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Oaxacan Salvia Leaf Foliage

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posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:19 AM
Just wandering if anyone has first hand knowledge on this plant.

Salvia divinorum is a species of sage that is used for its psychoactive effects. Salvia is endemic only to the Mazatec region of the Sierra Madre mountains in Oaxaca, Mexico, also known as the Sierra Mazateca. Given the right dose, it produces a unique state of "divine inebriation" which has been traditionally used by Mazatec healers and prophets. Salvia divinorum is a uniquely magical herb...

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:34 AM
are we allowed to post about experiences?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by fattyp
are we allowed to post about experiences?

Not personal experiences, or that of friends etc.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:45 AM
sure we are ,it is still LEGAL IN THE USA. Tell me what i want to know.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by airtrax007

Do you have a link to back this up, airtrax007?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:59 AM
Salvia IS legal in the US according to federal law.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:04 AM
Yes, salvia is legal in the U.S. What say You Sanctum? Can We post experiences?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:11 AM
The United States
Louisiana and Missouri are the only states in the USA that prohibit the use of Salvia divinorum. Salvia divinorum is entirely legal in all other states.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Demetre
Yes, salvia is legal in the U.S. What say You Sanctum? Can We post experiences?

Only if they are of medicinal benefits.

Not, "I can tell you how to take a trip using salvia" type posts.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:20 AM
I will admit my usage was not for medicinal reasons, but to see whether or not I could elevate into a higher state of consciousness. I will not get into details as I do not want to get banned or suffer point reduction.

edit: (to add more to the post)

[edit on 3-4-2006 by fattyp]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by fattyp
I will admit my usage was not for medicinal reasons, but to see whether or not I could elevate into a higher state of consciousness.

A perfect example of which way this thread will have to be discussed.

Good post, fattyp.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:55 AM
If it is legal ,then why not post your experiencees. It is the same as posting an experience from alcohol, and other perscription drugs-and or dreams. Why does it have to be medical reasons?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:02 AM
There are different levels of "clouded intoxication"

Level - 1 "S" stands for SUBTLE effects. A feeling that "something" is happening, although it is difficulty to say just what. Relaxation and increased sensual appreciation may be noted. This mild level is useful for meditation and may facilitate sexual pleasure.

Level - 2 "A" stands for ALTERED perception. Colors and textures are more pronounced. Appreciation of music may be enhanced. Space may appear of greater or lesser depth than is usual. But visions do not occur at this level. Thinking becomes less logical, and more playful; short-term memory difficulties may be noted.

Level - 3 "L" stands for LIGHT visionary state. Closed-eye visuals (clear imagery with eyes closed: fractal patterns, vine-like and geometric patterns, visions of objects and designs). The imagery is often two dimensional. If open-eyed visual effects occur, these are usually vague and fleeting. At this level, phenomena similar to the hypnagogic phenomena that some people experience at sleep onset occur. At this level, visions are experienced as "eye candy" but are not confused with reality.

Level - 4 "V" stands for VIVID visionary state. Complex three-dimensional realistic appearing scenes occur. Sometimes voices may be heard. With eyes open, contact with consensual reality will not be entirely lost, but when you close your eyes you may forget about consensus reality and enter completely into a dreamlike scene. Shamanistic journeying to other lands--foreign or imaginary; encounters with beings (entities, spirits) or travels to other ages may occur. You may even live the life of another person. At this level you have entered the shaman's world. Or if you prefer: you are in "dream time." With eyes closed, you experience fantasies (dream like happenings with a story line to them). So long as your eyes are closed you may believe they are really occurring. This differs from the "eye candy" closed-eye imagery, of level 3.

Level - 5 "I" stands for IMMATERIAL existence. At this level one may no longer be aware of having a body. Consciousness remains and some thought processes are still lucid, but one becomes completely involved in inner experience and looses all contact with consensual reality. Individuality may be lost; one experiences merging with God/dess, mind, universal consciousness, or bizarre fusions with other objects--real or imagined (e.g. experiences such as merging with a wall or piece of furniture). At this level it is impossible to function in consensual reality, but unfortunately some people do not remain still but move around in this befuddled state. For this reason a sitter is essential to ensure the safety of someone voyaging to these deep levels. To the person experiencing this the phenomenon may be terrifying or exceedingly pleasant; but to an outside observer the individual may appear confused or disoriented.

Level 6 - "A" stands for AMNESIC effects. At this stage, either consciousness is lost, or at least one is unable to later recall what one had experienced. The individual may fall, or remain immobile or thrash around; somnambulistic behavior may occur. Injuries can be sustained without pain being felt; on awakening, the individual will have no recollection of what he/she did, experienced, or said in level 6. People cannot recall what they experience in this very deep trance state. This is not a desirable level, because nothing can latter be recalled of the experience.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by airtrax007
Why does it have to be medical reasons?

Because you posted the topic in the Medical Issues & Conspiracies forum.

If this thread develops into a non medical discussion it will be removed.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 11:08 AM
The traditional Mazatec use of Salvia divinorum, as discussed in papers by Valdés et al., involves medicinal use as well as the better-known divinatory use. In Valdés et al. 1983, the authors describe the following medical uses:

It helps one defecate and urinate. It stops diarrhea (the plant apparently is believed to regulate eliminatory functions).
It is given to the sick, old or dying to revive them or alleviate their illness. People who are pale, white and almost ready to die (they have "anemia") may recuperate on taking la María.
It may be taken to relieve headaches and rheumatism (however, when taken in the high doses that induce visions, it often leaves one with a headache the following morning, according to the curandero).
There is a semi-magical disease known as panzon de barrego (sic), or a swollen belly, which is supposedly caused by a curse from a brujo, or evil sorcerer. The victim's midsection swells up due to a "stone" that has been put inside them. Taking the Salvia causes elimination of this "stone" and the belly shrinks down to size. The researchers met an old shaman who showed them his wrinkled middle and said he had cured himself of the "disease" by the use of "la María". Don Alejandro confirmed the "illness" and the "cure".
Salvia divinorum may be more likely to become used as an aid in underground psychotherapy, or perhaps the finding of its kappa-opioid receptor affinity will spur other areas of medical use, but at this time (September 2002), there is no accepted medical use by any major medical association.

There is one case report currently published in the mainstream medical literature, the abstract can be found in the erowid reference vaults at: The case involves a woman who used Salvia divinorum orally 2-3 times per week and found a complete remission of her depressive symptoms, despite being warned against using it by her doctor.

Ms. G volunteered that she has also benefited from occasional intoxicating oral doses of salvia divinorum, consisting of from 8–16 leaves of the herb (approximately 2 to 4 grams), claiming that this herb had engendered a kind of “psychospiritual” awakening, characterized by the discovery of the depth of her sense of self, greater self-confidence, increased feelings of intuitive wisdom and “connectedness to nature.

mod edit to use "ex" tags instead of "quote" tags
Quote Reference.
Posting work written by others. **ALL MEMBERS READ**

[edit on 3-4-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 11:31 AM
I can further relate (medically speaking), that smoking the normal leaves (not enhanced dosage leaves) can be helpful in quitting smoking cigarettes.
I think the effect results from a removal of "nic fits" for some time afterward...

not really trading one addiction for anther, as i would have trouble beleiveing that there is any additive factor to salvia div.

I do beleive that it should be pursued and studied for other healing effects.
There is very little known about it medically. I would not be surprised to learn of its anti depressive effects, or maybe anti pschotic effects...

I would strongly caution against using the enhanced dosage leaves (concentrated effect) as an overdose is very possible... (amnesiac)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by airtrax007

What if when we are sleeping we were not just charging our own batteries?...

I begin here today with the intent of describing my salvia experiences and hopefully to get some feedback about it.
ok first time i took salvia it blew my mind literally had me astounded for two days straight thinking how wild it goes...out on the limb again.

It was 30x i take the pipe away boom hits me instantly before i fully extend my arm to my friend to take the pipe...meanwhile hes filming away & i would advise this as its very interesting to look back on(no light) ok so it wasn’t the best conditions i had just woke up and my mate was at my door unexpectedly with this new legal drug that made him giggle like mad he said...i was eager to see what this pineal gland inducing drug had to hold for me. literally didn’t know half the things i should have know about the mechanics of my own brain as i do now. but i digress, as i black out from this "reality" as we know it, it was as if I flew down like a camera but I did not see my self from outer body perspective was as if I was looking through my eyes or eye
coming from the sky and towards a dim lit orange landscape, and within that landscape as far as the eye could see there were these things growing from the ground looked to be about 8 9 foot tall and the best I could describe them would be to say they looked like giant thumbs with faces growing from the ground with electrical signals blasting from one to the other and on and on.. it was a constant surge of electricity between these things. I flew into one of these minds and boom im back! Still stuttering trying to explain but it was too much for me to comprehend all at once while still being affected by the drug it was like coming out of a dream and trying to remember everything…sometimes it takes time. My conclusion after two days of analysing everything I could I understood that what I had seen was entities creating universes or dimensions I don’t know inside their head they were creating something and I genuinely believe it was us and this world we are in & by the looks of things with the signals pinging between them it looked like they were helping each other mould everything.
So that was the spark that got my mind working at an incredible level I had never experience & changed the way I seen “reality” as we know it. To say the least I was sceptical about what the drug was actually doing to my brain to make me see something so out of this world but within if u know what I mean. two more trips to come read other post.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by JAMiN

Almost 2 years later I hit 30x again & I honestly couldn’t comprehend the trip, its hard to explain but it was as if there was layers of this world and they started to crack at the seems and I got a glimpse of what was in-between & I will admit it was scary. I didn’t want to accept what I was seeing it was as if my body was trying to fight off what I was seeing…almost as if something inside of me was trying to get me to wake. Meanwhile the physical me was trying to stand up and walk about pointless and aimlessly, I seen layers upon layers of what looked to be like strips of fecknows what that was a part of something else and on those strips were mouths mine on one my sitters on another mine was not in place and all the others were horizontal to each other and it was as if I was trying to get in line and I could hear my someone telling me that’s it good, but supposedly my sitter wasn’t saying this, I also heard laughter in the background and this could have been him he hadn’t ever seen anyone trip before and perhaps he laughed sadly I did not record this and could not interpret this from the other side but the point is it felt as if these layers were stuck upon each other like stickers that fit together & that was literally our reality a formation of conciseness, and I seen the whole room start to come back together and the layers cracks disappeared in front of me…it was so real I tried to grap the edge of a layer as it sunk back into the wall but it was only wall there haha

Couple days later I hit that shiznick again it was craaaaaaaazy I was faaar more conscious this time yet vividly tripping which was weird because all my past experiences I had dropped out this reality totally, although I was still here it was as if I wasn’t in all the other trips. Point is I started to get agitated I looked at the ground and seen what looked to be two faces one in my jacket on the floor and another on a pile of DVDs and books they were not clear it was just as if these inanimate objects were now alive and I felt pain for them as this was happening I was fumbling about in the corner of my mates room looking for something while repeating my mates name and holding my other arm out with my hand out like “stop” meanwhile my other arms searching about this pile of crap I didn’t know what or understand I was looking for something until I had found it…the book was face down and I did not see it before I picked it up( it was the only thing I picked up) It was an old Goosebumps book and as my mate asked me what happened because he thought I was coming out the trip, as he asked I picked up this book and turned it over and faced it to him as I looked at it my mind was blown by the coincidence of what was on the cover! it was a picture of a persons head that looked to be having a crazy dream or mental thought while a hand around either side of it & it was a clear sign to me that something was trying to show me there was a fight on for our minds or something I don’t know it sounds crazy but it was no accident I found that book with that picture…when my mate asked me that thing, these faces I seen literally lead me to this book, the book is meaningless as far as im concerned but the picture was exactly how I felt.

My conclusion to this point is that what I seen was the world is made up of layers of some sort layers that are conscious yet limited in movement & product of experience is their choice & they are the walls the air the light everything & it seemed to me that they are fighting for something & need support I genuinely think that reason is to keep this whole world glued together. I think that there are people out there that have mastered this realm of consciousness and have been trying or have infiltrated this dimension already It sounds crazy but these are just interpretations I would love to hear yours cheers may the fourthce of may be with u haha

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