posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 08:44 PM
BH I get what you're saying. It's their life and their choices, but I just feel there are some things that are obviously not good. Who wants to
shorten their lives? What is the difference between knowingly slowly killing yourself with food over an extended period, or killing yourself in an
instant with suicide. I think the two are pretty close, although maybe people don't conciously think about it like that.
The following things you listed would result in a fine/jail time, so in a way there are already things in place to prevent it:
*Drinking and driving
*Not wearing seatbelts
*Doing drugs
These things are all accepted by society as being wrong to do, and if you engage in this kind of behaviour, you pay the price.
I think what it comes down to is that they aren't just hurting themselves, they are hurting others around them. Just like you have a choice to drink
and drive doesn't mean that it's the responsible thing to do. And you could hit somebody head-on and kill them, just as easily as you could kill
yourself. If you have kids in the car, you could kill them too. And when I see overweight parents overfeeding their overweight kids, it makes me sick,
I have to be honest. It's just so incredibly sad to me. I'm sorry if you don't agree.
I think skydiving is a stupid thing to do too, and I personally wouldn't engage in it. Just like I wouldn't engage in most/all of the other
life-shortening things you listed. I want to live as long as I can, and anything that I can do or not do to add to my time here on this Earth, I will
do. If other people want to die, that's not my problem. At least skydivers get an adrenaline rush and enjoy what they are doing. Maybe I am wrong,
but I don't feel you could find a single person that would say they are glad they are fat. Maybe they enjoy eating and need food to comfort
them, but they aren't getting an adrenaline rush on being fat.
It's about quality of life. I know people do these things. But I just don't undertstand why anyone would engage in anything that would jeopardize
their life. There are a lot of good and exciting things to do out there that don't carry the emminent risk of death. Maybe I'm just too 'straight
And in my opinion, there is no comparison between someone drinking and driving, and someone in the military. I'll admit that wars are a HUGE waste of
money and could feed lots of hungry people, but I still think that it's a noble thing to do. Many of those people have no other job options,
As for the insurance perspective, insurance companies go on statistics alone. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I will be a dangerous driver, but
statistically males my age get in more accidents, so I have to pay the price for it. Unfortunately in your case, it was something you couldn't change
either. But I am talking about something that people CAN change, if they put their minds to it. Nobody is genetically predestined to be obese (except
for disease-caused), because it's just a design that wouldn't survive in nature. I am talking about something that statistically WILL improve their
lives, if they choose to do it.
Exercise and a healthy weight can also lessen depression, and help self-esteem. On a whole, being healthy just makes you FEEL better. Who doesn't
want to feel better about themselves?
I just wish we didn't live in a world where people make counter-productive choices.
I'm all about efficiency.
Thanks for making me feel bad about it though =).
[edit on 25-3-2006 by Yarcofin]