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Egyptian account of the Exodus

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posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 05:25 PM
I am curious, what is the Egyptian account of the Exodus of the Jews? I know the Biblical version, but are there (have there ever been) Egyptian (non-Jewish) documents of the Exodus?

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 02:53 AM
your not the only one wondering.
probably not, as the exodus didnt happen the way it is in the Bible, perhaps.

You might have a better chance in linking Pharoah Akhenaten (spelling?) to Moses and or to Joseph & the pharoah of his time.

General Horneb (spelling?) wiped out the whole memory of Pharoah Akhenaten (the heretical kind who worshipped only one God...the son God)

Now was this cause he was actually Joseph (who became 2nd to pharoah, and ruled after pharoah?)
And/or he was also Moses who led people into the desert forming his own religion. Anyway, as a literal crossing, no one really knows. No evidence. People say it was cause they were nomadic, but surely something had to survived? They brought all the spoils (gold) from egypt with them.

Gods Peace


posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 04:13 AM
I dont think there has ever been any clear evidence discovered in Egypt, to support the Israelite Exodus from Egypt.

But who knows the Egyptians had a nasty habit of trying to erase unpopular people and events from its recorded history. We can see clear evidence of this even in Pharaohs For example Akhenaten. Later Pharaohs attempted to erase all memories of Akhenaten and his religion.

That does make you think about what they would do to the story of Moses, If even half of it was true it wouldnt have been a great moment of Egypt.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 06:03 PM
I've seen two shows on the science channel by a particular archaeologist: in one he found the Garden of Eden and the other explored the events of Exodus. It convinced me, and I thought they were well enough presented to convince any non-believer of Biblical truth.

What I remember of the Exodus one is as follows:
Around 1600 BC the volcano known as Thera (Santorini) off the coast of Crete erupted, playing a major role in the downfall of the Minoan Civilization. The blast, in addition to giving Crete a good thrashing, sent off tidal waves out radially.

Allegedly, this blast was somewhat larger than any that have been experienced in recent times (i.e. Krakatoa). Therefore, Egypt saw in the distance a big black cloud in the distance, perhaps suffered some ash "fallout" and was hit by some sort of tsunami.

Keep in mind I may have made some of these up since I saw this a while back:

The volcanic ashy billowing (plague 9--darkness)

Perhaps erupting lava a few hundred miles away and the absence of sunlight caused the water to reflect the redness (plague 1--blood)

Ash (plague 7--hail)

Widespread death for a zillion different reasons (plague 10--slaying of the first-born)

Then there are a whole number of plagues involving animals. This I would attribute to mass migration of animals fleeing the impending ash/tsunamis.

Egypt is in chaos, so a group of opportunistic Caananite slaves take advantage of the moment and flee. When it is discovered that the villages formerly occupied by the Jews are empty, the Pharaoh sends out the cavalry to follow their tracks and return his slave property.

Now here's where this theory requires a leap of faith.

It is known that before a tsunami, the ocean often recedes for up to several hours. So, the slaves, who are heading east along the north coast, take a shortcut and go across wet sand with dead dying aquatic life around and head for some hill. When they get to their destination (the high ground) they see the pursuing Egyptian war party in the distance get washed away by the tidal wave.

Thus, the seas parted. However, the Bible says calls it the "Red" Sea, which is not on the northern coast of Egypt. The archaeologist claims that somewhere along the line it was mistranslated from "Reed" Sea.

Some random site reports:

Reed Sea or Red Sea? "God led the people by the roundabout way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea" (13:18, NRSV). Most English Bible versions locate Israel's miraculous escape at the Red Sea, but the underlying Hebrew phrase yam suf might better be rendered Reed Sea. Suf is derived from the Egyptian word for the papyrus reed, which only grows in fresh water. This would place the crossing at one of the lagoons or inland lakes in the northeast of Egypt near the shore of the Mediterranean Sea (see Batto 1984, who presents the evidence but opts for a mythological interpretation of yam suf).

So one interpretation of the bible is that its an inlet of the Mediterranean which happened to literally be full of reeds.

Its a cool story regardless of whether or not its what Genesis is about.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 11:44 PM

It's unlikely the slaying of the first born was reference to random deaths. It's very specific, in fact, with a purpose. The first born were typically nephilim (, alien-human hybrids). Slaying them would require something that specificially targeted their unusual genome.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 12:58 AM
I believe we've been deliberately taught the wrong country, wrong sea, wrong continant, by "The Father of the Lie" (remember there were a few times God's people 'forgot' Him and had to be re-taught) and that's why there are so many annomolies in ancient history.

As with Christ's birth, etc., The Bible tells of events and their "shadow" events so people can recognize the truth of God's Word and prophecies but, I believe, there will be so many deceived in the End Days because they are/will be looking for 'signs' in the wrong places.

God's 'opposser' makes sure every time we start to re-discover the truth, 'accepted' time-lines and other stone walls of 'science' bury rather than explore the 'new' information.

Anyway, I'm not ready to present this idea in an 'acceptable' form and should avoid it untill then, but sometimes I just like to 'fish' for others who find themselves pondering the along these lines.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 10:33 PM
None of the hieroglyphic texts refer to any of the accounts in Exodus (or Genesis.) This shouldn't be surprising, since the reverse is also true -- the Bible doesn't refer to any of the dynastic doings or the history of Egypt or notable periods (the rulership of Hatshepsut) of Egypt. Nor do either of them mention what was going on in other countries (such as Italy and Greece.)

There is, however, one strong tradition in Ethiopia that has to do with the Queen of Sheba (and it sounds reasonably plausible, IMHO.) But Ethiopia isn't/wasn't Egypt.

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