posted on Oct, 23 2002 @ 02:41 PM
Well AR, what about...
If Gore won, not Bush. Or if we had taken out saddam the first time? Or what if Washington didn't surprise the Hessians at Trenton?
Or, my favorite, if the U.S.A. was successful in one of its invasions of Canada? For then America would be the largest country, and connected to
Alaska. And we would have all of those resources. The oil alone would make the U.S. less dependent on the arabs. And of course, the population!
Think about how it could grow. Right now, crowded cities, forests and farm being turned into housing decelopments. But with all of Canada, no need
to make room, for room would be there. Canada, second largest country, about 30-40 million people. We have that east of the Mississippi.
Or another favorite of mine. You mentioned Japan attacking pearl Harbor. Well, if they never did, would we get into WWII? Or, if no Japan, would we
have worked on making nukes? No nuclear power plants, but no mutations or Chernoboyl.(sp?)
Or with your scenarios AR. Yes, Mussolini stays nuetral, but then if Nazi Germany attacks, would they be ready? Or if patton attacks USSR, how much
money and lives would be spent fighting them?
Or if we were prepared for Japan, would we have ended war with them sooner, for our navy wouldn't have been as crippled in the Pacific Ocean, and
Japan might have been weakened. Or may have said sorry, we make mistake, so big mistake, we can do nothing to you, for Americans sooo big. We
japanese, we small, so very small, what can we do?(From South Park) Anyways, MD, you have any good scenarios? You said you are a what if historian
buff, I want to see what you come up with. And AR, come up with some more, and put your input on what would happen. And welcome to ATS! We had a
small problem with hackers, but hey, what if they hadn't struck? I'd still be setipsychic, Ultra_pheonix would still be himself, and so on.