posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 10:20 PM
Dear ATS Members,
My name is Rasputin13, and I represent the group known as PETC, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Clowns. It has been brought to my attention
that ATS has recently become a breeding ground for anticlownatism. Let it be known that our group will not sit idly by and allow such clown hate
speech to run amok. Those calling for the infliction of bodily harm to, and especially the killing of, clowns, should be ashamed of themselves.
We ask that you all please talk to your children, and preach the love and understanding of clowns. Clowns have played a vital and important role in
the history of this great nation, as well as the entire world. Without clowns, we wouldn't have such leaders as Kim Jong Il and Jimmy Carter.
Please, help stop this unprovoked hatred towards clowns. Hug a clown if you can. They're more than just oversized shoes and a squeeky nose.
And always remember... hatred of clowns is never a laughing matter!
President and Founder of PETC
[edit on 25-3-2006 by Rasputin13]