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History repeating????

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posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:43 AM
I have read many articles,and treads about situation that is happening right now, and i cant shake the feeling that i have already read this in history books!!
In WW2 there was one single evil-Hitler!!For now this would be Bush!!In WW2 we have nation that was sufering-the jewish!!For now that would be muslims!!!!
Before we also have some international organization that was unable to stop nor the Hitler or Stalin!!For now that would be Nato!!
Before WW2 was also some occupation like Poland and Chehoslovakien and all the other nations was simply watching!!!
Before WW2 also the so called "superpowers" was intensive arming!!!For now that is also hapenning!!
So all the folks tell me are we so blind or stupid that we dont see whats comming on us???
Is there a possibility that we have learn something from past and will not do the same mistakes over and over again!!!
"Individualy peoples doesnt go insane and it is very rare, but in the nations and goverment that is very popular"

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:49 AM
History has reapeted its self many times in this case. it is no doubt happening again but with a more legal approach. search for The White Rose a short story by Jacob G. Hornberger on google.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:53 AM
So you are saying the Hitlers murder of the jews, handicapped, gypsies, etc is the same as Bush taking on terrorisim?

that is a pretty twisted sense of history......................

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by thermopolis
So you are saying the Hitlers murder of the jews, handicapped, gypsies, etc is the same as Bush taking on terrorisim?

that is a pretty twisted sense of history......................

No thats not my point!!Simply there are the same situation,all the muslims are evil just like jewish in WW2!!!And please dont talk about terorism that Bush is taking out!!!There are many other countries like syria and many countries that are very far away from democracy in Africa, but whit out Oil or other useful resources!!just a question,why isnt there any american soldiers to help???

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:16 AM
Maybe you should comprehend what terrorism really is first. It's not all the sugar coating and cream Bush has been telling you.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by swesais

No thats not my point!!Simply there are the same situation,all the muslims are evil just like jewish in WW2!!!And please dont talk about terorism that Bush is taking out!!!There are many other countries like syria and many countries that are very far away from democracy in Africa, but whit out Oil or other useful resources!!just a question,why isnt there any american soldiers to help???

Hitler called Jews evil and must be wiped out. Bush called Islam peaceful religion and the Muslim extremists are hijacking it for their own purposes and they must be wiped out. No similarity. Not to mention I don't see the round of millions of Muslim Americans and put into death camps, nor do I see them having to wear some kind of symbol on their arms to reveal that they are Muslims. Also as most people would point out, our military is "stretched" around the world. We have involved ourselves some small trouble spots like Haiti or Liberia for example. We have troops in the Phillipines or even in South Korea and Japan. We have helped the UN forces to help stabilize the situation in Africa, even provide logistical support. So don't say we are just interested in resources.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 12:00 PM
Actually, in my history class we were just talking about the similarities between what the US is doing in Iraq now and a little thing in the Phillipines back in the closing days of the 1800's. During the Phillipine Insurrection (aka Phillipine-American War), the United States occupied a territory with the intent of setting up a "good" government, and getting rid of a "bad" influence (the Spainards).

But after they invaded and took the capital (they pretty much just waltzed in, just as we did into Baghdad), an Inurgency rose made up of people who were fighting with the Americans before they landed and decided to make them a colony.

Here's an interestinig tidbit from the link:

A large American military force (126,000 soldiers) was needed to occupy the country, and would be regularly engaged in war against Filipino forces for another decade

Just change one word, and it certainly sounds familiar, doesn't it?


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