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Border Issue

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posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 12:20 AM
I think we need an army down and up there at the borders but you have to wonder why they have never done what should be done. There is something else going on. I used to think it was because too many businesses liked the idea of cheap labor, but they are not that organized. mexicans could get temporary work passes and do the seasonal labor if that is what they wanted. Obviously, states like CA with the free health care and education and if your kids were born there, getting US citizenship automatically was part of it. But there is much more than just people coming across. Someone is making a bunch of money and the government is looking the other way.

You don't need to look very far to find the result. It used to be CA and Florida. Now they are everywhere. Every landscape company that has more than6 people is loaded with them.

But they are mostly hard working folks. My complaint is that they came through without the paperwork like everyone else. My tribal family lineage dates back to oral accounts well before any western influence except that of early Vikings perhaps. My friend's father's father came through legally in 1906 and his mother's father had to spend several years obtaining citizenship in Argentina so he could eventually move the family from Italy to the US via an Argentine passport. They changed the immigration laws in the early 20s to limit southern and eastern Europeans. So many found their way here from Canada or South America. We kid his mother about this all the time. Her fathers timing was ironically poor. They landed in NY the day the stock market crashed in 1929!

[edit on 27-3-2006 by NoGrinia]

[edit on 27-3-2006 by NoGrinia]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:47 PM
Illegal immigration in this country is nothing more then a joke.

Homeland security is weak, and people can easily come into the US with out them the wiser.

When you make a huge government branch like Homeland security its bound to fail, they should be giving the money to those states on the border, and have them secure there section of the border, making it easier to train people for the job, as well as buying the equipment that is necessary for that job.

I'm ok with any thing drastic because we need it, whether that be the army on the borders, a big wall, or landmines covering all 3,000 miles.....whatever it takes.

I don’t know any Mexicans, but I see them nearly everyday...I’m not racist or anything...but when I see them at the gas station or wherever and they cant speak English
that pisses me off.

Obviously I’m not Mexican, nor is any of my family, my family lineage goes all the way back to the Mayflower.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by Murcielago]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 07:24 PM
i need to rant

This is what pisses me off about these protests.
Have you seen the pictures of the protests, a majority of the people are running around with Mexican/Latin american flags, most with signs in spanish. Lets think about this for a second.

If you were protesting in order to get a government to accept you into their country as a citizen, how would you do it?

Lets say you and 10,000 other americans went to china, and demanded to be accepted by the government. Would you take to the streets and WAVE AMERICAN FLAGS AROUND, ACTING LIKE THE STEREOTYPICAL AMERICAN? No, the world would laugh at you, china ( just using them as an example, it could be any country) would kick your ass out in a split second, and nobody would care. You don't go to another country, and demand to be accepted by showing the pride of your native country. This shows that you CARE NOTHING ABOUT THE COUNTRY YOU SO BADLY WANT TO BE A PART OF.

Instead, if you want to be in the country so badly, you'd wave chinese flags around, you'd try to learn mandarin, if you made posters etc, they'd be in mandarin, not english. You'd show the government that you were trying to adapt as a chinese person. That's the logical, smart way of doing things. Now mind you, in china you'd be arrested for protesting, but again, i'm just using it for the hell of it.

Earlier in the century, if a group of 500,000 people ran through a country , waving FLAGS of a different country, speaking in a different native language, the army would swoop in, and they'd be shot. You don't get a group of a half million people to demonstrate national pride for a different country than you are.

Yes, some have american flags, most don't. Most of them are not showing that they want to make any effor to become american at all. If you don't want to be american, you can't live here.


But wahhh, america was built on immigrants. Yes, you are right, absolutely!!!! For the most part though, it was nothing like this, those immigrants that came to america did so under different circumstances. Sure, they all wanted a better life. But most were willing to adapt to/create a new culture, and become part of it. Yeh, you have your little italian areas, you have your little jewish areas, but they are still 100 times more integrated with american culture than these people are showing.


Just remember you're comming to AMERICA. You're not comming to mexico. Come here, be a citizen, work, pay taxes. GOOD FOR YOU, I'M ECSTATIC THAT YOU'RE DOING THIS!!!! Just become part of american culture.

Go to any country, buy a house, hang a flag on a flag pole, in the front of the house, of a differant nation. Other than a select few examples, sooner or later it's going to draw a lot of attention, it's going to anger people, you may even get your house burnt down.

Think about Derek Jeter being traded to the Boston red sox. hehe. What if he constantly showed up to games wearing a yankees uniform. He just refused to part with the yankees background. Guess what, he's not playing, and probably, he's off the team.

ooo i needed that

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 08:02 PM

I was very suprised when I saw the videos on CNN of student walkout in Cali with Mexican flags and crap.

The say theres 13 million illegals in this country...that number grows by thousands per day.
They need to do something about the damn borders...and California...that state is so damn liberal its almost anti-US.

Is this is what they do when they want to stay here.(?)...This only makes me more mad, augh, if I didn't live in south dakota I'd be appart of the minute and my rifle.

These pics are all from the rally in Cali.

This one looks like they just twisted the American flag up to use as a handle for their flag.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 09:02 PM
The protests today in LA and Detroit (and other cities?) show that the Latino community is going to organize to try and get what they want form the government.

From what I heard on the news, I would protest too.
Am I correct in hearing that the US will grant Visas for six years and then the person must return to their homeland? Or they get a 6-year visa with the provision they become a citizen?
Because, if it the former I be protesting too!

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 01:22 AM
I agree with you one percent. Wouldn't that be the day...showing national pride and support in the nation that you claim you desire so much to continue living in....What you don't think the folks over in Southie would mind Jeter with the Yank outfit????

[edit on 28-3-2006 by NoGrinia]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 01:24 AM
Yes this one is my favorite. Real patriotism shown here. At least a few were smart enough to cover their faces...Go militiamen

This one looks like they just twisted the American flag up to use as a handle for their flag.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 01:39 AM
i take it you guys aren't of the '...send me your huddled masses, yearnign to breath free..' variety.

ok, me either, mostly.

if you want to be in american, thats cool, just do 2 simple things
pay taxes
for the love of god
that ain't too much, is it?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:03 AM
It's my understanding that many of the protesting "students" are actually persons without legal right to be in this country. They have rights as human beings, but they have no U.S. citizens' right to redress for greivences (real or imagined). This makes the entire "protest" affair nothing more than a low comedy that is moot and populated by fools who just don't get it.

I'd be interested to find a thread that exhibits some research on any who is behind the seemingly spontaneous eruptions of these demonstrations. Who (or which groups) have choreographed this dance at which no one is dancing except the puppets?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by NoGrinia
I think we need an army down and up there at the borders but you have to wonder why they have never done what should be done. There is something else going on. I used to think it was because too many businesses liked the idea of cheap labor, but they are not that organized. mexicans could get temporary work passes and do the seasonal labor if that is what they wanted. Obviously, states like CA with the free health care and education and if your kids were born there, getting US citizenship automatically was part of it. But there is much more than just people coming across. Someone is making a bunch of money and the government is looking the other way.

You hit the nail on the head. This problem didn't just pop up last week. Why has it been ignored for so long?

As for the flags, I wonder what the reaction would be if anti-illegal protestors would start burning the Mexican flag at these demonstrations?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 07:55 AM
You guys do know Immigrants give more than they take? For example in the U.K. we earn 2.5billion [profit] by allowing immigrants into the U.K. There has already been ATSNN stories on how immigrants are filling the financial black-hole in the United State's....posted last summer in fact.

Boot out the immigrants and stop allowing them to come and work, someone will have to take their place. Sorry to let you know this, but your own citizen's don't want those jobs. So who'll place the tax into the system that they do? And if that tax doesn't come, will you willingly take a cut in education, police force? Because we know it won't be the military.

It's also insulting, Tribal American's lived there before European's immigrated. So the whole idea of not allowing people to move around is laughable. Furthermore, many of the illegal immigrants have to pay for houses, food, etc, so they still place the money back into the system.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:02 AM
Here is a conspiracy angle for you to consider.
These protests are basically against the United States actually enforcing the laws that are already in place. In one version of the proposals, it would actually increase the penalties against not only the illegal immigrant but also their employers.
Yet, the protesters are out there chanting (in Spanish)against these laws, They are waving Mexican flags and even in one case, covered the US flag with the Mexican flag. Does this not speak to you what the real aim of these protests might be? Not to protest the enforcement of the laws against illegal immigration but to actually show their belief that the United States is part of Mexico?

We have seen alot of these students protesting in the DFW area in the last few days. I went to one of these demonstrations and spoke to one of the adult demonstrators from LULAC. When I asked him why they were against the US from enforcing laws that are already on the books. His response was that these laws disregarded the illegal immigrant rights. I then, asked him the following. So you would not have a problem for me and my family to come into your house (he lives in a very well to do neighborhood), We open a door, or break in a window and then my family and I could start living their in his house. He told me that he would of course call the police. Then I pointed out to him that by using the argument that he had just used to justify illegal immigrants presence here in the US, he should be welcoming me and my family into his home and that by calling the police..... he would be violating my rights.
He turned red, his eyes got big, he huffed and puffed, then yelled that it was not the same and then he stalked off to where the police were.
Seems to me that these protesters have a double standard or a warped ideal of what is right and what is wrong.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Odium
You guys do know Immigrants give more than they take? For example in the U.K. we earn 2.5billion [profit] by allowing immigrants into the U.K. There has already been ATSNN stories on how immigrants are filling the financial black-hole in the United State's....posted last summer in fact.

It sounds like the immigrants you speak of have been made a part of the system, where they pull their share of their weight. Here in the US, we're talking about a massive influx of illegal immigrants who want to bypass our laws and take advantage of our system.

Boot out the immigrants and stop allowing them to come and work, someone will have to take their place. Sorry to let you know this, but your own citizen's don't want those jobs. So who'll place the tax into the system that they do? And if that tax doesn't come, will you willingly take a cut in education, police force? Because we know it won't be the military.

That's part of the problem. They are evading the tax system.

And your comment about what will be cut is pretty presumptuous.

It's also insulting, Tribal American's lived there before European's immigrated. So the whole idea of not allowing people to move around is laughable.

This is so silly as to be laughable.

Furthermore, many of the illegal immigrants have to pay for houses, food, etc, so they still place the money back into the system.

They rent ten to a room. And they drive without licenses or insurance. And they don't pay income taxes.

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