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Does It Really Matter What Kills You? Why?

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posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:57 PM

I have noticed for a long time now, and not just on this forum either, that people seem to be on a never ening quest to remain ageless.

I mean, nearly every day, something or other comes out from the medical or scientific world that there has been some new discovery as to what causes cancer - that's I guess the most talked about. I have heard it range from everything to burned bacon, to smoking, to using deodorant and more.

There are also plenty of new anti-aging products coming on the market nearly every day, also. And tips on how to keep your choleseral down, stave off heart disease, the problem of obesity, etc... you name it, and they've got it - basicly how to live a longer, healthier life.

But how many have thouht about the very simple bottom line. We were not meant to live forever. No matter what, something, regardless of what it is is absolutely going to kill each and every one of us eventually. That is a fact! We all know it, however, it seems as if few want to acknowledge one of the most fundamental facts of life.

It it the length of the lifetime so much more important than the quality of the life?

I guess that is a question that each individual must answer for themselves before deciding on choosing by what they have read, heard, and what their doctor(s) have told them is the most healthy way to live a long life, much of which entails strict diets, exercise programs, who knows what else - or, living a lifestyle of their own choosing. One that may at least in part go against the grain of what we are taught will prolong our life, but what life they do have is of a much higher quality because they are not consumed with all of the above, ie: eating food that is considered "healthy", excercising when really, they might prefer sitting in front of the TV with their favorite snack, etc....

I know of two opposite examples of this: My Paternal Grandmother, and my Maternal Grandmother.

My Paternal Grandmother was a constant "worry wort". She regularly went to have her yearly physical, took lots of rx medications. Actually had a schedule made out of when she was to take a bowel movement, drank prune juice at a specific time every day to ensure that thiswould happen on schedule, watched her cholesteral very carefully, went for a daily walk, at a set time, for a set length, would adamently avoid any place that there might even have ever had cigarette smoke in it, etc.... I can't remember what all else she did, but most all of it was based on what her doctor(s) had advised. She had a stroke at the age of 71, causing her whole left side of her body to be completely unuseable, and eventally passed on at the age of 76.

My maternal grandmother, on the other hand, was the most happy-go-lucky person I've ever met. She loved her whole milk, real butter, rich cream in her coffer, loved her cigarettes, loved to curl up on the couch with her dog and watch the soap operas. She would have none of that "crap" she so called the advise of her doctor or anyone else. She rarely got sick, never seemed to worry about anything. However, at the age of approximately 81, she developed Alzheimers and had to finally be put into a nursing home. Shortly before she would have lost absolute control of her memory, recognition of loved ones, etc.... she opted to sign a waiver (I think it was called a waiver) stating that she no longer wished to continue on as not the person she had been, did not wish to be a burden, etc.. - someting to that effect, and requested that the nursing home withhold food and water from her. After signing that, she died 5 days later from Kidney failure, as a result of her request. She was 83 at the time.

IMO, both grandmothers carried their beliefs to an extreme. But I do believe that each of them had the right to make their own decisions as adults regarding their health.

However, I can't help but wonder what is really the good of all this money spent on research on how to stay healthier for longer, when in the long run, the truth of the matter is that somday, in some way, we are all going to die - of something. So, sometimes I feel, IMHO that way too much time, money and worry is spent over trying to determine just what will be the cause and when that will be, rather than enjoying the life we are given, for the length of time we are given it.

Any input?


Mod Edit: Caps in title

[edit on 4-4-2006 by kinglizard]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 02:02 PM
I'm with the second grandma, I figure I'm going to die someday anyway, circumstances beyond my control, such as a car accident, or crime could take my life much sooner than health issues, so I live life, do what I want, eat what I want, drink what I want and not worry about all the little "advice" doctors and scientists seem to give. Plus most of that "advice" changes periodically as new tests, new studies etc are done.

It's not the length of life that is important imo, but what you do during it, and who and how you affect people in whatever time you're here for that is more important.

[edit on 4-3-2006 by worldwatcher]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 02:15 PM
I have to agree with most of what you said. The human goal, on the most part everyone wants to see who can live the longest and be the beautiful when they go.
I for one don't want to live forever, I am in no rush, but I don't want to die anytime soon.
I don't expect that anyone is gonna pickme up in a Limo to leave the planet, and if there are any aliens I wish they would get on with the program.
I just want to be me and have a nice quiet life and that seems to be difficult in its self.
If someone came to me and said,"I will give you a potion and you will live forever" well I for one would say, no thanks " I am having a hard enough time just getting through today... Good luck to all.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:59 PM

Does It Really Matter WHAT Kills You? Why?

I guess I care about what kills me and would prefer to have some control over it. I know no one gets out of here alive, but, I'd prefer to live a healthy life while I am here. Life is more enjoyable that way.

When it happens, it happens. I would like it to be "natural causes" however!

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 04:03 PM
I think that the only reason we die, is because, as humans, we embrace it. If we all thought that we would never die, then we would'nt. The brain affects us very deeply. Our brain is telling our body when to die.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 04:10 PM
Please note that the above post does not reflect the views of anyone who lives in reality. That is all.


posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 04:11 PM
In some ways I look forward to death. Not because I'm sad - I'm not. It's just that I feel that I've so far lived a very fulfilling life and I've experienced most of which I wanted to.

That said, I wouldn't mind getting cancer or something, but I sure as heck don't want to get a Darwin Award on my way out!

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 04:28 PM
When i die i would like to be doing something really cool when im like 89. lol...I mean it would be kinda dull if i just died cuz of old age.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
I think that the only reason we die, is because, as humans, we embrace it. If we all thought that we would never die, then we would'nt. The brain affects us very deeply. Our brain is telling our body when to die.

That is a different and interesting way to look at things. I believe that our subconscious mind holds an incredible amount of information, some that upon certain triggers can be brought to the conscious mind, some that probably can not.

So, in a way, you have a point - partially. I have never heard of anyone living past 110, and that is probably an exaggerated guess. Have you? No matter how powerful the mind is, the body is simply not ready to go on and on and on. Besides, brain cells do not regenerate, so although we have millions, billions I think, even those who refrain from drinking and doing all those which can kill them off faster, still has a limited amount and will eventually deplete them. Then, the mind will not be so powerful. It won't be there at all.

I'm no doctor or scientist, but I believe this to be true. I think that it has been pretty well documented.

Originally posted by blsl4doc
Please note that the above post does not reflect the views of anyone who lives in reality. That is all.

Well, we can't really determine the mental state of The_Time_Is_Now by that one optomistic post, however, I am inclined to agree with your general concept - that living forever is simply not possible. Not in this world, not in this day and age - if ever.......

I think that for the most part, people in general are in some way afraid of death, because it is the unknown. But, you will find that more often than not, if discussing the subject with people in their 80's and up, most are "ready" to die. They are in pain, they have arthritis, they are tired of living the same old life here, basically. That is probably part of the natural cycle.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:36 PM

But, you will find that more often than not, if discussing the subject with people in their 80's and up, most are "ready" to die. They are in pain, they have arthritis, they are tired of living the same old life here, basically. That is probably part of the natural cycle.

Agreed. Part of the natural cycle. I wouldn't want to live forever. Maybe 2 lifetimes would be decent. Live around 160 years or so on the average....

But, eventually, I would think anyone would grow weary of it.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:42 PM
(taken from something I wrote a couple of years back)

Many people would really like to know how they are going to die. They consult everything from CNN to The Psychic Friends Network. But in the end, fact is, you're dead. You can die however you want to or you can just let it happen. However, if you'd like to live dangerously, here's the likelihood of death, ranked by odds.

May I suggest that I find a few of these odds to be hilarious. For instance, only 1 in 71 people can get suicide attempts right. And the fact that they have a statistic for death by Space Debris means that it has happened at least once. And for those of you with Selachophobia, the fear of sharks, you may rest assured that yours odds of being killed by a shark are apparently the lowest odds possible. (Next to being killed by Space Debris, of course). And the fact that dying in a hailstorm is 80 times more likely than drowning to death is the most surprising to me.

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of these 100%. Statistics change daily. Additionally once the odds got past 1,000 I began rounding off the numbers. Death from plane crash statistics are pre-September 11, 2001, and also are heavily dependant on the airline and country you are flying in. Anyway, now the part you probably already skipped to...

Dying from Heart Disease----------------6 to 1
Death from a suicide attempt--------71 to 1
Being killed in a car wreck---------81 to 1
Being killed in a hailstorm---------106 to 1
Chance that you were murdered-------197 to 1
Death from falling------------------217 to 1
Being killed by Poisoning-----------344 to 1
Death from Perscription Drugs-------358 to 1
From Hanging or Strangulation-------615 to 1
Death from broken bone--------------1,000 to 1
Stabbed or Cut to death-------------1,700 to 1
Being shot to death-----------------4,000 to 1
Dying in a boating accident---------5,000 to 1
Drowning in water-------------------8,000 to 1
Death as result of Hallucenogins----10,000 to 1
Dying while in the bath tub---------10,000 to 1
Death from Alcohol------------------12,000 to 1
Squished between 2 objects----------30,000 to 1
Death by Bee Sting------------------70,000 to 1
Fatal Elevator Ride-----------------77,000 to 1
Being killed in a Plane Crash-------116,000-25mil to 1*
Killed by a Plastic Bag-------------130,000 to 1
Dying from Operations of War--------200,000 to 1
Being killed by a Dog---------------235,000 to 1
Due to Lack of Air------------------270,000 to 1
Dying from poisonous plants---------1,200,000 to 1
Being Killed by a Tornado-----------2,000,000 to 1
Killed by falling out of Bed--------2,000,000 to 1
Being killed by Lightning-----------2,000,000 to 1
Being killed by Freezing------------3,000,000 to 1
Being killed by a Shark-------------300,000,000 to 1
Living to 116 years old-------------2,000,000,000 to 1
Being killed by space debris--------5,000,000,000 to 1

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 10:41 PM

Thank you for that post. I found it to be quite interesting. Since I figure that you did not make up those statistics yourself, I guess I can be honest about some of my reactions.

Some are not surprising at all. For instance the one about the odds of being attacked by a shark:

I was born in Santa Barbara, where for 19 years I lived virtually on the beach. I don't remember learning to swim, but vaguely remember learning to walk. So, needless to say, I have spent quite a bit of time in the ocean. Not to mention the fact that after I moved from there, I lived in Ft. Lauderdale, FL for a couple of years - also spent much time at the beach and in the water. It has never ceased to amaze me how many people are afraid to get in the ocean because they don't want to be attacked by a shark. During all my years in and around the ocean(s), not once did I see a shark, much less be threatened by one. I also never knew anyone, or know anyone who knew anyone who had ever come close to one either. (Not counting perhaps behind glass at Marineland or Seaworld). So, that statistic I can easily relate to.

However, I am surprised by some of it. For instance, I smoke and I do so because I like to. I am always conscience however of those around me and respectful of their homes, breathing space, etc.. Yet, hardly a day goes by when I am not in some way "villified" for it. But, smoking is not even on your list. Interesting......

I'm a bit skeptical of the statistic on "Death from Operations of War". Just because in this current Iraq war alone, while I don't know the exact numbers, it seems as if the reported numbers of U.S. troops who have already been killed, compared to the number that have been sent over to fight would be higher than your reported statistic of 200,000 - 1. And that's not counting the much highter number of unreported deaths. I have no proof, but I suspect that far more US troops have been killed than have been reported, such as those with no families, etc... but add them to the unknown, but most likely much higher number of Iriqi civilians that have died, and other civilians and Iraqi soldiers, etc. since this war began in 2003. Of course, you say that these numbers are from a couple of years ago.....I bet that the war statistic has gone up since then.

BTW, I am not doubting you or your information (except that I suspect that the war statistics have increased in the last two years) I am just amazed by some, and I have no reason to believe that they are wrong. I just felt like commenting on a few.

For instance, the idea that 106 - 1 people are killed in a hailstorm. I am surprised at that. I had no idea that being out in a hailstorm was so dangerous. Obviously much more dangerous than the tornado itself. Although, I shouldn't be surprised. I have lived in "tornado alley" for about 3 years and have yet to see one. The sirens go off, and I've seen plenty of hail, but I guess it wasn't very dangerous hail.

I also find it amusing that only 1 in 71 people are successful at suicide, however, I suspect that many of those are just disturbed people "crying out for help", or wanting attention, more than seriously trying to succeed.

Great post!

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 10:52 PM
Having been dead 3 times already, if I got a terminal illness again, I would INSIST the doctors give me the most effective painkiller they have, no chemo or radiation, as suffering is not on my program, but dying peacefully is.
I would live my last few months in travel or any other THING I have ever wished to do while I am saying adios pain free.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 11:34 AM

Does It Really Matter What Kills You? Why?

YES, it matters what kills me! Why? Because some deaths are more gruesome and painful than others. Geez. That should be obvious.

One of the best lines ever: I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to be there when it happens. - Woody Allen

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 10:36 PM
My husband says we're all going to die anyway, and I say why feel miserable while waiting to die?

Then he says that the ironic thing would be if you're perfectly healthy and get hit by a bus and killed. I'm like, oh well, at least you weren't poisoning yourself!

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 11:03 PM
When we die, I think that we reincarnate, and we come back in a new body.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 11:18 PM
I think it matters what kills me. I'm going into a slightly risky bussiness, and it would really kill my friends and family to have me come home in a collection of ziploc bags.

"Everything in life is overrated except death. All that **** goes out the window- college, nice cars, p***y.I just don't want to end up looking like that guy who looks like a box of smashed tomatoes."

- quoted from Generation Kill by Evan Wright. Spoekn by Lance Corporal Jeff Carazales, USMC


posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Landis

Does It Really Matter What Kills You? Why?

YES, it matters what kills me! Why? Because some deaths are more gruesome and painful than others. Geez. That should be obvious.[...............]

You sorta have a point there. Of course, if I had my choice, I'd just as soon just die in my sleep, and never even notice. But, we can't control the future - at least only to a certain extent.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:53 AM

In a way I am inclined to somewhat agree with you. Not in the sense that I think that I am in any way psychic or anything like that, but more in the sense of the little things that can be observed in nature.

For example: The leaves fall off the trees in the autumn, then if left alone, bemome sort of like mulch in the winter. Then, in the spring, suppose someone nearby is planting a rosebush and a rose seed blows onto the mulch that was once a leaf from a tree. Well, I guess it would then grow iinto a rosebush, thereby having transformed the dead leaf into a living rosebush.

With people, well, I don't know if it's that simple. But I like your optimism.

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