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Another Teacher on Leave for Politically Incorrect Teaching

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posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by AdamJ

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

This seems to be the latest political movement to get 'liberal' teachings out of the schools and replace them with right wing ideals like religion, God, family (the 'right' kind of family) and Christmas Trees.

replace them with christianity and family?
i thought it was going the other way

Right wing ideals? That's gonna be a big shock to all my left-wing, Democrat friends and family who are religious families and like to decorate their Christmas trees.

Amazing how low some people will go to promote their divisive agendas.:shk:

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by AdamJ
replace them with christianity and family?
i thought it was going the other way

The liberal use of single quotes in my statement has meaning.

Let me restate:

This seems to be the latest political movement to force ultra-conservative ideals on to the population by forcing them into the schools. Firing teachers for expressing anything considered to be liberal teachings, by this conservative extreme, seems to be the latest political tactic to make this country (the US) operate under certain values respected by (but not limited to) that conservative extreme, such as specific religious behavior and specific family structure (mom, dad and children).

Although liberal people in this country have religion and family in their lives, it's many times not the right kind of religion and family, according to this ultra-conservative extreme standard.

I'm not calling names, I'm using the words "liberal" and "conservative" as descriptive adjectives only.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
And save the "Well, the almighty SCOTUS know best" arguments, please.

I know better than that! You always know best, in any situation, whether it's the Supreme Court or the Colorado School System. They should just call you when they get in a bind. You know everything.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by AdamJ
replace them with christianity and family?
i thought it was going the other way

The liberal use of single quotes in my statement has meaning.

Let me restate:

This seems to be the latest political movement to force ultra-conservative ideals on to the population by forcing them into the schools. Firing teachers for expressing anything considered to be liberal teachings, by this conservative extreme, seems to be the latest political tactic to make this country (the US) operate under certain values respected by (but not limited to) that conservative extreme, such as specific religious behavior and specific family structure (mom, dad and children).

Although liberal people in this country have religion and family in their lives, it's many times not the right kind of religion and family, according to this ultra-conservative extreme standard.

I'm not calling names, I'm using the words "liberal" and "conservative" as descriptive adjectives only.

ok, i mean you got the word right, extreme, but its no more conservative than it is liberal, because i though the idea was to devalue the family and promote science and atheism. At least thats what the right wing christians are saying that schools are obsessed with darwinism, sex education and things like that.

Surely it would be a misidentification of the problem then to describe the ideals being forced on people as conservative?

maybe some false left, right paradigms are involved here?

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by AdamJ
because i though the idea was to devalue the family and promote science and atheism. At least thats what the right wing christians are saying that schools are obsessed with darwinism, sex education and things like that.

I'm not too sure of the direction you're coming from, but...

The liberal teachings don't want to devalue the family, they want to expand the meaning of family to encompass non-traditional families, such as same-sex parents and single parents to be treated as valid families.

Promote science? Yeah. Science is good.
They also 'promote' math, english, reading, social studies... you know, school subjects. Evolution is science. They're no more 'obsessed' with it than they are with mathematics.

Promote atheism? No. I don't know that atheism is being promoted in the schools. In my experience, Atheists don't push their beliefs like religious folk do.

Sex education? If parents did it, teachers wouldn't have to. But as long as the schools are teaching sex education, then they should cover all aspects, not just abstenance.

Surely it would be a misidentification of the problem then to describe the ideals being forced on people as conservative?

Use whatever word you want to use. Fundamenta, old-fashioned, conservative, traditional, conventional...

maybe some false left, right paradigms are involved here?

Could be. Maybe if you elaborate I'd know what you mean.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 03:13 PM
well it doesnt matter.
if i try to elabourate further then its going to get confusing. if the points not clear now nothing more i can do i dont think.

all im saying is there cant be a right wing and an anti-right wing bias at the same time, has to be one or the other, or neither.
I dont think ive ever head anyone argue there is a right wing bias in education, until now :p

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by AdamJ
I dont think ive ever head anyone argue there is a right wing bias in education, until now :p

I have not said that.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
You always know best, in any situation, whether it's the Supreme Court or the Colorado School System. They should just call you when they get in a bind. You know everything.

Now you're learning!

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Mo. Drama Teacher Resigns in Play Flap

COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) - A central Missouri high school drama teacher whose spring play was canceled after complaints about tawdry content in one of her previous productions will resign rather than face a possible firing.


DeVore's students were to perform Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," a drama set during the 17th Century Salem witch trials.

But after a handful of Callaway Christian Church members complained about scenes in the fall musical "Grease" that showed teens smoking, drinking and kissing, Superintendent Mark Enderle told DeVore to find a more family-friendly substitute.

DeVore chose Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," a classic romantic comedy with its own dicey subject matter, including suicide, rape and losing one's virginity.

DeVore, 31, a six-year veteran teacher, said administrators told her that her annual contract might not be renewed.


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