posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 02:26 PM
The Romans and Greeks thought of "Heaven" as the place oyu wanted to be for all eternity. That you died and if you were noble and what not your
spirit would go to the Elysian Fields. No one knows what the fields looked like, but everyone had an idea of what they thought it would be like, and
that was heaven to them. To be with the people you loved the most, and be in the place you loved the most. The same goes for Christianity... What is
heaven? A big place in the clouds, or your favorite place in the world? A place where only good people will go.
Hell, on the other hand, I don't think would be waking up every morning and being tortured for all eternity. Hell is your worst nightmare...
Whatever you make it to be, as with Heaven.
Both places are just areas man has made to explain death, just like Gods. They were and are an explanation. An explanation that everyone views
As for me, I think that when we die our souls wander until they find a new home. Which to me, explains ghosts. Souls who have yet to find a new body
to exist in.
I can't explain why all memory is lost once that new home is found. But who can explain anything about death?