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A question on conspiracies...

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posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 11:09 PM
I know how easy it could be to invoke suspician on any substancial happening in our reality. So many ways to manipulate and distort facts. Expecially when so many things in our present history have had falsehoods and deception (to some degree) at all facets of business and politics, and hell (pardon the pun) religion.

So, that said, it is obvious my position on ableness to create suspicion is as easy as the next feeble-minded endeavor. But, what is the true reason for so many theorist? Possible answer: Because there is so much conspiracy (which I have no doubt it is a possibility).

But I have no real example to draw from that has been a conspiracy, then exposed. Are there many to keep the fuel going? I'm not saying there aren't any, I just don't have any to draw from. I would like to use this thread for you conspiracy buffs to list all the conspiracies that have been exposed. I would be delighted to be brought to your page. Thanks, AAC

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 05:10 AM

One reflects on experience, doesnt fit within the logic of a person [this however depends on the knowledge the person has to judge], consistency in naration of events or sequence of events. There could be more. I would recommend you to check out Serpo, as i believe after all the reading that it is a haox.

Good luck in your quest.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 09:18 AM
In the case of George Dubai Bush v. The United States of America, this is no conspiracy.
It is all true. Without any doubts.

Conspiracies are speculations, rumors, possibilities- this one is the sure thing. Real.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 04:50 PM
Its been three days since I posted. either no one cares (no hard feelings) or there are no real examples. Are the powers at be that good at keeping the secret? Or isn't that no one is pushing hard enough for the truth. Maybe its time for new tactics? AAC

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 03:38 AM

I think each and everyone on this forum, does push hard and try hard to get information regarding unexplained or illogical developments. It is tough to jot down all that is happening in this thread. Some of the experts/moderators/writers and even members like yourself come up with great topics. Dnt want to disencourage you to persue everyone to write here, but I think there are some great examples of reseach on the website.

I guess it doesn help you much, but anyways...good luck


posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 03:03 PM
I'd say that a conspiracy occurs in any situation where the official explanation seems to defy the given facts or just plain old logic and reason.

The Kennedy assassination is a classic one. There are many details that seem to indicate that there is no way Oswald, acting alone, could be responsible for all of those bullets in the amount of time documented on film, and with the rifle he was using. That's just one detail of course...but it illustrates the point.

The Roswell Case is probably a more prime example. Here, the official explanation is PROVEN false time and time again, and by the Air Force itself. First, nothing happened. Then, it was a weather balloon, then nope, it was a Mogul balloon. All the explanations do not fit the facts or the logic, and the Air Force ADMITTED to a coverup (just that they claim they were covering up Mogul). Regardless, it's a proven conspiracy and an effort to hide the truth.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 06:11 PM
Thank you Gazrok, I have read about those discrepancies. I guess I am just hoping for a blatant "punk" on the side of the debunker. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that people can keep secrets so long. The temptation to disclose this monumental evidence would be too much for me to keep inside. Thanks, AAC

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 10:14 PM
Conspiracies abound when people feel they do not need to tell the truth.

Reading articles like these, one doesn't have to look very far to see how easily "conspiracies" blossom in an atmosphere of Sophistry, wherein "He with the gold defines what is true."

When truth is generally not known or know-able, then problems become very difficult to actually "solve," because problem-solving works off cause-and-effects, not off preferences, wishes and lies.

Are we having difficulties solving problems these days? Too many conspiracies to work around, I betcha.

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