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Male lactation

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posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by DaRAGE

Would you like to see a man walking around with bigger breasts due to milk and having a baby sucking off his nipples? Sorry but that is not a sight i'd like to see, nor even think about.

I am reminded of an episode of "The Family Guy" where the dad doesnt have a pacifier for the little genius baby from hell - genius baby from hell is in dad's arms asleep and dad puts the child up to his breast and it starts sucking - then the genius baby from hell wakes up and declares that he is scarred for life... proceeding to scheme to kill his dad for the rest of the show.

The morale to this story?
Men, don't try to breast feed your babies... you end up with a homicidal cartoon genius baby from hell with a head shaped like a football, scheming to kill you for the rest of your show - be afraid... be very afraid....

[staying "abreast" of the situation]

[Edited on 15-10-2003 by intelgurl]

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 08:39 AM

...somehow the thought of guy 'stimulating' his nipples to encourage some form of milk production just seems...well...seems kinda EEEEEEW...

My sentiments exactly.... thanks....

posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 06:18 AM
Has your husband be given hormone shots like estrogen? It seems medically impossible like Loki commented

posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 06:31 AM
...okay...for a serious reply.

Hell yeah, if its for the benefit of my child, you bet I'd do anything and everything to ensure their wellbeing...any true man, any true FATHER, would stop at nothing to provide for their children. Screw what society may think, all I'd care about was that little precious getting whatever it needs.


posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 06:46 AM
i wouldn't expect anything less of a New Zealander.

Bunch of women are what you are.

I'm glad i'm an Aussie ;P

posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
i wouldn't expect anything less of a New Zealander.

Bunch of women are what you are.

I'm glad i'm an Aussie ;P

...oi! YOU! NOOOOO!

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 09:23 PM
ok, hmm, well i never lactated ever so i doubt i'll ever do it, anyways it naturally doesnt occur in men, if it does in some guys then i'd attribute it to a hormone imbalance in them, i seriously wouldnt suggest hormone modification in men, many thing would likely occur, infertility, genital mutation, inability to have an erection, cancer in the breasts or genitals, voice change or growing actual female breasts.

if it isnt natural, it should be left as is or unknown things might occur that will have very bad results.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 05:02 AM
One time when i was working in a post-partum unit.. we caught one the fathers string to get his child to "latch on" to him...we wrote him a social services consult ASAP!

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 10:49 AM
Male lactation is wrong on so many levels..... lol

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by namehere
ok, hmm, well i never lactated ever so i doubt i'll ever do it, anyways it naturally doesnt occur in men, if it does in some guys then i'd attribute it to a hormone imbalance in them, i seriously wouldnt suggest hormone modification in men, many thing would likely occur, infertility, genital mutation, inability to have an erection, cancer in the breasts or genitals, voice change or growing actual female breasts.

if it isnt natural, it should be left as is or unknown things might occur that will have very bad results.

Men that are having sex change operations take Estrogen to get rid of facial hair, to soften their voice, to grow breasts and to actually have their features softened. It works and with no ill effects to my knowledge. It's gross, but it's a persons right to mutilate themself. Which is basically what it is.

If a persons not happy being born a man or woman, they should start believing in reincarnation and off themselves!

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by magestica
Men CAN produce milk, and they can also get breast cancer..

two entirely unrelated subjects...

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:20 PM
hey whats with all this stuff about men not having mammary glands we do they just haven't developed thats exactly what the hormons do but we do have mammary glands

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:02 PM
This is just too cool....

I'm sure there's thousands of fetish sites out there that rake in the money from these people...I had heard fleeting remarks here and there in the past of this being a possibility, but never really gave it much thought...

Fascinating....painful thoughts in my mind of an infant chewing on my nipple...but nonetheless, incredible...

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 11:57 AM
Males do not produce milk ever. If their is a hormone imbalance such as an increase in prolactin(which is usually caused by a pituitary tumor or exogenous steroid use(trenbolone or oxymetholone)) then they can lactate. But the secretion is anyting but baby food. If an estrogen surge or imbalance were to occurr then men can develope breast tissue through direct stimulation of the A2 receptor. This is extremely dangerous as this can lead to breast cancer. Which is almost 100% fatal once diagnosed in men. Transient gynocomastia(enlargement or actual growth of breast tissue in men) does occurr in young boys and some adolescent men. it usually abates after puberty but in some cases does require a mastectomy. All due to the huge testosterone surge males encounter during puberty. You may sometimes see gyno in male steroid users. If a surplus of testostrerone is detected by the body then in a negative feed back loop it is converted to estrogn in an atempt to acheive homeostasis. this estrogen(estradiol being the main culprit) binds to the A2 recptor, which almost all breast tissue is rich in, and casuse breast tissue growth.

It is not the maternal instinct that causes breast milk production it is purley a hormonal reaction to pregnancy and child birth.

If your husband is lactating you need to have a full blood acreening done to see if his estradiol levels are elevated or his testosterone levels are too low. A prolactin test would be most wise as it is often indicative of a pituatary tumor.

If you can site universtiy clinical studies that refute what I just typed please post them and I will gladly eat my words. Justifying the notion that men produce breast milk that is suitable to maintain an infants health through "indications' and "reports" form some website is really just poor science.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 12:11 PM
The thought of a man breastfeeding makes me laugh my head off!

My husband didn't want me to breastfeed because he wanted to be able to help with feedings. He felt that if I breastfed he would be left out of the bonding process. We bottle fed all four of our children and he loved every minute of the middle of the night feedings.

I just asked hubby if he would have liked to have attempted to lactate so he could have breasfed our children. I think I managed to completely gross him out to the point where he won't be able to eat for the rest of the day and now he also thinks I'm out of my mind for even bringing this to his attention.

Thanks for starting this link. It brought some much needed laughter into our home!


posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:33 PM
This is an interesting topic!

Which piqued my curiosity, so I did some research and came up with the following information about this condition:

Galactorrhea (lactation in men or in women who aren't breastfeeding an infant) and Hyperprolactinemia are conditions caused by overproduction of the hormone called Prolactin, which is produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and occur in both sexes.

Pituitary tumors ("Prolactinomas") cause overproduction of the hormone prolactin and are common causes of these two (2) conditions.

Men with such tumors often have visual difficulties or headaches and 2/3 of them have loss of libido and potency.

Some additional causes of hyperprolactinemia in men:

Nipple stimulation


Cushings Disease


Bronchogenic Carcinoma


Primary Hypothyroidism (the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland produces
thyroid hormones)

Chronic Renal Failure

Liver Disease (including alcoholism-related)

Chest Wall Lesions
Surgical Scars
Neoplasms of the Chest Wall
Herpes Zoster

Hypothalamic Disorders (also produced by the anterior lobe of the
pituitary gland)
Hypothalamic Tumors
Nontumerous Hypothalamic Infiltration
Langerhans Cell-type histiocytosis (Hand-Schuller Christian Disease)

Head Trauma

Some Psychoactive Drugs

Some Hypertensive drugs - especially--methyldopa

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:48 PM
I have seen several people discussing whether or not it is possible but is there any male out there that wants to do this? And if there is, who is with me in chipping in to buy our volunteer some hormone infusion shots and one of those ghastly electric breast milk pumps so we can get to the botton of this issue?

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 02:40 AM
I would do it. I don't think I would want to feed MY baby though. I just think it would be amazing to see what the human body was capable of. As I sit here, reading all of the immature, ass-anine comments, I actually laugh a bit. Who are ANY of you to say what's "unnatural"?

You say that a male, lactating without drugs, human created device or interferrence is unnatural?

So what IS natural? Putting a bottle to your baby's face? Yes, society has taught us that FEMALES are the primary source of food for your newborn, and that is correct. They were built to be the main source of food. BUT as a backup or secondary source how is it wrong for a male to feed his child?

Most of you just need to grow up and stop acting all tough and macho. Yes, I bet you lift weights continuously and can outbench anyone who types out an opinion that differs than your own. There is a sensitive side to all of us, and if you are in touch with that side, and are comfortable with your sexuality (OMG, MALE BREASTFEEDING IS GAY DUDE!) you SHOULD find nothing wrong with it. But oh well, that's why God put your type on earth.. So my type (progressive thinker) doesn't get bored to death..

P.S. I won't be back to this site to read up on future comments, as I have read the majority here and now know what the general populous of this board agrees on. So, any and all comments,
or even the possible will go unnoticed. Maybe afterwards, you can go add another 25lbs to your bench..

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Mycroft

My Ex Brother-N-Law lactated when my sister was pregnant, and he also had the same pregnancy symptoms my sister did!

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:08 AM
Very possible. I experienced some lactation while taking trenbolone at high doses but I corrected it within a few days with drugs meant to inhibit progesterone binding.

It's not the same though, I know I've read somewhere that when men do it, it doesn't contain the same nutritional value. When it happened to me for example, it wasn't white, it was clear. I think there are probably more factors at work than one hormone or process.

Your welcome for the mental image

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