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Florida P.D. sell out to get $1 cop cars

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posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 03:33 PM
It's good to see that our police depts. are maintaining such a high level of integrity.

SPRINGFIELD, Fla. � This Florida Panhandle town is getting new police cars for only $1 each, but there's a catch. The cars will be festooned with corporate sponsorship logos similar to those on race cars.

I'm rather curious about what, "These free cars may not always be free cars," means?

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:05 PM
I'm rather curious about what, "These free cars may not always be free cars," means?

That means the poeple going in them backt othe police station...might not be free for soo long ;P

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
I'm rather curious about what, "These free cars may not always be free cars," means?

That means the poeple going in them backt othe police station...might not be free for soo long ;P

Kooky little comment isn't it?!?!

Seems to me like a "You Scratch my back, I scratch yours" or "You don't scratch my back, I take away free Cars?!?!"

I wonder if sponsored by Coke the Pepsi delivery truck just happens to get more tickets while driving through that town?? And maybe the Coke driver is allowed some extra rule bending??
(Coke and Pepsi are used as example and do not herby or in any part have any association with ATS or the Crazy man known as mOjOm. All rights reserved.)

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 06:51 PM
I think it's a good idea. Police cars aren't that cheap. They have to be fast, strong (to bump cars of necessary), and secure. If you can get alot of sponsors to get a almost free car, then go for it.

The only negative catch I can think of is that it might cause people to think that the police is too cheap. I mean really, it does look kinda silly having logos plastering all over your car, especially if it's the one that you have to on the lookout for on the road.

It'll make cop cars easier to identify, not a good thing if you want to catch speeders in one of them.

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 07:09 PM
i agree with saucerat,its a great idea

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by jezebel
It's good to see that our police depts. are maintaining such a high level of integrity.

SPRINGFIELD, Fla. � This Florida Panhandle town is getting new police cars for only $1 each, but there's a catch. The cars will be festooned with corporate sponsorship logos similar to those on race cars.

They've been doing that in some areas of the UK for a few years now. I went back to the area I was born in last year and had to pop into the local Police station to ask directions. Outside, the rear wing of each patrol car had , believe it or not, a Macdonalds logo and slogan.

Aside from the question about integrity, I'd imagine it somewhat cheapens the whole experience of being arrested!

I can, however, understand WHY they had to sink such a level, the British Police force has been underfunded for years, so I suppose they'll take any investment where they can get it, but I cannot see the Florida Police being THAT strapped for cash!

At the end of the day alot of this about respect, and they will lose an element of that if they publically suck the corporate cock. I mean, where would it end? If the Director of a company who's logo festoons a sqaud car is 'caught with his pants down' in an illegal situation, will he be allowed to quiely zip 'em up and walk away? After all, it would be rather embarrasing for the Police if the guy who's company name is splashed all over their fleet of cars goes down for illegal doings. That's a pretty extreme example, but a not altogether unbelievable scenario.

This sounds stupid, but I've lost a lot of repect for the Metropolitan Police, becuase they walk around looking like they have no respect for themselves half the time.
They don't bother with a tie (which is only a clip-on thing by the way, not a proper 'chocker') and it's not uncommon for them to be chewing gum. That's pretty acceptable in the US, but in the UK, it's just slack. It's obviously their attempt to be seen as less 'threatening' and more of a Police 'service' than a Police 'force', but it actaully throws out the impression that they couldnt give a toss about themselves. If they ever start placing adverts on Met sqaud cars then all hope is lost.

My point is, if the Police, the upholders of the Law, don't look either fully impartial, or as if they have any respect for themselves - be it through adverts on cars or slack dress - the people they are paid to 'protect and serve' will lose a certain amount of respect for them. You may say I'm wrong, but if the next time there's a murder in your neighbourhood a Police car arrives looking like an ice-cream van, you'll see I'm right.

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 10:32 PM
go read the post "I'm the Pole-leaz" may give u some insite on the sponsership of the police and where the "future of law enforcemnt " is going. can you say "big business"
does somebody have a red pill i could borrow......throw the blue one away ...

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 10:45 PM
So let me get this straight, you have state government vehicles being publically sponsored by top-dollar corporations? Only in Bush territory.. ah, the same state that swung the "election", eh? Kathleen Harris screwed so many seniors out of having their vote counted when she bowed down to the power of the Bush dynasty:

[Peerage researchers] say Bush�s royal connections are startling. His blue blood runs thicker than Vice President Al Gore�s. In fact it trumps the royal ties of every other president to date, including his father�s. It seems George W. has inherited his mother�s deep blue blood-line. "[Bush] is closely related to every European Monarch both on and off the throne."

Incidentally the original ABCNEWS.COM source article can't be found anymore- coincidence?

And lets not even get into Bush's sociopathic friend Cheney... the man who is really running the show! He loves it behind closed doors, he has admitted this through his behavior:

Rep Henry Waxman Blasts Cheney On Closed Door Meetings on Oil and Cheney's Relations With Enron.

AND of course getting involved in legal situations--

Records of Vice President Cheney's energy task force should remain confidential, the Bush administration told the Supreme Court yesterday, arguing that demands for disclosure presented serious constitutional issues.

In a 25-page filing, the Justice Department's solicitor general urged the Supreme Court to consider "fundamental separation-of-powers questions" raised by a federal judge who says the task force should produce information about its operations.

Just vote for somebody who isn't Bush or Cheney, I'm interested to see how obvious they link the terror distractions and voting scandals this time around. Can we say "forced choice"?

[Edited on 31-10-2003 by MKULTRA]

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 12:27 AM
Maybe they will have to read you a Mcdonalds commercial before they tell you why you got pulled over.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 12:30 AM
Lets raise some cash and get an advertisement for ats on there!!!!!

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 01:49 AM
I have little (if nothing) to say positive about the police or politics inside the florida panhandle..if it *seems* sketchy most likely it is..if it doesn't seem sketchy, it probably is

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