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When will it all end? No time soon in my opinion. What say you?

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posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 11:22 PM
Well interesting topic indeed, it is true that the Mayans consistently referred to the feathered snake in the sky and attributed various other deities as attributes to the seasons of growth, rain, and harvest, et al. The Inca, Egyptian, and Mayan looked to the Milky Way as the gate to their celestial heavens. They all possessed an amazingly vast and great understanding of the stars. It is of interest to note that Solar Maxim Cycles, Mayan, Inca, Life Cycle Theorists, and Peak Oil prophecies (or hoaxes depending on your viewpoint) all lead up to the same basic premise or conclusion: something big will happen around the 4th cycle of 2012...Several of the theories have their underpinnings resting soundly on the notion that major geo-magnetic shifts will take place displacing the poles and the shift of the planet in relation to the sun.




NASA SCIENTIST David Hathaway stated the following in relation to solar maximum cycles and geomagnetic pole shifts, “Earth’s magnetic field also flips, but with less regularity. Consecutive reversals are spaced 5 thousand years to 50 million years apart. The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is overdue for another one, but nobody knows exactly when the next reversal might occur” !!!!??

The earth and sun’s magnetic fields are coupled together in a mutual correlation. Any type of analysis of sunspot activity clearly shows that the sun’s magnetic field shifts direction about every 3,740 years or 1,366,040 earth days.

-This shift is constant and with it brings cycles of infertility via variations in the production of progesterone and estrogen in females as understood by the Ancients that we so easily dismiss and wave aside. According to Dr. M. Konner in his treatise Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit, (unrelated literature to overall topic) he states the following involving this specific principle “…concomitant shifting of magnetic fields react as catalysts increasing the ionization of radiation attributing to increased spats of spontaneous fetal abortion and higher infant mortality rates.” In other words, when the sun’s magnetic field shifts it causes death and or infertility rates to skyrocket. It is also understood that it is possible and has happened in the past as evidenced through geological and archaeological remains that occasionally the earth flips its axis and realigns it magnetic fields with those of the sun leading to major climatic shifts. Proof- simply refer to any geography book and look up Ice Age- geo-magnetic thermal shift or look back to the quote from NASA scientist D. Hathaway I added.

Two studies by Jeff Mayo and Prof. Hans Eysenck (London Inst. Of Psych. Astrology: Science of Superstition?” more or less presented the following information: that at present there are 4 sequential codes of radiation emitting from the sun every four months, these charged solar wind particles enter the Van Allen belts, these varying magnetic fields affect the manufacture of DNA at conception, causing 4 types of genetic mutations, about 3 times every per year


It is widely accepted as fact via the translations and decoding of Mayan, Nazca, Aztec, Egyptian et al. remains that are thousands of years old that they worshipped the sun, greatly understood now hidden secrets of the universe and cosmos, and had a great understanding of what was to come of mankind via this knowledge. Additionally, it is extensively documented in various scholarly articles that these Ancients worshipped the numbers 144,000 and 1,366,560. They believed 1,366,560 was the date of birth for the planet VENUS.

They predicted that there civilization would crumble after only one solar cycle or 1,366,560 days. The start date of the Mayan calendar was 3113 BC. It is believed that the slight variation from the modern day figure of 1,366,040 is due to the fact that the Ancient Mayans used the planet Venus as the foci to measure the cycle. Using observations of Venus, 2,340 revolutions would be seen from earth amounting to the 1,366,050 days. So without supercomputers, modern physics labs, and the use of telescopes the Mayans were only off 520 days in the prediction of solar cycle and the downfall of their empire almost 4000 years in advance.!!!

According to M.M. Cotterell’s decoding of the Viracocha tomb and findings, he states in his research when speaking on the Amazing Lid of Palenque Sub-Transformer in his book The Lost Tomb of Viracocha: Unlocking the Secrets of Peruvian Pyramids that, “
Close examination…shows that the semicircular magnetic half-loops, either side of the vertical centre line, become complete loops only when the acetates are sliced and rotated by 1.36 degrees…when the acetates were juxtaposed by 14.4 degrees, and the composite featured Lord Pacal with 144,000 written on his forehead. The 1.36 degree rotation of the squared circle composite hence refers to the 1,366,040 days of the solar magnetic reversal. The 20 marker-pegs therefore rightly describe the 20 sunspot-cycle periods that make p the 1,366,040-day solar magnetic reversal period…squared circle must therefore represent the sun…COINCIDENCE, CON, OR MISINTERPRETATION?>>Not according to the top scholars in the field.

Note: Hubbert’s Peak Oil prediction never took into account (how could it) OPEC’s little charade of the 70s essentially pushing back the crises date to about 2009-2012


Cotterell later states how the mathematical and physics wizard, Bruce Cathie was dissatisfied with Einstein’s premise that the speed of light travels at 984,251,968.5 feet per second (or 300,000,000 meters per second) after a life altering UFO encounter. Accordingly, Bruce Cathie decided to disprove the figures and postulated Einstein’s errors were due to various oversights- he used gravitational anomalies never thought of by Einstein. With the use of modern subatomic, mathematical, et al. theories he calculated the arc to be 144,000 minutes of arc per second. Once again the same number used by the Ancients. Cotterell continues to draw from various sources on the validity of his findings and uses many easy to follow diagrams to the archaeological remains and order of operations to attempt to decode on your own. He has written numerous books on this these topics including the Tutankhamen Prophecies, SuperGods, and Mayan Prophecies. They are all quite well written and I would suggest them if you are interested in this sort of stuff. (No I do not know him nor receive any financial gain from his sales in case anyone was wondering). He further demonstrates how the Viracocha treasures have clearly shown the cycles of copulation and menstruation as related to solar maximum cycles. The evidence is extremely uncanny for such an ancient culture to have such a great understanding of human microbiology.

According to W. Strauss and N. Howe in their book The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tells Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny, they state that, “The Fourth Turning is a Crisis- a decisive era of secular upheaval, and when the values regime propels the replacement of the old civic order with a new one.” They postulated the following occurred during the second half of the Twentieth Century: the First Turning occurred 1946-1964- the American High, the Second Turning occurred 1964-1984-Conciousness Revolution, the Third Turning occurred 1984-2005—Culture Wars, and they predict the Fourth Turning is at hand---THE MILLENNIAL CRISIS--

The glitterati-types of main stream media and publishing do not label them conspiracy theorists nor paranoid survivalist but let it suffice to say I am sure a few of the Fifth Avenue and Rodeo Drive “sophistos” had a minor breakdown after reading it. They end the book with the following quote and I feel it is appropriate for the topic here as well:

To everything there is a season,
And a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to get, and a time lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to seep silent, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time of war, and a time of peace.
------Ecclesiastes 3.1-8


[edit on 27-3-2006 by NoGrinia]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 03:44 PM
Great thread.....

You mentioned quite a bit about significant solar dates within our system.

Did you know or rather is it true, as you seem to have a better base of knowledge then i do in regards to this issue, that the rotation of our north pole(Approx 26,000 years) correlates to lateral shifts in the planetary/system/galactic planes?

Also I had read somewhere...that our system is currently traveling through an abnormally active photino belt?

Both of these random factoids i had found in cunjunction with much of the information you presented above.

Great thread!!:

El senor pom pom rides again

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by NoGrinia
Any type of analysis of sunspot activity clearly shows that the sun’s magnetic field shifts direction about every 3,740 years or 1,366,040 earth days.

Um... No? The Sun's poles shift every 11 years, at the peak of the sunspot cycle.

Originally posted by Elsenorpompom
Did you know or rather is it true, as you seem to have a better base of knowledge then i do in regards to this issue, that the rotation of our north pole(Approx 26,000 years) correlates to lateral shifts in the planetary/system/galactic planes?

Not quite sure what you're getting at there, but I suggest you try reading this: Wikipedia - Precession of the Equinoxes

Also I had read somewhere...that our system is currently traveling through an abnormally active photino belt?

Firstly, I think you mean "photon belt." Secondly, there is no such thing.

[edit on 3/27/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
Um... No? The Sun's poles shift every 11 years, at the peak of the sunspot cycle.


you are correct (as you know)...

that is one of the things i learned while taking senior astronomy...

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 10:40 PM
Erf. Your source data was contaminated by someone who speculated and actually never checked the data. For example...

Originally posted by NoGriniaThe earth and sun’s magnetic fields are coupled together in a mutual correlation. Any type of analysis of sunspot activity clearly shows that the sun’s magnetic field shifts direction about every 3,740 years or 1,366,040 earth days.

Well, no.

It flips every 11 years. It last flipped in 2001:

-This shift is constant and with it brings cycles of infertility via variations in the production of progesterone and estrogen in females as understood by the Ancients that we so easily dismiss and wave aside.

The ancients had no idea about progesterone and estrogen. If you recall, they thought that wind impregnated animals. They used charms and incantations to try and produce fertility and when that didn't work, the women would be cast aside (or a handmaid's child would be adopted by the chief wife.)

If they'd known about progesterone and estrogen, there would have been no need for charms for pregnancy and remedies such as camel dung to keep a woman from becoming pregnant.

You can see a translation of the medical papyri from ancient Egypt here:

According to Dr. M. Konner in his treatise Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit, (unrelated literature to overall topic) he states the following involving this specific principle “…concomitant shifting of magnetic fields react as catalysts increasing the ionization of radiation attributing to increased spats of spontaneous fetal abortion and higher infant mortality rates.” In other words, when the sun’s magnetic field shifts it causes death and or infertility rates to skyrocket.

Might I direct you to the US census figures and birth rates?

It is also understood that it is possible and has happened in the past as evidenced through geological and archaeological remains that the earth flips its axis and realigns it magnetic fields with those of the sun leading to major climatic shifts. Proof- simply refer to any geography book and look up Ice Age- geo-magnetic thermal shift or look back to the quote from NASA scientist D. Hathaway I added.

Except that the last geomagnetic pole flip didn't occur during the past ice age. The last one happened 780,000 years ago:

It is widely accepted as fact via the translations and decoding of Mayan, Nazca, Aztec, Egyptian et al. remains that are thousands of years old that they worshipped the sun, greatly understood now hidden secrets of the universe and cosmos, and had a great understanding of what was to come of mankind via this knowledge.

The Nazca didn't have any writing, and while most of the people of the ancient world worshipped the sun as an emblem of a god, a lot of them didn't. They had no special knowledge of the future -- they couldn't protect themselves from droughts, plagues, war, and invasion. They couldn't protect their rulers from assassination -- or even forecast it.

Additionally, it is extensively documented in various scholarly articles that these Ancients worshipped the numbers 144,000 and 1,366,560. They believed 1,366,560 was the date of birth for the planet VENUS.

Uhm, no. 144,000 is significant only to Christians after the year 60 AD. To most of the ancient world, 4 was a highly significant number. Mayans used "base 20" in their calculations.

I won't hit on the rest of it, but you might find this page on what scholars really know about Venus and the Mayans here:

According to M.M. Cotterell.... the composite featured Lord Pacal with 144,000 written on his forehead. The 1.36 degree rotation of the squared circle composite hence refers to the 1,366,040 days of the solar magnetic reversal. The 20 marker-pegs therefore rightly describe the 20 sunspot-cycle periods that make p the 1,366,040-day solar magnetic reversal period…squared circle must therefore represent the sun…COINCIDENCE, CON, OR MISINTERPRETATION?>>Not according to the top scholars in the field.

Misinterpretation or con, according to the top Mesoamerican scholars... and the not-so-top ones, too.


Cotterell later states how the mathematical and physics wizard, Bruce Cathie was dissatisfied with Einstein’s premise that the speed of light travels at 984,251,968.5 feet per second (or 300,000,000 meters per second) after a life altering UFO encounter.

Erm, have you googled Cathie? He was niether a physicist nor a mathemetician, and his calculations are... well... suspect.


I say that it's a shame you picked up that book and didn't actually go to see what the people said for themselves. You can pick up books on how to translate these glyphs, and you can certainly learn to translate Egyptian.

Why don't you give the original material a try and set aside Cotterell for a bit?

[edit on 27-3-2006 by NoGrinia]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 01:10 AM
Good feedback I enjoy the exchange of ideas and insights. Where I was going with this is simply some thoughts I have exchanged with some other kook such as myself who works for NASA in the Quasars and Quarks division. He was actually the one who had sent me the book by Cotterell. Yes the shifts do occur every 11 years hence the major activity back on Bastille Day back in I believe July 2001. It is correct is it not that the Nazca preceeded the Inca? I believe it is also true that except for the few sacred writings that were hid from the Conquistadors they were destroyed much like the Nazis did...Nazca did have a form of writing in a sense--petroglyphs...And the number 144,000 is refered to as the Baktun Pre-Xtianity it refers to a time period of about 400 years part of the Mayan system

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by NoGrinia
It is correct is it not that the Nazca preceeded the Inca?

I think we're getting peoples and times and locations scrambled!

Let me do a quick summary (for my benefit as well):

Aztecs - Mexico - from 1100 AD to 1500 AD. Sacred books exist, including translations and a lot of ceremonies and practices still exist.

Incas - short-lived empire (1400 AD to 1500 AD) in Peru.

Maya - 1000 BC to 900 AD, began declining, collapsed by time of Conquistadores, in Central America.

Nasca - 300 BC-800 AD, southern Peru.

So, yes the Nasca predated the Incas by 600 years. They would not have even shared a common language.

I believe it is also true that except for the few sacred writings that were hid from the Conquistadors they were destroyed much like the Nazis did.

Not entirely. A number of the Aztec Codexes survive, as do other writings plus lots and lots of inscriptions on temples and monuments. Some of the Spanish monks were instrumental in translating the Codexes.

Nazca did have a form of writing in a sense--petroglyphs.

Writing is something where a single symbol stands for a word or a part of a word. The Nasca were a pre-literate civilization. Symbols could stand for a man's name or a deity or tribal boundaries, but they didn't string them together to make sentences and books.

And the number 144,000 is refered to as the Baktun Pre-Xtianity it refers to a time period of about 400 years part of the Mayan system

Okay... I did find a reference, but it's not a sacred number:

Whoever did the original calculation, however, lied outright. One Baktun is not 144,000 days. It's actually 143,905 days (and change) -- you can do the math for yourself (17.9 * 20 * 365)

BTW, here's the list of numbers they considered sacred:

[edit on 28-3-2006 by Byrd]

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