posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 12:03 PM
On this pass, the comet will be passing over the north of the Earth and then the comet will move ahead of the Earth by millions of miles. In 2022,
the comet will be nearly in sink with the Earth except that it will pass in an orbit about 4.5 million miles inside of Earth's orbit. Depending on
where the cloud forms and drifts to, the Sun could very well be obscured by it in 16 years.
If that is the case, then it would mark the beginning of the end as foretold by John the Apostle more than 1900 years ago.
What an awesome and yet terrifiying thought that we could be living in those prophetical least for those of us that are under 50 yrs
Today, I work to prepare my family for the tougher times to come. The most important part is to be right with God and men. Many see the revelation
of Jesus Christ as the outpouring of the wrath of God, but it is also a time of great testing of those that believe and a preparation of the Earth for
his return in power.
How will we treat one another when things get incredibly tough for everyone? Those who have the ability should consider preparing underground living
quarters with air filters that do not need electricity to function. When you prepare, prepare so that you may help others survive as well. Seed
would be a good thing to store up, but the most important things are to store up treasure with God who can keep and reward it.
Look after the widows, fatherless children and the homeless. We need to put our priorities straight and put away our TVs and internet obsessions.
Read and prepare ourselves with what we need to know in order to survive and help others survive. This will be the ultimate Survivor...but this time
it's for real.