posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:17 PM
Hi all .. this is my first post.
I discovered this story 3 weeks ago and since then I've read much and watched many vids. There is still much more, I know.
As an avid watcher of all the mainstream news channels, I've come to the conclusion that we (9/11 whistleblowers) are making a crucial mistake when
we rush into battle waving our lead flag which reads:
Here's my logic.
The only chance we have of successfully getting this story out and effecting a REAL change for the better, is if we win over millions of people. Many
of these millions of people are the ones who voted for Bush.
The Rove machine convinced them that they should be more concerned with gay marriage than with having no health insurance; that WMDs, real or not,
REQUIRE us to attack any country - unprovoked. Our objective therefore is to gain the attention of enough flag waving, blind patriots still existing
in the "I Like Ike" era. These people do not take kindly the "New Pearl Harbor" theorem.
This mentality can still be found on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, C-SPAN, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and in Hollywood. These venues are indicative of
where the truth about 9/11 needs to take hold if it has any chance of surviving. Obviously, this may not be possible however, simply because of the
mainstream's tendency to RIDICULE, DISCREDIT, DISCOUNT, ATTACK, and SLANDER any messenger who dares announce
something as unbelievable as "the White House purposely killed Americans".
It is for that reason that our effort would be dashed .. immediately. The overwhelming evidence that we KNOW tells the truth would be silenced before
it started. Many in the media who honestly still believe the BinLaden-boxcutter drivel (like I did) would shut it down before seeing ANY evidence.
(ala Bill O'Riley) would be the public's last visual. This is already happening.
We must get the story out ON THE FACTS .. NOTHING ELSE. Our main goal
should be to alert the masses that something is VERY WRONG with the official account. Once that happens, the weight of the evidence will take over. It
is pointless to conclude the government's guilt if no one listens to the facts which prove said guilt.
It will be hard enough just getting heard. Let's not let our well-warranted emotional reaction shoot us in the foot. I am already using this approach
with friends and family and it is working nicely. In every case people have come to the same inevitable conclusion .. without my initial opinion.
Thanks for reading.