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i think i met a masonist

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posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 03:16 PM
i always i've met this one guy about 5 times in hampton by random meetings. we are friends and we talk a lot when we meet. he is allowed on langley AFB even though he is retired from military and retired from work in general. i've seen him just walk on and take a swig of hard liquor(seriously).

he is a very knowledgable person. seems to know everything about the seven cities(hampton roads). he literally seems to knows where everything is in this area and it is a large LARGE area.

at our last random meeting i asked him if he was married, cuz i saw a ring on his finger. he said no. i then saw the ring and it was apparantly gold and had a white letter S upon a blue oval and then i realized it was not a wedding ring.
i then asked what does it mean.
i dont remember what he said cause i was kind of shocked and thinking to much when during his response he semi-mumbled masonry 2 times. it could not have been any other word.

he a great guy but i don't know what masonists are besides these few posts i read here. and does this ring mean something elite? did i really meet an elite secret society person? what does this mean for me? why would he tell me out loud? what am i to him?

my real question- did i meet someone important?

p.s.- i did not recall the post position in this forum but it was called "staged alien invasions or something" and it one member asked if i was related to someone in power thru my ancestors. well, if i can find that forum again i will tell you that i am very much related to Hitler. everyone i told disbelieves me. but it is the truth. i did my research on my family tree about 10 years ago. i am directly related to him. different last name i have tho.

this whole post is true, any interesting responses desired much.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 12:49 AM
I think it depends largely on what masonic level this guy is at. Masons are rumored to be involved in some shady business but those are the higher up ones mostly. There are 33 degrees in masonry. I don't know much about it but recently I found out one of my ancestors was a mason. My great great great grandfather John Booth (my moms' moms' moms' moms' Father). He was most likely at one of the lower levels as I do not come from a rich family or anything. I wish I knew more.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 08:40 AM

i always i've met this one guy about 5 times in hampton by random meetings. we are friends and we talk a lot when we meet. he is allowed on langley AFB even though he is retired from military and retired from work in general. i've seen him just walk on and take a swig of hard liquor(seriously).

First: after you get out of grade school YOU MIGHT discover that

1. any RETIRED of Active Duty MilPer. that is Military Personell can enter any base and partake
of the services offered for their rate, IE: NCO clubs,Enlisted clubs,Oclubs respectively.
Commisary, Post exchange, Gyms, Pools etc etc etc. All personel entitled to these privledges And their MINOR dependents are issued ID cards for the purpose.

There is no connection at all to Masonry. These are privledges given to those who have served and continue to serve.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
There are 33 degrees in masonry.

Just for the record, there are 33 degrees in the Scottish Rite of Masonry. Other Masonic Rites have ddiffering numbers of degrees.

I don't know much about it but recently I found out one of my ancestors was a mason. My great great great grandfather John Booth (my moms' moms' moms' moms' Father). He was most likely at one of the lower levels as I do not come from a rich family or anything. I wish I knew more.

One's "level" has nothing to do with being rich (I'm certainly not rich either). All Master Masons are on the same level. If any Master Mason wants to receive the additional degrees, he may do so. All one has to do is apply for them. For example, in the United States, roughly half of all Masons (around two million) are at least 32° members of the Scottish Rite.

[edit on 20-3-2006 by Masonic Light]

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by daisaison_x
the ring and it was apparantly gold and had a white letter S upon a blue oval

Interesting. I expect that the masons on board won't be able to tell us anything about it, considering that its probably a 'mode of recognition' which they swear to not tell anyone. But then again they might be able to.

Was it an 'S' or was it more like this:

The symbol is the hebrew word for 'god' or somesuch. If he had a ring like that, though apparently its supposed to be in a triangle, then it means he's a 14th Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. The rings aren't given out automatically, so one would have to purchase it special, which might indicate that he's proud of being a mason.
I'm looking around for one with an S in an oval, but don't see any. Here's a cute one though:

Two balls and a cane.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
If he had a ring like that, though apparently its supposed to be in a triangle, then it means he's a 14th Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. The rings aren't given out automatically, so one would have to purchase it special, which might indicate that he's proud of being a mason.

Actually, the 14° ring is given to all Candidates who receive that degree during the actual ceremony of initiation into the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States.

The motto inside the ring, "Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit", is the chief motto of the Scottish Rite, and means "What virtue hath united, death cannot separate."

[edit on 20-3-2006 by Masonic Light]

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
Actually, the 14° ring is given to all Candidates who receive that degree

Ah, my information is wrong then.

Is there any ring that woudl have an 'S'? In a blue oval? Is the blue oval indiciative of anything in particular, likesay a partiuclar jurisdicition of something?

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Is there any ring that woudl have an 'S'? In a blue oval? Is the blue oval indiciative of anything in particular, likesay a partiuclar jurisdicition of something?

I'm not familiar with any fraternity that uses an "S"; I would agree with you in that it was probably a 14° ring with the Henrew letter Yod, which looks sort of like an "S", but the regulation form of this ring is the Yod within the Greek letter Delta, no blue. The ring itself can be either silver or gold. In most Scottish Rite Temples in the Southern Jurisdiction, silver ones are given at no charge, but if Candidates want a gold one, they cost an additional $40.00, added to initiation fees (my Temple charges $70.00 in initiation fees for the 4°-14°).

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 08:26 PM
I work at an Office Depot store in dothan alabama, and i see quite a few masons come in on a regular basis, one that i remember actually wore a jacket with his degree on it. he was a 33° mason, and i asked him why he wore a jacket proclaiming his degree when usually i see only a ring, and he said that it was given to him in recognition of him attaining his degree. seemed strange to me, but im seeing a lot of strange things recently, so i don't really disregard anything i see anymore.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 01:44 AM
i dunt recall mason teachings in grade school.
but i guess ill re-enter kindergarten... i think i just might have missed a few things according to you.

that is why this post was a question- because i admitted to knowing not much.
no need to shove it down my throat animal.

and no, this post didn't have to deal with the fact that he could go on base, but the fact that he can walk the city drunk and knows everyone on the base. he just goes on and drinks in places where i'd got shot by a sniper. this has nothing to do with the fact he can do as allowed, but he just say hi to the security guards then wispers me things i don't want to get into.

the ring looks like the second picture you posted but that is more of an 'F'. this was a simple looking S. no design.

[edit on 21-3-2006 by daisaison_x]

[edit on 21-3-2006 by daisaison_x]

[edit on 21-3-2006 by daisaison_x]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:29 AM
You live in England! Aren't most retired guys drunk anyways?! Drinking becomes their job.

Why don't you just ask the guy what his ring means next time and actually pay attention instead of being so flabbergasted a guy who isn't married is wearing a ring. He's wearing it because he feels a strong sense of pride. Period.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 03:05 AM
being a De Molay, I have met many masons throughout my 7 years. Usually alot of them are proud of either being a mason, or proud (and openly display) the degrees they receive. Most notably are rings and "badges" on their cars

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 03:07 AM
badges on their car are used to identify other masons

if youre proud of something dont you display it?

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Masonic LightFor example, in the United States, roughly half of all Masons (around two million) are at least 32° members of the Scottish Rite.

How true it is, my great grandfather was a 32/33 mason. His son is also 32/33 (sorry dont recall) mason.
All this conspiracy stuff, doesnt hold water, at least not with all of the masons anyway.

I can tell you they were not rich (though not bad off), and they dont hold any secrets worth knowing.
(I mean nothing revolutionary.) Now they wanted my father to join, but he's religious and I suppose he thinks it satanic. To each their own.

If there is a conspiracy, its a handful of people, and the majority will never know.

Gods Peace


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 03:49 AM
i agree, most of the masonic conspiracies make me laugh. one that my DeMolay brother found was that masons feed babies to aliens that live under the denver airport. There was a whole website about it. On one of the boards i used to go to there is this guy thats a real conspiracy theorist and always came up with these crazy things, we got to talking about masons and i said that alot of my fathers side are masons and i know alot of masons, his reply was "you must be well protected then!" i was like "umm ok, if you say so" most people that dont know masons or have never seen one think either very highly or very lowly of them, people that actually know masons know they are no different then you and I.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
Actually, the 14° ring is given to all Candidates who receive that degree during the actual ceremony of initiation into the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States.

I'm not sure about everywhere... Well, I guess technically that is accurate. So far as I know (I haven't personally taken the AASR Degrees yet), in my jurisdiction, Candidates are given a pyramid shaped paperweight with a 14° ring inside it thus:

Personally I would rather have a ring I can wear, but hey, whaddya do?

ML, do you know if there is a difference between the Northern Jurisdiction and the Southern Jurisdiction's rings/symbols for the 14°? The WM of my lodge has one upon which the delta is upside down in relation to the yod compared to the 14° rings I normally see. He said he picked it up at a public flea market.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 02:01 PM
Please ATS is for conspiratorial topics ONLY. As this thread is a discussion about mundane aspects of masonry I'm moving it to BTS chit chat...

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