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posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 10:23 AM

PODcast: If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! (now in Japanese!)
NrKy bored from the lack of ATS uptime, sings a song (poorly, mind you) in Japanese.

length: 02:13
file: btsmpod_1528.mp3
size: 522k
feed: btsm
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 10:07 PM
I wonder what the sushi lady at work (I work in a grocery store) would do if I was standing there singing this. LMAO.

Gud job nrrrrky.

PS: Thank you for taking my suggestion to add the "KILL THEM. KILL THEM ALL"

[edit on 12-3-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 12:02 AM
Well here's the lyrics (courtesy of if you want to confuse her: (the first one is 'if you're happy and you know it clap your hands')

shiawase nara te o tatakoo
shiawase nara te o tatakoo
shiawase nara taido de shimeso yo
hora minna de te o tatakoo

shiawase nara ashi narasoo
shiawase nara ashi narasoo
shiawase nara taido de shimeso yo
hora minna de ashi narasoo

shiawase nara kata tatakoo
shiawase nara kata tatakoo
shiawase nara taido de shimeso yo
hora minna de kata tatakoo

shiawase nara hoppe tatakoo
shiawase nara hoppe tatakoo
shiawase nara taido de shimeso yo
hora minna de hoppe tatakoo

shiawase nara uinku shiyoo
shiawase nara uinku shiyoo
shiawase nara taido de shimeso yo
hora minna de uinku shiyoo

shiawase nara yubi narasoo
shiawase nara yubi narasoo
shiawase nara taido de shimeso yo
hora minna de yubi narasoo

shiawase nara te o tatakoo
shiawase nara te o tatakoo
shiawase nara taido de shimeso yo
hora minna de te o tatakoo

[edit on 13/3/2006 by nrky]

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