posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 12:53 PM
Here's a pretty neat little tid biut i found today searchign the web. The only problem i for see in naming possible planets for life, is that we are
stuck in a rut. I mean by this that we look for someplace so like ours that we may miss another place. That according to us can't support life, but
life has a way of finding a way to servive. Even heard of shrimp, fish and tube worms living by the thermal vents on the bottem of the ocean.
No this environment is rich in sulfur, which can be deadly to some life. But life their has adapted to the sulfur content and the heat that radiates
off the vents. Now i know that it will be way easier to find life that is based on carbon like us first. But we can't think closed minded when we go
insearch of life outside the solar system, of for that matter inside the solar system.
I would like to get into a discussion about theorys about factors that would affect what life develops. Also if silicon based life might be possible?