ASYLUM [asylum], extension of hospitality and protection to a fugitive and the place where such protection is offered. The use of temples and churches
for this purpose in ancient and medieval times was known as sanctuary. In modern international law, the granting of asylum to refugees from
Turning back the pages of history, we have seen a lot many Great individuals fight for an equal right in human society. Travelling back into time,
haven’t we seen a number of countries trying to abolish slavery? Haven’t we seen equality been established within the global village, be it a
social, political avenue or be it between men and woman. Though we haven’t achieved what we could have, due to religious or community background, in
a global village, the term has formed a strong stance. The vision of yesterday is today’s reality. Society plays a major role on human behaviour.
Change is good, but the time to absorb these changes vastly lies in the core of an individuals exposure. The global village is a vast community of
individual with different thought patterns and a different approach to situations faced in life. To form a society based on the visionaries of the
past, we must all understand that among all the benefits of being a homo spean race, we do have emotions to deal with. Patience and tolerance be it in
any form are qualities which bring about the best and the worst in humanity. “The story of my Experience with Truth”** an Autography of Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi, a Non-Violent Freedom fighter who fought for the Independence of India, is a great source of information of a man who had to
balance tolerance with the diversity in Religion and custom in India and who with patience achieved what India had but dreamt of.
In 1951, the world community got together under the United Nations banner and formed a regulation on legal status of refugees. An extract from the
treaty “The convention consolidates previous international instruments relating to refugees and provides the most comprehensive codification of the
rights of refugees yet attempted on the international level. It lays down basic standards for the treatment of refugees, without prejudice to the
granting by states of more favourable treatment. The convention is to be applied without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin and
contains various safe guards against the expulsion of refugees” Adding to the challenges faced, “With the passage of time and the emergence of new
refugee situations the need was increasingly felt to make the provisions of the convention applicable to such new refugees. As a result, a protocol
relating to the status of refugees was prepared and submitted to the United Nations General Assembly in 1966. The authentic text of the protocol was
signed off by the President of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General in New York on 31st January1967 and transmitted to governments. It
entered into force on 4th October 1967, upon the deposit of the sixth instrument of accession” ***
In Australia:
“Australia's Refugee and Humanitarian Program offers protection to asylum seekers who have entered Australia, either without a visa or as
temporary entrants, and who are found to be owed Australia's protection under the United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the
Status of Refugees (the Refugees Convention) and relevant Australian laws”
An amendment by the international community is a huge step for humanity in this sensitive issue and there will always lay possibility of error or
oversight in this process. However let us consider some of the challenges which Australia faces,
Friday, June 24, 2005 10:08 AM
David Spitteler
with Gil Cann
Few issues have caused such controversy in Australia in recent years as the issue of asylum seekers. The questions of how to regard and respond to
people from other countries who are seeking asylum here are matters of constant debate. What is a Christian response?
In the interests of truth, we must first try to sift fact from opinion as to the status of asylum seekers, often called 'boat people', and their
impact on the community. Misconceptions and accusations are widespread. Here are eight of them, and some relevant facts in each case.
Let us consider the statics collected around the world******
Canada has one the best records for treatment of refugees with innovative programmes and a strong humanitarian ethos. But will it survive?
Refugees and asylum seekers:
Percentage of world total: 0.47%
Ratio of refugees to total population:
1 to 443
Asylum approval rate:2
Refugees mainly from: Hungary, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, China
Approval rates by nationality: Afghanistan (97%) Somalia (92%) Hungary (27%)
Pending asylum cases: 25,800
Fast, comparatively. Within three days an immigration officer decides whether a claim is eligible to be heard; decision-time for refugee status is 10
months. Anyone guilty of a serious crime, human-rights abuses or deemed a security risk can be immediately rejected. Appeals can be made against
deportation – but not if the person is being extradited or has come from a safe third country. Some 10,900 refugees were resettled in 2001 –
healthcare and immigration loans are available.
In the aftermath of 11 September refugee rights have deteriorated (see article here). In June 2002 Canada and the US signed a preliminary agreement
that neither is obliged to accept asylum seekers arriving from a ‘safe third country’. Critics argue that the US system is far harsher than
Canada’s and asylum seekers will suffer from such deals.
The traditional country of immigration is now in the grip of paranoia over domestic security. This is dictating refugee policy.
Refugees and asylum seekers:
Percentage of world total: 3.3%
Ratio of refugees to US population:
1 to 578
Asylum approval rate:2
Refugees mainly from: Mexico, China, Colombia, Haiti, India, El Salvador
Approval rates by nationality: Mexico (7%) China (64%) Colombia (62.5%) Haiti (36%) India (57%) Somalia (81%) Afghanistan (89.5%) El Salvador (16%)
Pending asylum cases: 396,000
Spot decisions to deport can be made at the border if the asylum seeker does not have proper documents and no ‘credible fear of persecution’. It
takes up to 180 days for asylum claims to be processed or referred to immigration judges. Asylum seekers can appeal against decisions. Temporary
Protected Status may be granted to those who face ‘extraordinary and temporary conditions’ that prevent safe return. After 11 September the
refugee programme was frozen and the use of detention increased. Data on numbers is withheld. The US also interdicts at sea would-be asylum claimants.
Public benefits are not available to asylum seekers but they are entitled to limited cash and medical assistance. Permission to work is given if a
claim has taken more than 180 days.
The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 has broadened the definition of ‘terrorism’, providing a mandate to deport or refuse entry to prospective immigrants
and asylum applicants. It also enables the indefinite detention of any non-citizen the attorney general considers a terrorist suspect.
Britain’s new asylum policies claim to be aimed at ensuring both ‘secure borders’ and ‘safe havens’. Hypocrisy and confusion are its
Refugees and asylum seekers:
Percentage of world total: 0.47%
Ratio of refugees to British population:
1 in 972
Asylum approval rate:2,3
Exceptional Leave to Remain (ELR): 23% of those rejected are given four-year protection from deportation
Refugees mainly from: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Iran and Yugoslavia
Asylum applications pending: 39,400
Britain makes use of both detention and ‘dispersal’ or enforced scattering of asylum seekers around the country. Under a new strategy, arrivals
are to be held in secure ‘induction centres’, from there to be dispersed to accommodation centres. New large-scale detention centres are also
planned. Asylum decisions can take years. Failed applicants can appeal via a new fast-track process. Financial support for asylum seekers is available
at 70 per cent of normal income support. After six months asylum seekers may seek work. Deportations are set to rise dramatically. Snatch squads of
immigration officers have powers to break into homes and make arrests.
Arbitrary detention and accommodation centres isolate asylum seekers from the community. Britain’s focus on increased border controls and removals
rather than protection mocks its position as signatory to the Geneva Convention, while new anti-terrorism measures further erode the rights of
Australia has gained international notoriety for its harsh treatment of asylum seekers. There are few signs of a softening of approach.
Refugees and asylum seekers:
Percentage of world total: 0.15%
Ratio of refugees to Australian population: 1 to 849
Asylum approval rate:2,4
Mainly from: Afghanistan, Iraq, China, Indonesia, Fiji and Iran (‘onshore’); former Yugoslavia, Iran, Sudan (‘offshore’)
Pending asylum cases: 5,385
All non-citizens who unlawfully enter Australia are detained, most until their cases are considered. This can take months or years. Detention
facilities are remote and far from legal help. Some asylum seekers may be granted temporary protection visas valid for three years. They may be able
to work but are excluded from many benefits. Failed asylum seekers can appeal – but have to pay a fine of $500 if they lose. The asylum system
changed in 2001, prompted by the arrival of 1,200 unauthorized ‘boat people’. The Government initiated the ‘Pacific Solution’ whereby Papua
New Guinea and the tiny island of Nauru have become ‘offshore’ refugee-screening sites for Australia-bound asylum seekers.
An Australian parliamentary committee has called the detention system a ‘disgrace verging on the inhuman’. The denial of asylum to parched and
desperate ‘boat people’ has brought criticism from international refugee agencies.
Immigration is new to Ireland, traditionally a country of emigration. It’s in no great rush to open its door.
Refugees and asylum seekers:
Percentage of world total: 0.06%
Asylum approval rate:2,5
Refugees mainly from: Nigeria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Croatia
Pending asylum cases: 8,200 (on first instance decisions)
The system is slow: in February 2002 one in seven applicants had waited more than a year for a decision. The criteria for rejection is broad: an
application may be declared ‘manifestly unfounded’ if an applicant refuses to have fingerprints taken. Free legal aid is available to all asylum
seekers. Appeals against decisions must be made within two weeks. Anyone who receives a deportation order may apply for ‘Temporary Leave to
Remain’. Asylum seekers are sent to remote accommodation centres on full board and reduced social welfare payments. Free health services and
exceptional needs payments are provided. Asylum seekers are generally prohibited from working.
A report by the Irish Refugee Council charges that the authorities have fast-tracked deporting asylum applicants to countries with well-documented
histories of human-rights abuses, relying on outdated country information when assessing applications. Accelerated procedures highlight the
Government’s priority of preventing abuse of the process rather than protecting asylum seekers.
Aotearoa has shown itself more humane than many countries. However, recent events have tarnished its record.
Refugees and asylum seekers:
Percentage of world total: 0.02%
Asylum approval rate:2,5
Refugees mainly from: Thailand, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka
Applications pending: 1,424
Asylum seekers are rarely deported until their cases are heard and decisions made by the New Zealand Immigration Service. This takes two months. If
anyone overstays a visa by more than 42 days they can be deported immediately with no right of appeal.
Asylum applicants are eligible for government-funded legal help and hostel accommodation for up to three months. They may receive one work permit per
family while their claims are pending, and their children may attend school. Detention was rare in Aotearoa until 11 September, after which nearly all
newly arrived asylum seekers are held.
Refugee advocates in Australia and Aotearoa often compare the two countries’ policies. Australia detains virtually all asylum seekers while Aotearoa
often lets them live and work in the community, providing comprehensive access to welfare services. When last year Aotearoa admitted 131 Afghan asylum
seekers who had been among the 400 Afghans Australian had refused and taken to the remote island nation of Nauru instead, the contrast appeared even
sharper. But Aotearoa’s response to 11 September sets a worrying precedent.
Iran has taken in more refugees than any country in the world. Its treatment of them has become harsh.
Refugees and asylum seekers:
2.55 million
Percentage of world total: 17%
Ratio of refugees to population: 1 to 26
Mainly from: Afghanistan and Iraq
Iranians seeking resettlement outside Iran: 23,700 living in Iraq, 10,000 seeking asylum in Europe
Labour laws used to be ignored and asylum seekers were allowed to work. But with unemployment high, the Government has clamped down. In 2001 refugees
were registered as a means to deport those without work permits. Around 82,000 Afghan men and 8,300 families were deported between January and July
2001.6 During this time between around 1,000 Afghans continued to arrive daily in Iran. Around 111,000 Afghans were returned to Afghanistan in the
last six months of 2001. As the US and the Northern Alliance began their military campaigns Iran closed its border to new arrivals. Instead it set up
two border camps just within Afghanistan which filled up so quickly hundreds of women and children had to be turned away.
Iran’s harsh asylum policy must be seen in the context of the fact it receives around 17 per cent of the world’s total displaced peoples and
little assistance from the international community.
WARNING: statistics on refugees are often inexact and controversial. Those used on these pages represent USCR’s ‘best judgement’.
Researched and compiled by Katya Nasim
1 All statistics are taken from USCR (United States Committee for Refugees) unless otherwise stated. Figures are based on totals and projections at
end of the fiscal year 2001.
2 Approval rates calculated on basis of interview decisions, excluding closed or withdrawn cases.
3 Not including appeals or ELR cases.
4 Onshore applications, primary stage.
5 Not including appeals.
6 UNHCR figures.
7 Figures stated in the Keynote are for the beginnng of 2002.
“Actions speak louder than words”. The message to the world community is quite clear and loud. We must consider the harshness that these
individuals have endured to ensure a better future for them and their families. The time frame is a very crucial factor adding to the frustrations.
There have been cases which would have had success and there would be a lot many who have achieved a permanent residency status in Australia, but
unconquerable time is what we fail to notice. Though it has been clearly highlighted in the above articles, I strongly believe, that when these
individual left there country they were free men and woman, without any harm incurred to the Australian community, why are they being kept behind bars
as criminals and under such apphauling conditions? Something must be done to ensure human conditions are met and the applications accessed and
proceeded within a given time frame and keeping in mind Australia stance on this sensitive global issue.
www.unhcr.org... bin/texis/vtx/protect/opendoc.pdf?tbl=PROTECTION&id=3b66c2aa10
I did this reseach some time ago as i saw some a programe about immigration in australia. Its taken me some time to collect this information.
Thoughts? Comments?
What do you think about this in your country?
I did find this thread on ATS and thought it would interesting that this topic has been raised...but did not have much of a response.
I hope we all can think of something....
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