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Follow the Money - Funding of the Radical 'Hispanic' Lobby Group

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:43 PM
There are four identifiable organisation promoting the radical "hispanic" lobby: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and the National Council of La Raza (La Raza).

Together LULAC, MALDEF MEChA and La Raza are politically active throughout the United States and are largely concentrating their efforts in the Southwest States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah.

I placed the term "Hispanic" in quotations because it is devoid of any meaning other than to categorise the Spanish-speaking people of the Western Hemisphere into one group regardless of their country of origin.

It does not denote a racial, ethnic, linguistic, or cultural group. It is an artificial term created to maximise political power for extremist elements within the Spanish-speaking minority.

The "Hispanic" category serves two political functions. Domestically, it is to create a "Hispanic nation" within the United States, inflate the numerical size of that "nation", assert that that "nation" has historically been a victim of white oppression, and insure such "nationals" become beneficiaries of all affirmative action programs. Internationally, it is to legitimize and maintain "Hispanic" power and privilege in the 18 countries of the Western Hemisphere dominated by Spanish-speakers.

From this artifical term they get their shared "identity".

After "identity," the next shared core belief of LULAC, MALDEF, MEChA, and La Raza is "history." What is presented as history, however, is a series of halftruths and total falsehoods to advance the "Hispanic" claim that "we were here first."

A claim officially promoted by the U.S. government...

In the introduction to "We the American Hispanics"- part of the Census Bureau’s "We the American" series which provides a separate demographic profile for Blacks, "Hispanics," Asians, Pacific Islanders, American
Indians, even the Foreign Born but not for European-Americans - the Census Bureau proclaims: "Our ancestors were among the early explorers and settlers of the New World. In 1609, 11 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, our Mestizo (Indian and Spanish) ancestors settled in what is now Santa Fe, New Mexico."

This statement is remarkable not only for the breadth of its falsehood but also for its injection of a subtle anti-Southern prejudice into its overall anti-European-American message. The first permanent English settlement in the New World was not Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620, but Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. The settlement of Jamestown predates that of Santa Fe by more than two years.

The history of the region is of course open to interpretation (as is all history for that matter) and is a result of centuries of wars and conquests involving the Spanish and English conquerors and indigenous populations of the Western Hemisphere. The divisions and interrelationship of these groups is complex and its history bloody.

The version of history the radical "Hispanic" lobbyists promote has changed over time.

LULAC: The League of United Latin American Citizens

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the nation’s oldest and largest "Hispanic" organization, was established on February 17, 1929 in Corpus Christi, Texas by the merger of three rival, and often feuding, Mexican-Texan organizations - The Order Sons of America, The Knights of America, and League of Latin American Citizens.

From 1929 through the 1950s, LULAC was a middle-class, patriotic organization of U.S. citizens of Mexican descent whose activities centered primarily on education. Its agenda was traditional "Americanism" - Mexican-Americans must assimilate to the "Anglo" culture of the United States and acquire proficiency in the English language. It stressed "Mexican-Americans" were "Americans," not "Mexicans." An integral part of its activities was the promotion of U.S. citizenship and loyalty to the United States. LULAC rejected the idea the U.S. Southwest should be returned to Mexico and opposed establishment of Spanish-language enclaves in the United States.

In 1954, LULAC supported immigration control and mass deportation of illegal aliens. Today, LULAC opposes both measures.

The post- Hernandez v. Texas metamorphosis of LULAC from a patriotic, middle class organization of U.S. citizens of Mexican descent into today's "Hispanic" supremacist organization was due in large part to
LULAC’s need to compete with the more radical Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and National Council of La Raza (La Raza) for influence and money.

MALDEF: The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund was founded circa 1970 with $2 million in seed money from it's founders and supporters.

Perhaps the most important book to examine the origin, activities, and source of funds of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) is Importing Revolution: Open Borders And The Radical Agenda by William R. Hawkins.

Initially, MALDEF addressed a variety of issues ranging from education to school desegregation, voting rights to job discrimination, composition of draft boards to legal advice for anti-Vietnam war protesters.

[Their financial founders and supporters] found this tactic unsatisfactory. The cases MALDEF was litigating were not radical enough. The [financial founders and supporters] wanted precedent-setting cases to go before the U.S. Supreme Court whose rulings would effect the entire country. MALDEF was duly restructured to achieve those goals. ... soon took control of virtually all important matters from where the headquarters should be located, to the appointment of its executive director, and the type of legal cases it should pursue.
What is MALDEF's goal? According to Mario Obledo, former head of MALDEF, "California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who does not like it should leave." In 1998, Obledo was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom...

LA RAZA: The National Council of La Raza (originally called the Southwest Council of La Raza) was established in 1968 with support from the same founders and financial backers as MALDEF.

... its funding of La Raza "provides Mexican American communities and organizations with technical assistance and … has also become an effective voice for Mexican Americans and other Hispanics." La Raza operates a Policy Analysis Center, which it claims is "the pre-eminent Hispanic 'think tank'" and uses its "findings" to lobby for, among other policies, affirmative action, bilingual education, mass immigration, and more "hate crimes" laws.

On its website,, La Raza claims to be "the largest constituency-based national Hispanic organization, serving all Hispanic nationality groups in all regions of the country…[with] over 200 formal affiliates who together serve 37 States, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia…and a broader network of more than 20,000 groups and individuals nationwide - reaching more than two million Hispanics annually."

MEChA: Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan

Founded in 1969, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) is the youngest of the four "Hispanic" organizations. It is also the most unabashedly racist and its pronouncements the most incendiary. Reconquista: The Takeover of America, prepared and published by the California Coalition for Immigration Reform in 1997, documents the truth about MEChA by quoting what the founders and supporters of this organization have said. The first chapter of MEChA, called "El Plan de AZTLAN," was established at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1969. Other chapters eventually were formed at other colleges and even at high schools. "According to Miguel Carillo, a Chula Vista High School teacher, there are MEChA chapters at over 90 percent of the high schools in San Diego and Los Angeles." Money facilitated this rapid growth.

What is MEChA's goal? According to the author:

The goal of MEChA, however, is an independent "Aztlan," the collective name this organization gives to the seven States of the U.S. Southwest - Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah. According Miguel Perez of MEChA, at Cal State Northridge: "When asked his preference of government, he replied, 'Communism would be closest. Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled…opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep the power.'" As one of MEChA's mission statements declares: "This is revolution at its basic level, moving the people ["Hispanics"] to confrontational politics…"
and MEChA advisor, Rodolfo Acuña — who previously stated "the (demise) of the Soviet Union was a tragedy for us" and "Chicanos have to get a lot more militant about defending our rights" - proclaimed "anyone who’s supporting 209 is a racist and anybody who supports 187 is a racist… you are living in Nazi U.S. We can’t let them take us to those intellectual ovens." Not surprisingly four months after those and other incendiary statements were uttered, a MEChA representative during a rally in front of Los Angeles City Hall publicly declared; "When the people in this building don’t listen to the demands of our community, it's time to burn it down!"

This was not an empty threat. In 1993, in order to advance their demand for full department status for Chicano Studies at UCLA, MEChA spearheaded a riot that destroyed half a million dollars worth of campus property.

MEChA spreads its message of hate through campus newspapers such as El Popo, Aztlan News, Chispas, Gente de Aztlan (UCLA), Voz Fronteriza (UC at San Diego), La Voz Mestiza (UC at Irvine), and La Voz Berkeley. MEChA's hatred extends to any "Hispanic"-American who is loyal to the United States.

So we have four well-funded and well-organised political activist groups who according to the author promote an independent "nation" of Aztlan, organise groups for demonstrations and promote and support legislative/legal actions. So who is behind these groups? Who funds them?

The answer is somewhat surprising...

... the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and the National Council of La Raza (La Raza) have separate corporate identities and histories. What is unique about both MALDEF and La Raza is that they are the creations of the Ford Foundation, which remains one of their principal sources of funding.
Funding for LULAC's activities are derived from corporations such as AT&T, and, unlike the other "Hispanic" groups, membership dues.
After MALDEF was established by "seed money," the Ford Foundation then awarded the organization a five-year grant in excess of $2 million. MALDEF was a creation of the Ford Foundation in more ways than just funding. The Ford Foundation soon took control of virtually all important matters.

MALDEF obtains the funding to support its activities primarily from corporations in particular AT&T and IBM, and philanthropic foundations. For the period 1991-1995, the total amount of "gifts, grants and contributions" to MALDEF was over $17 million. Between 1996 and 1998, MALDEF received over nine million dollars from just three foundations: the vast majority, over six million dollars from the Ford Foundation, $1,200,000 from Carnegie Corporation, and another $1,525,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation.
The National Council of La Raza was established in 1968 with support from the Ford Foundation and was originally called the Southwest Council of La Raza.
Where does La Raza get the funding to support its many activities? According to its website, "the organization receives two-thirds of its funding from corporations and foundations, and the rest from the government." For the period 1992-1996, the total amount of "gifts, grants and contributions" to La Raza was more than $38 million, not including revenues from "government fees and contracts." Over three years, 1996-1998, La Raza received over five million dollars from just three foundations: the majority, nearly four million dollars, from the Ford Foundation, $850,000 from the Carnegie Corporation, and another $850,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Unlike MALDEF, and La Raza, MEChA apparently does not receive funding from the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation or the Rockefeller Foundation.
Money facilitated this rapid growth. Where did the money come from? As unbelievable as it sounds, according to Jacqueline Carrasco of UCLA, "Most chapters get their budget from the (tax-funded) schools and sometimes from the associated students. Funds range from $100 to $8000 for larger schools such as Cal State Northrop."

So the funding runs into the millions of dollars and is provided by what most people would label "the establishment" and part of the "New World Order".

This post is based on a 16-page research article by a single author (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - full PDF Version) and is the source of all the quotes. Before accepting this at face value I'd like to see some corroborating evidence for the author's position and the facts he presents.

I'd like to enlist the help of our excellent and knowledgeable membership to either confirm or debunk these facts.

The recent emotional turmoil around the "immigration issue" is timed in my mind with the 2006 mid-term elections. The division of US voters into two opposing camps is a classic strategy by the real governing "powers that be". In the 2004 presidential election, the homosexual "issue" was the political wedge, now for 2006 it's immigration. I suspect that in 2008 it will be the abortion issue with the legal challenges brought by several states and now working their way through the courts. I'm betting they will be making headlines in the run-up to the presidential election. Divide and conquer. But I digress. Let's keep the discussion civil and see what we can find out.

I never heard of these groups and I don’t know anything about the local politics of this region. The fact that these groups are funded by the likes of the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Foundation, corporate America (IBM, AT&T etc.), the United States government and by extension American tax dollars sets my conspiracy senses tingling and brings to my mind this quote:

Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful. This would especially be true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a world Government. ~ Henry Kissinger - 1991

Classic "Problem-Reaction-Solution" scenario for the New World Order?

It seems to be working...

[edit on 1-4-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

[edit on 4/1/2006 by Gools]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:59 PM
Nice work Gools,
My favorite part of this ugly scene is that U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is a longtime La Raza member. Yeah!, the guy who was appointed to protect the American people and swore allegience to the Constitution when he was brought in is a member of a subversive Hispanic group looking to economical and culturally control upwards of 9 southwestern states.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 03:03 PM
Nice work, looks like you did some serios reaserching. Never even heard of those groups before.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:03 PM

Having lived in Mexico for four years, and I say Mexico even though it is TECHNICALLY AZ because the running joke in Nogales amoung Government officals and thier famlies is the Nogales is simply American Occupied Mexico.

I have had PERSONAL experience with one of the groups forementioned....MeCHa.


They are an anti american group with a pro american face on it. At nogales highschool thier was great pressure by the schools admin for all students to be a part of MeCHa....they even had a HUGE bloody Miral( not litterally bloody just using it as an adjective.) on our cafteria wall where the American flag and the Mexican Flag were sown together.

Not really sure why i posted this....i am just highly agitated by the protesting thats going on now and all the bloody MEXICAN flags being waved on AMERICAN soil. With millions of illegals and thier sympathizers marching blatanly in violation of State Local and Federal Statutes. While I wouldnt want them to be arrested for protesting...even speech i hate i beleive needs to be protected....i think we...the AMERICAN people need to do something to stop this raping of our country.

Sorry for the off topic

El senor Pom Pom rides again

BTW im an Anglican who speaks spanish not because i wanted to learn it...but because in NOGALES you cant get a job anywhere UNLESS you speak SPANISH. I was turned away from numerous jobs in the begining becuase I didnt speak spanish and this was not limited to myself...but also extended into my social circle.

El senor Pom Pom rides again

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:47 PM

Lobby Powered Peasant Revolt
What it all boils down to and the reason why it is not contained is corporate America wants slave labor and illegal immigrants fill that role. They serve you at restaurants, they clean your hotel room, they take care of your kids, they build your homes, they pave your roads, they do your landscaping, they pick your produce, etc.

Why? Demand = Supply, McGringo (that's you and me) and US corporations want cheap labor, bigger profits and more substance. Until "we the people" get off the "cheaper, bigger and fatter train", then we best learn to deal with a growing slave labor class that fills the needs of the upper classes.

We get what we pay for, and now the intangibles of the cheaper, bigger and fatter motto want their share of the American pie too.

Could start by saving and building capital power instead of wasting it.
Savings Rate Lowest Since Great Depression

NWO = Buy, Consume, Obey...change the parameters.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:15 PM
I will not be surprised is more than one of the groups are been financed by the same people that wants to keep the illegal immigrant in the US and work for cheap labor.

Even when the groups advocate for equality and fairness we all know that that the only reason interest groups lobbying in Washington wants is to keep them coming and keep them illegal as possible.

Don't be fool by the Workers visa or Guess pass they have been around since the 80's and they have not help stop illegals from coming in the country and tried to abide by the law.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:03 PM

I need more time to look into your questions, but I quickly found this account that disputes the MEChA/"El Plan de Aztlan" connection and other "myths":


Myth #2: MEChA is a racist organization because its constitution is ?El Plan de Aztlan? and its sole aims are to implement the goals printed in El Plan de Aztlan.

Facts: MEChA has a formal constitution; ?El Plan de Aztlan? is a document that was written before MEChA was established. MEChA?s founding document is El Plan de Santa Barbara, not El Plan de Aztlan.

El Plan de Aztlan is an historical document of the Chicano movement. As such MEChA would not renounce the collective history of our peoples Civil Rights struggle by denouncing what is inarguably the true history of the southwest. The facts are that the southwest was invaded upon by Anglos under the white supremacist banner of ?Manifest Destiny? in 1836 and 1846. The invasion was so brutal that Irish-American soldiers deserted in droves and formed the St. Patrick?s brigade and fought against U.S. forces in defense of the Mexican peasantry (anyone ever wonder why there are so many redheads in Northern Mexico?). People?s ideologies may change, but we would not denounce El Plan de Aztlan, just like many in the African-American community would not denounce the legacy of the Black Panthers or Malcolm X in the current African-American struggles for Human and Civil rights in the U.S. today.

Myth #3: MEChA?s goals are to give the southwest back to Mexico.

Facts: MEChA is just as critical of Mexico?s politicies as they are of the United States. Mechistas are quite aware that it takes two to tango, and that it is as a result of Mexican and U.S. economic policies that many Mechistas of Mexican descent are in the U.S. MEChA is a supporter of the EZLN, thus we are quite aware that racism and class warfare are as rampant in Mexico as they are in the US.

MEChA believes that ?the term Chicano is grounded in a philosophy, not a nationality. Chicanismo does not exclude anyone, rather it includes those who acknowledge and work toward the betterment of La Raza.?

Thus, MEChA is not a Mexican or Mexican-American organization. In 1999, MEChA changed its philosophy and declared itself to be part of the intercontinental Indigenous Struggle of the Americas. Thus, we are internationalist in scope, and stand in solidarity and support the aboriginal rights of all the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Myth #4: MEChA wants to create a separate nation-state only for Chicanos.
Facts: MEChA refers to the liberation of Aztlan as the liberation of our people from oppressions and ignorance -- a spiritual liberation.



I have no clue where this really comes from, but will look more into it later.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I will not be surprised is more than one of the groups are been financed by the same people that wants to keep the illegal immigrant in the US and work for cheap labor.

Yeah does make me wonder if the elite are behind a cultural proxy war within our own borders. Playing on the passions of the downtrodden to build their power is an old game of the aristocratic bourgeoisie.

Just Lovin' It?!
Cheap products, bargain-basement politicians
and a big clown in charge of it all.

Who elected this bozo?

MEChA events motivate Latinos toward higher ed
You suppose the elite want to generate fear to keep them opressed and stupid? My state's Federal level education funding cuts say just that, and then we get high dropout rates, more crime and a larger low wage labor pool. MECha is not so dumb, and see knowledge is power.

Arizona dropout rate worst in US

Change the parameters.....

[edit on 1-4-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 08:10 PM
Nice picture.

"El payaso loco de la casa blanca" would be my title.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 08:19 PM

The fact that these groups are funded by the likes of the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Foundation, corporate America (IBM, AT&T etc.), the United States government and by extension American tax dollars sets my conspiracy senses tingling and brings to my mind this quote:

Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful. This would especially be true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a world Government.

~ Henry Kissinger - 1991

Classic "Problem-Reaction-Solution" scenario for the New World Order?

It seems to be working...

Oh that Kissinger.

He is such a clever guy.

Great work Gools. I need time to read further and digest all this before I comment - but oh yeah, looks like a conspiracy all right.

Off the top, it seems to me that Rupert nailed it: There is a world government; the question is, "Who will control it?"


posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
Off the top, it seems to me that Rupert nailed it: There is a world government; the question is, "Who will control it?"

Most likely the emerging global regime will be ruled by nationless mega-conglomerates who reside above the law. Already that way for the most part, as billions are being defrauded from the middle and lower classes almost daily now.

Poof there goes another pension:
GM cuts pension benefits for salaried workers
Lucent retirees seek pension shield

My Father's era has ended. It's no longer a world where hard work, dedication and company loyalty will provide for a comfortable retirement.

Who is the Cheap Labor Lobby?
Despite the endless blathering and squirming to the contrary on the part of Wired Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, the Cato Institute and other institutions that normally proclaim the truth of free-market economics, the Law of Supply and Demand applies to labor as much as to any other thing that is bought and sold. That is to say, if one increases the supply of labor relative to demand, its price will fall.

That price is your salary, friend. And mass immigration is inexorably driving it down.

Some of cheap labor’s biggest lobbyists:

1. The high-tech industry. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, the pre-eminent figure in the high tech industry, is a passionate and vociferous supporter of cheap labor, primarily because overseas-trained engineers from India, China and Pakistan are cheaper than American tech workers.

2. The meat packing industry, especially pig and chicken slaughtering. This industry, of course, has a long and storied past of using cheap immigrant labor. Read Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle from 100 years ago.

3. Clothing manufacturers. Despite the efforts of the Ladies Garment Workers Union to eliminate sweat shops some 60 years ago, they are still alive and thriving in the states, employing mostly Asian women who work in terrible conditions.

4. Unions. These supposed advocates of the American worker and longtime opponents of importing immigrant labor are now part of the cheap labor lobby because they primarily serve the interests of union bosses, not workers. Bosses want more poor workers so they can have more members. They don’t want to see their members graduate to the middle class, where people generally don’t feel the need to belong to a union.

5. The hotel and restaurant industry. Another big business interest whose employees are primarily cheap labor from Latin America.

6. The ultra-wealthy – both liberals and nominal conservatives. They believe that only foreign workers are willing to work as their nannies, landscapers, and housekeepers.

7. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, led by Grover Norquist, formerly a vocal spokesman for many conservative issues. This group has led the charge in convincing Congress to expand the awful H-1B visa program. They argue that more H-1B visas granted to foreign workers will alleviate a mythical shortage of skilled technology workers. The H-1B visa program allots 115,000 foreign worker visas annually, but the Chamber of Commerce said that isn’t nearly enough.

8. The governors of certain rural, Midwestern states (such as Iowa) whose populations are shrinking, prompting a cry for an influx of new residents. Of course, these governors do not consider attracting native Americans by offering a growing economy a better solution.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Cheap labor lobbies=pro-illegal immigration+pro-slavery+pro-oppression

[edit on 1-4-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by loam

I need more time to look into your questions, but I quickly found this account that disputes the MEChA/"El Plan de Aztlan" connection and other "myths":


I have no clue where this really comes from, but will look more into it later.

Well, your quoted material is hardly unbiased, either.
It's a page from this

This is a page hosted by to list approved pages of MEChA articles. Hardly an impartial source. But, informative.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:32 PM
OK, I've had some time to go over that site, and all I can say is

Talk about the sleeper issue of the century!

Look at this article from a former chairman of La Raza Unida Party:

...Without Mexicans, the wealthy actually would have to grow their own food, care for their own children, mow their own yards, cook their own meals or eat out three times as much, relearn how to do their own repairs and building construction, wash their own cars, pay for more security and iron their own clothes.

The middle class would become the new poor, working class.

Every time a Hispanic person dies, five whites also die. The white population is elderly and in serious decline.

The days when Anglos unilaterally could make public decisions for all of us are over. They now must pick and find partners among Mexicans, other Latinos and African Americans to obtain political power.

Blacks are growing slightly in numbers but not as a percentage of the population. Historically, Jews and blacks have been the favored minorities.

Asians are growing significantly, but their numbers are still small at this time. They will continue to be ignored by present-day leaders, as Mexicans have been historically.

In almost all major U.S. cities Latinos are approximately one-third of the total population, a new power bloc and potential partner to either blacks or whites.

In decades past we have been mostly spectators and occasional bench warmers; we now are the replacements.

We are the future home buyers. We are the ones starting new businesses.

And we must prepare to make the transition from being the governed to being the governors. We are the foundation for the future.

Knowing that white America has not and does not recognize our welfare or destiny as intertwined, we must forge ahead with our own strategic plan, vision and timetable. We will not become an underclass to whites or blacks or Asians. We will seek and find our own public partners to meet destiny.


He also happens to be a professor at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Look at this quote attributed to him:

"We have an aging white America. . . . They are dying. . . . They are ******** in their pants with fear! I love it!"

"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."


Lou Dobbs, appears on this issue:

DOBBS: There are some Mexican citizens and some Mexican- Americans who want to see California, New Mexico and other parts of the Southwestern United States given over to Mexico. These groups call it the reconquista, Spanish for reconquest. And they view the millions of Mexican illegal aliens in particular entering the United States as potentially an army of invaders to achieve that takeover.

Christine Romans reports.


CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): In San Diego today, another sea of Mexican flags echoing the nationalist theme in protests earlier this week.


ROMANS: Chants celebrating La Raza, the race, and signs proclaiming the true history of the Southwest. A Southwest they say still belongs to Mexico.

Long downplayed as a theory of the radical ethnic fringe, the la reconquista, the reconquest, the reclamation, the return, it's resonating with some on the streets. It's the idea that the Southwest United States is stolen land called Aztlan.

LARRY BIRNS, COUNCIL ON HEMISPHERIC AFFAIRS: These places that these Mexican immigrants want to go, Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas, were all parts of Mexican territory in the 19th century and were swiped from Mexico.

ROMANS: A surprisingly common theme among open borders advocates, even some Spanish language media. This billboard last year declaring Los Angeles a part of Mexico, not California.

California Congressman Dana Rohrbacher calls the attitude arrogant and dangerous.

REP. DANA ROHRBACHER (R), CALIFORNIA: And now we see that hundreds of thousands of these people, if not several million, are willing to wave the Mexican flag and not seek assimilation in the United States, but are instead declaring their allegiance to Mexico while here illegally. This can cause huge problems. If only a fringe element of them want to commit acts of violence in the future to -- in order to push their claim of legitimacy in terms of their right to this area that we now occupy in the United States, it can cause great damage and loss of life in our country. ROMANS: Perhaps why this California police officer this week encouraged these protesters to fly the American flag.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What you should be flying are American flags, and I'll tell you what else.



ROMANS: Aztlan has long been the provident of the radical fringe. A lot of open borders groups disavow it completely. But the growing street protests in favor of illegal immigration, Lou, are increasingly taking on the tone of that very radicalism -- Lou.

DOBBS: Christine, thank you very much.

Christine Romans.


OK, so I think I get this La Raza thing better...

QUESTION #1: Radical hate group? CHECK. (If you got a former chairman of La Raza advocating the killing of "whitie", need you look any further?

[edit on 1-4-2006 by loam]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by loam
QUESTION #1: Radical hate group? CHECK. (If you got a former chairman of La Raza advocating the killing of "whitie", need you look any further?

Well, in answer to my question, the answer is YES. I needed to look further, and I did.

Now, I'm not so sure what I'm seeing...

Here's what I have on La Raza, so far...

It's priciple funding arm is through the National Council of La Raza.

Here is what they say about themselves:

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) – the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States – works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. Through its network of nearly 300 affiliated community-based organizations (CBOs), NCLR reaches millions of Hispanics each year in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. To achieve its mission, NCLR conducts applied research, policy analysis, and advocacy, providing a Latino perspective in five key areas – assets/investments, civil rights/immigration, education, employment and economic status, and health. In addition, it provides capacity-building assistance to its affiliates who work at the state and local level to advance opportunities for individuals and families. Founded in 1968, NCLR is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization. Headquartered in Washington, DC, NCLR serves all Hispanic subgroups in all regions of the country. NCLR has operations in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Antonio, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

About NCLR.

It's current president is Janet Murguia:

...She began her career in Washington, DC as legislative counsel to former Kansas Congressman Jim Slattery, serving for seven years. She then worked at the White House in various capacities from 1994 to 2000, ultimately as deputy assistant to President Clinton, providing strategic and legislative advice to the president on key issues. She also served as deputy director of legislative affairs, managing the legislative staff and acting as a senior White House liaison to Congress. Prior to joining NCLR, she was the Executive Vice Chancellor for University Relations at the University of Kansas, overseeing the university's internal and external relations with the public, including governmental and public affairs, and coordinating the university's strategic planning and marketing efforts....


OK. Seems clean enough... But here's an article about Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, where Janet Murguia comments on his nomination:

The National Council of La Raza, which bills itself as the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., welcomed the nomination of Gonzales to succeed John Ashcroft.


"Alberto Gonzales served with distinction on the board of directors of one of NCLR’s oldest and most respected affiliates, the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans in Houston, Texas," she said. "Moreover, during his tenure as White House counsel, he has been one of the most accessible members of the White House staff to NCLR and other Hispanic organizations."

Murguia concluded, "We acknowledge that this is the first step of a long confirmation process that requires that his record be fully examined. That being said, Gonzales is a thoughtful, reasonable public servant, a man of his word, and we have every expectation that his nomination will be very well received in the Latino community."

La Raza supports legislation such as the Civil Liberties Restoration Act, which would roll back policies adopted after Sept. 11 designed to protect national security. It supports the "DREAM Act," which would mandate states to offer in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens – thus providing them with benefits not available to U.S. citizens from other states.

The group opposes the "Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act of 2003" and the "Homeland Security Enhancement Act" would give state and local police officers the authority to enforce federal immigration laws.

"While the safety and security of our communities and our country are of the utmost importance, new policies that would allow local police departments to enforce federal civil immigration law will hinder terrorist and other criminal investigations, and have a serious negative impact on Latino communities," La Raza explains.

The group also supports legislation to ensure illegal immigrants' ability to obtain driver's licenses.

AG nominee member of La Raza: Gonzales in group that backs lax immigration laws

Some of those are just plain ridiculous.
And Gonzales is one of their own???

Here's a explosive exchange with Lou Dobb's and Janet Murguia:

DOBBS: .... Excuse me. Do you think that most Hispanics in this country buy this nonsense, that illegal immigration is great?

You don't think that there's a division in what Hispanics and Latinos in this country think about illegal immigration?

MURGUIA: No, I think that there are a lot of people who bring different points of view. But I think they all recognize that there's a common objective.

DOBBS: But why would you incorporate what Hispanics do?

MURGUIA: There's a common agenda here in the sense that we want to provide an opportunity to fix the broken system. It needs a comprehensive solution...


Well worth the read...

The NCLR is well funded. Take a look at some of their corporate partners:

The Allstate Corporation
Bank of America
The Coca-Cola Company
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Ford Motor Company
General Motors Corporation
MBNA Corporation
PepsiCo Foundation
The PMI Group, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Companies
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Here are some interesting stats, NCLR publishes:

The following statistics illustrate the value of investing in this thriving market:

- As of July 2004, the Hispanic population in the U.S. was 41.3 million, or 14% of the total population; it is projected that Latinos will account for more than one in four Americans by 2050.

- 50% of the Hispanic population is under age 25.

- 85% of Hispanics under 18 were born in the United States.

- Latino’s buying power is more than $736 billion.

- By 2010, it is expected that Hispanics will have more than $1 trillion in disposable income.

- The U.S. Latino population remits billions of dollars to Latin America: $45.8 billion in 2004.


Here's money they received for a single campaign, the Empowering an American Community Campaign.

To date, pledges to the endowment from premier corporations, leading philanthropists, and NCLR’s Board of Directors total $25 million.

Here's an article (decidedly against this group) that discusses some government funding:

GOP Congress Earmarks $4 Million for Leftist Pro-Illegal Alien Group

Thanks to a congressional earmark, an open-borders advocacy group that pushes for driver’s licenses, free in-state tuition and healthcare for illegal aliens and bilingual requirements for state agencies and ballots is slated to get $4 million in new taxpayer money to add to the more than $30 million it has received from various federal agencies since 1996.

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Spanish for “the race,” will get its latest grant through an appropriations bill passed by Congress on November 18. The Joint Explanatory Statement of HR 3058, available on the House’s Rules Committee website lists 1,100 plus earmarks in the bill, including La Raza’s grant under the Housing and Urban Development Department’s Self-Help and Assisted Ownership Programs. Under this account La Raza will receive four times as much as the Special Olympics, which won a $1-million earmark.


Here's another interesting item. The Executive Committee Chair of the Board of Directors is Mónica Lozano, La Opinión, Los Angeles, California

Here's a bio I found on her:

Lozano studied political science at the University of Oregon and holds an honorary degree from Occidental College. Lozano is the president and chief operating officer of La Opinión, the largest Spanish-language daily newspaper in the U.S., which was founded by her family. She has increased circulation and advertising revenue, and as vice president of Lozano Communications, Inc., the paper's parent company, Lozano has expanded into radio and television. She serves on the board of directors of the Walt Disney Co., the California Health Care Foundation, the National Council of La Raza, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and Union Bank of California. In addition, she is a trustee of the SunAmerica Asset Management Corporation, the University of Southern California, and in 2000, she was appointed to the Board of Regents of the University of California. A member of the California State Board of Education from 1999 to 2001, she served as president in 2001. Lozano is also a former director of the Fannie Mae Foundation.


Not exactly a lightweight, eh?

I ran across this article that was critical of her management for not being true enough to the "cause" :

In the early history of La Opinion, the newspaper was a fearless defender of the civil and human rights of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, but today under the management of the grandchildren, who many in our community say are overly "Americanized or "pochos", the newspaper has taken a distinct diversion from the original "vision" of its founder Ignacio E. Lozano Sr.. Today, the "uppity" Jose and Monica Lozano have squandered the journalistic legacy that was left by their grandfather and allow their editors to in fact work against the interests of our mostly working class community.


Speaking of the good old days, I ran across this picture:

Folks, we are talking about Arafat in 1980... not exactly the guy he became in later years... Think about that in context...

Luv that pic of the Ayatollah!

Bottom line? Dunno. There's a lot of money here... and the radical connections seem odd associations with the people at the top...



[edit on 2-4-2006 by loam]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:20 AM
The Hispanic population in the USA has been identified and profiled as a powerful consumer market and voting bloc.

They are being wooed, and harnessed. Like other groups, they are being manipulated to hate-monger - a critical component of the divide-and-conquer gambit.

At the same time, the Hispanics are not stupid. They are flexing their muscles, marketing their power, and negotiating their own terms. Few peasant groups have ever been in the position to negotiate before, maybe none in all history.

A good part of me says, "Vive la Latina! You GO girl!"

What's playing out here is a story as old as time, money and political power. The big boyz are trying to rein in the Hispanic peasants and use them, just like they've reined in, used and abused other groups, races, nationalities and religions.

The main difference is - the Hispanics are fighting back and holding their own.


Oh yeah - let's not forget the PRIZE! That being NAFTA super-sized, and the economic takeover of Central and South America...

[edit on 2-4-2006 by soficrow]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:26 AM

I can't argue with most of what you say, except for the "big boyz" part... It appears, in this case, the big boyz at the table are actually the Latino group in question.

If there is a conspiracy to be found in this issue, it is the lack of public acknowledgement by the white establishment concerning the changing power dynamics in this country.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by loam

I can't argue with most of what you say, except for the "big boyz" part... It appears, in this case, the big boyz at the table are actually the Latino group in question.

Your list, loam. Take a look at some of their corporate partners:

The Allstate Corporation
Bank of America
The Coca-Cola Company
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Ford Motor Company
General Motors Corporation
MBNA Corporation
PepsiCo Foundation
The PMI Group, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Companies
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

If there is a conspiracy to be found in this issue, it is the lack of public acknowledgement by the white establishment concerning the changing power dynamics in this country.

True - the power dynamics are changing.

IMO - what's on the table is access to the Hispanic market - not just in the USA, but in Central and South America under NAFTA, CAFTA and the FTAA.

Most likely, negotiations focus on the Hispanic groups promising to deliver support in the Americas for the FTAA IF and only IF, they get the concessions they want in the USA.

Basic horsetrading. Point being, their real negotiating power is not derived from their admittedly large US presence, but their ability to deliver the FTAA - or to fight it.


posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 11:21 AM
Most people don't realize that about 75% of appliances are shipped to Mexico for assembly,all the big Corps are there,I did importing for a while and made long green shipping to the Custom's house in Nogales,face it most of labor force is there already,and they don't pay crap over there,so US you've seen the enemy and your looking in a mirror

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 02:36 PM
Well this a great thread and full of realistic and pretty much none bias information.

I have to applaud this thread even when is without any rewards.

Is nice to see at what is going on behind our backs without the anti migrant propaganda.

Have anybody here seen what is going on with probably the only media person addressing the real issues on the illegal immigration?

I love Lou Dobbs and his exposure of The Amnesty Agenda and he has been now under attacks for been targeting what it is the real problem with our politicians and the illegal immigrant population.

I guess when somebody comes out with the true and hurt the interest groups involve in every aspect or our political game they become enemies of their agenda.

I feel that Lou may be in danger for his public outrage, taken in consideration that is some powerful groups pushing the amnesty in Washington.

NAFTA was a failure and is part of the problem with the migrant immigration and the only wants that has benefited with it is . . . you guess it. . . corporate American.

But who is lobbying for the millions of Americans that wants to reclaim the country back to the Americans?


posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 02:42 PM
Thanks for all the great responses.

I have no problem with groups who advocate on the part of immigration rights etc. but it appears that these groups do in fact have a much more radical agenda. They are funded by those who want cheap labour, but I wonder if these financial backers realise they are also supporting social unrest in the longer term? There's lots of emotional leverage in this kind of thing and I feel that this could easily get out of control.

Originally posted by Oldtimer2 US you've seen the enemy and your looking in a mirror

Exactly! and that is the main point of this thread. To show that it seems to be part of the agenda of the NWO to whip up a nationalist fervor among hispanics leading to social confrontation. Then the mainstream media portrays them in a negative light whipping up nationalist fervor in the US population as a response.

I wonder how many Americans realise they are being played this way?

Couple that with the economic situation of the US, and when the financial markets finally melt down, jobless Americans will want the jobs they supposedly don't want now and they will turn on the "hispanic". In fact it's already beginning.

This will lead to a situation justifying a militaristic response to regain "control" and thus provide the "solution".

Creat a problem by funding radical hispanic groups - check
Creat a reaction using the mainstream media and the internet - check
Provide a solution - comming soon?

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