posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 01:41 PM
It was a soft day on plant. Stameon had only settled a little way into the nettles before the flower thunder struck the bottle cape. Exotics!
The sky tulip had rendered the aerials useless at this time of day. The hot blue sun couldn't breach the folds or woven canopies that were strung
overhead like beads of starlight upon which only the grandest wishes in the universe could bring into the beauty of vision. PolliPepper could smell
the old grasses that the stores had used to capacity last season.
Tuuleep was also abroad. She was alone down in the cellar as pinpricks of sunlight peeped into the chambers flooding the entire room with the
ambience of a solar choir. It had only been six or seven days since Stameon had offerred the Crystalline Corpus. The Centre of the Diamondlilly was
a spiralling spectrum of violent light dynamics. It had quite the disorientational vertigo spawning and flight with whimsy upon all 18 senses, they
were all in a state of
Metallurgicalaugmentationalsimicdammodammoringlycuriosity. And you know how THAT can be!
Soon it would be time to trim the buzz-buzz treetop sparkler, ooohhh, that would be fun. All the children love Panda Claus. Ha Ha Ha, He He He, Ho
Ho Ho better eat all your petals or XXmas goes awayaway!
"Venio! Stameon of Leafcutter! Halt or I will use a toxic!"
It was a Dark Knight of the Blue Sons. A vile, guild of predators and warriors who based their
entire Order upon the bloody, roaring War of Whyxe and the Wake of Gorgon.
"Look to the Skytulip you uncultured wretch!"
Thank goodness it was Tuuleep! Stameon turned
only to see darkness mixed with dull, distant, pain that shrieked between his eyes. He had passed out from the toxic that the Dark Knight of the Blue
Sons managed to fire off before PolliPepper had
tore off his head with a fatal blow from her, 'deeper and darker' regions shall we say. She fired a noxious vapour actually that dissolved anything
it contacted by portioned concentration.
Conciousness was fleeting for the young creature,Stameon but he would survive this ordeal as he had so many times before...
[Edited on 10-10-2003 by Lucifer]
[Edited on 10-10-2003 by Lucifer]
[Edited on 15-10-2003 by Lucifer]