posted on Oct, 12 2003 @ 06:01 PM
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
This is just some short passages from the Book Of Genesis.
This makes me think.
If God is an all knowing entity would he have not known that Eve would eat the apple?
Most if not all religions would describe God as a Being that is the "Past, Present and Future".
He knows all for he is All.
How could he have not known that Eve would eat the apple hence applying that he is not as powerfull as it seems?
Any thoughts?