He's talking about Astral Projection.
I don't think there are many "specials" (as you put it) in this forum. You pretty much have to be awakened and able to project at will to pull
anybody out with any efficiency. But hey, if there are any here, I wouldn't mind a little tug now and again either
I've had people ask about this topic a number of times, and the answer I always give is that pulling people out is very hard. There are a lot of
factors involved:
First, both the people have to be trying at the same time. One person has to be out, and the other has to be already laying down relaxed.
The next problem is distance. Especially with people over the internet, it is very hard to find people you don't even know. If someone lived in your
city and you knew the way to their house, it would be a lot easier. You can go straight to someone if you know someone quite personally, but this
doesn't work for strangers. When you're talking about international distances, manually getting there can be quite tough.
Next, even if someone gets to your house and tries to pull you out, it might not work. You may not be at a point where you are ready yet. You
essentially have to be 99% on your way to doing it on your own to get it. I have an example for this.... I asked my friend to pull me out before,
since he was quite adept at Out of Body Experience/Astral Projection, and he agreed. I went to bed that night and he APed to my house. The idea was
for him to wake me up into a lucid dream, where I could project from much easier. But the plan wasn't that good. My awareness was apparently not up
to par, and although he tried to pull me out a dozen times, every time he said I fell back asleep almost immediately. Finally after a dozen times or
so, he just gave up and left. (I can't back this up since I can't conciously remember, but I take his word for it).
I know there are more factors but I can't remember at this exact moment. If I remember any more reasons why it is improbable to do, I'll post.
Even if you are ready, they have to be there and act at the exactly right moment. I would stick with asking a higher self/guide for help, or something
similar. People aren't that reliable or experienced at this type of thing
It's worth noting that beginners luck is quite common though. If you're trying your hardest every day and you still have problems, somebody will
likely lend you a bit of help. Just not the kind that usually reads forums.
Here is a U2U that I sent someone on this exact topic before. I don't feel like rewording it, so some of the material from above has been
Yes you can be pulled out by other people, but there are quite a few problems. First of all, finding another person far away in the world is pretty
hard in real life, not to mention in the Astral. If you have some sort of connection to them, it can be easier to get there, sometimes you can even
sort of instantaniously get there just by focusing your thoughts on them, but since I hardly know you, someone would have to know where you live and
manually try and get there. So this only really works if you have a friend in your city, or at least that's the easiest way.
Another problem is that although you can be pulled out, you might not remember it. When I was first started playing around with AP I asked my friend
to come and pull me out, and he did manage to get to me and try (Or at least I take his word for it), and he said he tried pulling me out a dozen
times, but I just kept repeatedly falling asleep. I have no recollection of it. In other words, for someone to actually 'pull you out', you pretty
much have to already be able to AP on your own. It's very easy for your mind to just wander and you will sink back into deep sleep. If you don't
have the ability to concentrate and focus, even if someone pulls you out, you aren't going to know.
There is a lot that has to go right to pull someone out. You have to know them and how to get to them, and I don't even know what you look like, if
you're male or female even . And then you have to also be ready as well.
So unfortunately pulling you out probably isn't going to work. Maybe I can show up in your dreams though and yell "HEY [name removed], YOU'RE
DREAMING, WAKE UP" and then you would become lucid and maybe it would be easier for you to project from there.
very important thing is how much do you practice. If you only try to AP once every week or few days, you're basically just relying on luck
and it could take YEARS to make it out. So if you really want to do it, devote as much time as you can to it. Try to AP at least once a day (easier
said than done). Don't let yourself get discouraged. Just keep trying and eventually you'll get it. Think of it like working out your physical body.
If you go to the gym and run every day, you will notice results way before if you only did it once a week or month. So practice APing each day if
possible, and keep reading up on it to keep your mind interested in it, even when you aren't having any success.
In order to give more specific help I'd need to know what you have already done:
*What techniques have you tried so far?
*How long do you usually attempt for?
*Do you lay down or sit up when you do it?
*Do you have any kind of relaxation technique you use before you start?
*Do you usually end in falling asleep by accident or getting up?
*Have you felt any of the sensations associated with projecting so far?
*Any other insight you can give...
[edit on 27-3-2006 by Yarcofin]