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Has anyone ever thought of fighting back

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posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:38 PM
its hard to fight back when you cant move

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 08:03 PM
I did, and God is Faithful! If you can speak, all you need to say is By the power of the Blood of Jesus I command you to go in Jesus Name! I thought at firstto speak it, and the evil demon knew I was going to so it wrapped its claw like hands around my neck chocking me violently so I couldn't speak!
I remembered the Bible saying, "Even the very thoughts you think can come to pass" & another said Words & Thoughts are Power in Proverbs.
So I thought it, and instantly it went screeching & screaming away! Thank God for all His Faithfulness!
I know, not everyone believes in Jesus, but however or whoever you pray to, just remember Words are Power & so are your thoughts! Believing in yourself & your ability, will cause your innerself to take control and cause the evil to flee! Hope this helps someone!

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 09:01 PM
Angel, good to hear Im not the only one. I used to have dealings with the shadow man. It started when I was a young teen and ended when I was 17 or 18. I delt with him for a few years. At first I would just see him there. That would scare me enough. Then in the end, he would crawl twards me and up on my bed and try to strangle me. At that time I could bench press more than my weight. This shadow man was solid and stronger than anyone I have ever come across. I was able to ask God's help every time, and every time it would work and it would dissapear. The last time he came back was something I will never forget. I rolled over, and saw him standing in my doorway. He held up a gun and shot me in the head. I felt it. Everything went numb. The shot itself didnt hurt much, just a lot of pressure. Then everything went black. I knew I was dieing. I could feel the warm blood pouring out. Then nothing. All of a sudden I remember hearing my thoughts they were so quiet at first then they started getting louder and louder. I learned what was important in life. I knew why I wanted to live. As each thought came to me of more reasons I had to live and why I was here to begin with, my vision started comming back. Everything was blury then it started to clear. I kept thinking of more and more reasons I was alive, why God intended me here. It was almost like someone was talking to me. Thinking my thoughts for me. While my vision cleared, I started to feel the blood disapear. When my vision was back, I could see the blood retreat. A few moments later I could move again and I ran into the bathroom just in time to see the last bit of blood on my face disapear. My mom came running into the bathroom to see what was wrong. She said she had heard some noises and heard me run in the bathroom and she thought she heard some one else in the house. Now, I always refered to him as the shadow man. I about threw up the year I found ATS and saw others asking about "the shadow man". I dont know if he is good or evil. I dont know what he is. All I know is that he wouldnt disapear until I figured out why I was here and I got on the right path. I have had special "gifts" as long as I can remember. The others I see speak of him either have it too, or have it strong after. I dont know what to think of him. I do know that there is no fighting him. Physically or verbally. The only way you can get rid of him, is to get right with yourself and get right with THE MAN.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:46 PM
mrs d, wow thanks for sharing that! Praise God you were ok - I say God's wisdom was shown to you at that moment! That is so strange with the gun shot, because about 8 years ago or longer, I was laying in bed wide awake, and saw the shadow and next thing a loud shot gun blast and felt it go right through into my forehead. No blood Thank God, But I could move, and I sat up like lighting saying my oh my what in the world was that! My husband who was lying right next to me, said what the heck was that. He heard the sound too! I told him what I felt, and saw, and we both prayed and bound the evil shadow man etc! And that was that, until that other thing definitely was a demon, attacked me and choked me many years later! With that thing, I knew the moment it entered my room, I could feel evil, and the smell I will never forget!
I believe God allowed me to experience that, so that I would have the wisdom to know how to not only fight & keep them at bay, but also so I & my husband would be able to help others. Their are so many people who have issue with them & the shadow people! I'm so glad you found a way to also have ended that ordeal & for you to be untouched by what that evil thing did! I say they are evil for sure, as many do also who have spent a life time investigating them. I could give you a link if you wanted more information on them. Just the other day their was a guest on Coast to Coast about the shadow people, and how they come in many different forms. They have a lot of information & pictures about them! Well glad your not having any more problems with them! Take Care

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:17 AM
Yea, I too know that God spoke to me that night. It changed my life. As for the website, I think I'll pass. I dont want to know any more about the shadow man. I read up on it a while back when I found that others had described the same thing. What I found in my reading was that mine was one of the more serious dealings. I know in my heart why it was. I just dont want to hear other peoples opinions about it. I know that sounds bad. Fact of the matter is that no one really knows what the shadow man is. Everything you will read will either be other peoples experiences or opinions. It bothers me reading other peoples experiences. Most are so light compaired to what I delt with for those years. As I said, in my heart I know why it was more intence. I just dont like to think about what he had to do to get the effect that was needed. He is out of my life now, and I try not to think about him. Half of me thanks God for that the other half of me wants to pray for him. If his job is to do what he did so that others and myself will come out with the knowledge we need......that has to suck for him. Seriously, what a crappy way to spend eternity with every one fearing you and damning you.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by pathoftruth
Ive been recently reading posts about the shadow people and demons and such and I was wondering if anyone has ever thought of taking the fight to them. I understand the whole sleep paralysis thing and the problems it could cause but has anyone actually ever been like get the **** out of my house or has anyone gone into that primalistic survival mode and gone crazy on a paranormal entity.

I was also curious if anyone hunted beings such as these.

what you fight you make give credence to their existence and therefore you play by their rules. So best to chill, let life live.

Gods Peace (your God by the way, so am I...unless you dont want to be of course. :lol


posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 09:21 PM
really nice Avatar, and I see you wrote on that, that your a seer. Have you any insights, to all the fighting back, that our country & others are doing to each other? Also have you ever received any personal divne messages, for you or all of society that you would care to share?

Would love to hear from you if your able to share it!
edit: oops I think the seer was just the picture dude lol
right, right lol

[edit on 9-4-2006 by AngelWings9999]

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