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Indonesian tsunamis a setup?

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posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 08:59 AM
Upon surfing the web I came across alot of talk about the tsunamis that hit not to long ago. Now I thought it was just a freak incident caused by weather changes and the such, but apparently theres alot of people out there who believes the tsunamis were man made.certain questions arose in the aftermath like:
What triggered the undersea earthquakes in Sumatra?
Why didnt the military respond hours or minutes before the tsunami hit, when it was documented that they recieved advanced warning?
Questions like these I wish could be answered. Plus the only two nations that were notified were Indonesia and Australia, when india, sri lanka, and the maldives were never notfied.
Rumors have circulated in indonesia that the tsunami was created by isreali nuke testing or american....your thoughts please?

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 10:19 AM
Can you provide some links to these rumors?

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 10:21 AM
Is this just random assumptions or is there actual evidence of this? Why would a nuke trigger an underwater earthquake?

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 12:32 PM
I had the same thought when researching for HAARP project, it is plausible that a super-beam striked the ionoshpere and then blasted a beam into the ocean, resulting in an earthquake which would be responsible for the tsunami. Maybe the US or Russia were testing the capablities of these weapons, as nukes were also tested in such areas. I may be paranoic but it could be true as well. Maybe I have too much fantasy, but knowing the world we live in I became very scrupulous to "scientific" explanations.
Think also about the money, it is proved that the collected money for the tsunami was never given out. Less then 10% was given out to the impacted countries. And guess what the Red cross handled a lot of the fund. And who created the red cross, yes the Rothchilds.... smells like conspiracy isn't it?

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