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Patterson-Gimlin Film

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posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:14 PM
Another thing to take into consideration here is that most of us have never seen the film anywhere near the original copy. Apparently, the original 16mm print is pretty clear and has relatively high definition. It would be nice to get higher resolution images to see what was really going on.

I agree that padding might flex and move in a particular way that would look like muscles.

The problem, though, is that as you start to add up all the alternatives to what "might" have happened, you start to get real close to old Occam's Razor, which is double-sided. At a certain point, you reach a level where the number of chance things required to debunk the image and the story become more unlikely than the story, itself.

It's not positive proof, by any means. But there is a point at which a "swamp gas" explanation is just too far-fetched. (Secret Bigfoot suits that nobody has a photo of, foam that moves like muscles, people hiding out in the deep woods to pop out at just the right time, etc.) And at that point, it's probably best to just shrug, put it all back in the file and wait to see if more evidence pops up later.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:17 PM
I agree JBondo

The muscle movement looks too distinct to be accidental.

In addition to my original questions, does anyone know the timeline between when the suit was ordered/received, and when the encounter occured?

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:48 PM
You know what, I wouldn't care if the suit were purchased the same week. It is just not realistic enough to even come close if he is telling the truth about the vendor of said suit.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:23 AM
I agree, but if the dates don't match, that may be presented as more concrete evidence that the paticular suit purchased from PMorris was not used.
There has already been some discrepency regarding the amount of time after the supposed hoax that the suit was destroyed as claimed by BobbyH.

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