear that you have so much history where you live


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:39 PM
Enyalius, you photo exif data says that it was an 8 second exposure. With an 8 second exposure, you would get that transparent blurring when a person walked across the room.

I have to call fraud on this one. The woman would have had to been posing with that food at 8 seconds too. Smells like a setup to me!

This is a copy of your exif data off your photo

Image Description =
Model = 1.0
Orientation = top/left
Software = 1.0
Date Time = 2004-08-01 10:06
Copyright = Photographer: Copyright 9,2002

Exposure Time = 8.0055"
F Number = F2.8
Exposure Program = Aperture priority
ISO Speed Ratings = 100
Exif Version = Version 2.1
Date Time Original = 2004-08-01 10:06
Date Time Digitized = 2004-08-01 10:06
Shutter Speed Value = -3 TV
Aperture Value = 0 AV
Exposure Bias Value = ±0EV
Max Aperture Value = F3.61
Metering Mode = Pattern
Light Source = unknown
Flash = On
Maker Note = 460 Byte
Flashpix Version = Version 1.0
Color Space = sRGB
Exif Image Width = 1600
Exif Image Height = 1200
Related Sound File =
Exposure Index = 1
Sensing Method = One-chip color area sensor
File Source = DSC
Scene Type = A directly photographed image

[Thumbnail Info]
Orientation = top/left

Thumbnail = 160 x 120

[edit on 4/5/2006 by llpoolej]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 07:06 AM
This is the best ghost photo I have seen. Someone on one of my photographic boards posted it. I emailed her and asked if I could use it.

She said there was nothing behind the tombstone when it was taken. The left side of the picture is the enlargement of the right side

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 07:58 AM
Asking for a picture of a ghost like that will get it any easier than looking yourself shows a strange kind of innocence. If there were any undeniably real ghost pictures, the topic wouldn't belong in "paranormal" any more, it'd be real. Same goes for asking for a real picture of an "alien" or "bigfoot". If somebody had one, we'd all know about it by now.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by llpoolej
Enyalius, you photo exif data says that it was an 8 second exposure. With an 8 second exposure, you would get that transparent blurring when a person walked across the room.

I have to call fraud on this one. The woman would have had to been posing with that food at 8 seconds too. Smells like a setup to me!

Originally posted by Enyalius
Normally I'd go for other explenations as well, but when you're actually present and use your medium skills to notice a presence right there then it becomes different then seeing someone post an image and try to find logical explenations for it.

No posing for 8 seconds there unfortunately. Second there was no one that walked past that spot for quite some time. The girl with her breakfast walked by that spot about a minute prior to taking the image and I was just taking my camera out. Why it lasted 8 seconds I don't know, as I stated I'm not a photgraph expert. But it is normal that I press the button and then have to wait for it to be taken and stored on the SD card. If that has effect on those 8 seconds I don't know.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 09:17 AM
In order to set the exposure up to 8 seconds on most cameras, you have to set it into manual mode and set the exposure and aperature yourself. It's not that likely to happen by accident. If you did accidentally set this up, you would notice that any other pictures taken of anything even slightly moving, or any hand-shot pictures (not using a tripod) would also be blurred. There is also a blur on what is on the woman's hand who is sitting at the table. I'm not saying that this is necessarily the case, but it's definately an option.

Here's a nice picture I took of my friend, purposefully trying to get a motion blur/two face thing going:

I could have just as easily had him jump out of the picture and jumped in halfway through myself, to make it seem like I was popping out of his stomach or something

[edit on 6-4-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 09:35 AM

His grandmothers ghost in the backseat.

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