posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 03:44 PM
Amityville.. Its a well known haunting, with photos, accounts, murders.. But I have a question about one seemingly minor detail concering the basement
of the house. I saw something on History Channel on the subject, and a detail stuck me.
In the basement of the house, Mrs.Lutz was arranging some shelves, and moved one to find a room that wasn't on the floor plan. The family dog (A
fairly large one at that) was down there with her, and instatly sat next to her and lowered its ears. It was a fairly small room, with a low enough
ceiling to make her duck her head to get inside. The room was red, pure red. She stepped inside and suddenly felt the urge to put a shelf back in
front of the room after she did.
My question is.. What the hell? Is the room somehow part of whatever is haunting thier house? Some kinda demon gate?