posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 04:26 PM
This is the next generation of gaming. You controll every aspect of your own little world. THink of a were you start from beging as
asmall microbial lifeform over time you inter act with your world and evolve.Think of a game were you create YOUR OWN STORY.
you then evolve and actually crreat your creature , using a editore that can be used to change every aspect of your creature and eventuelly
buildings,cars,even your own world.
OK so you eveolve from micro life and then you go into a civilisation. You have diplomacy, wars, new invension.EVerything you see around you in the
real world and more.You then evolve into a advanced race and gain the ablility to travel to other worlds and everything.
THE game inports worlds, creatures, other things made by real players all over the world and these you can interact with in a galxy holding possibly
real 10s of 1000s or 100,000s of player created races. You can visit them, and everything.
just watch this