O.K Well, I have a couple of probably off the wall speculations that have come from no where that I know of, other than my own thick head. So, if
you find them to be ridiculous, well, that's O.K. go ahead and say so.......
Well, one thing I had been thinking about, mostly because threre is currently a thread on the subject here, and it is being discussed all over the
place - on and off line. That is the question of why in the world have they (Diane Feinstein D-CA and Mr. Talent) attached their Anti-Meth, Sudafed
Restrictive Law as a rider on the unpatriotic patriot act, when the two seem to have absolutely nothing to do with one another. I also was wondering
the same thing, thinking that it was wrong and stupid to lump two totally separate problems together on one bill.
Foir some reason, it occurred to me that (remember this is strictly my own rambling thought) perhaps it wasn't done so haphazard as it appears on the
I had at one time had the entire first (unpatriotic) patriot act downloaded to my hard drive. Why? I guess I thought I was going to read it. But,
it was so ridiculously long, that I never got through the table of contents. Then, I ended up having to reformat the hard drive anyway. What I'm
trying to get at, is that I have never read the first one in it's entirety, and have not read the new one, with the rider(s) attached. So, I can
only go by what I have read and heard from others concerning it's contents.
From what I gather, the most appalling and intrusive part of the patriot act is the part that apparently violates our fourth amendment rights as far
as "search and seizure", and being able to be wire-tapped without our knowledge on any whim by one of the "elite" that we may have been seeing
saying hello in passing to someone they are watching as a suspedted terrorist - something like that.
Well, if that's the case, or close to it, well then perhaps they did know what they were doing when they attached that anti-meth rider, because and
like I said, I have not read it, but it sounds like by attaching that particular rider to the patriot act, it could broaden their rights to wire tap
and enter peoples homes at will, not only due to the remote possibility that you might be or know a terrorist, but also on the premise that you might
be a meth maker or user, and that it could be used in court. While under regular law, they couldn't just enter at will and arrest a person for drugs
without going through proper channels and only after having sufficient evidence to do so.
Just a wild idea I had.
Anyone agree or disagree? Just curious.
(The other, I will write in a different post, because I have to go now.)