Hello. I'm a brand newbi to this forum and wanted to introduce myself. This is a really neat site and I'm glad to read the different ideas and
insights that everyone has. I'm a media director (hoping to turn into an english teacher) at Littleton High School and was resently called a
communist wacko (good naturedly) by my colleagues for imply (well, more like flat out saying) that the Federal Government was using No Child Left
Behind to cripple (and eventually shut down) the public school system, which is nothing more than blatant class warfare.
I hope to meet more of you as I pursue this site and learn more and more. Thank you and have a good evening.
Below is A hand book of links that may help you answer some questions you have, ie, what are points ect....this is Zedds great link book for ATS
use www.abovetopsecret.com...
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Your right, this site is awesome. I hope to read alot of interesting threads from you.
Your also right about one thing. The no child left behind is a crock. My son is a little impaired, and he has already had to stay behind a year
because of this. It doesn't matter what grades you make during the school year, if you can't pass that stupid test you don't get to be
I'd also like to welcome you to the wonderful addiction we call ATS...
I look forward to some great posts from you - the topic of No Child Left Behind hits close to home (my wife is an educator) - so I'd love to take
part in that discussion with you some time! Welcome and enjoy.