posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 08:02 PM
I would have been happy to help, if I ever had TinWiki officially announced to me. I got a U2U from someone explaining that it was going to be a
Wikipedia section devoted entirely to conspiracies, but that's all I knew until now. At the time of posting this, the link at the top of the page
still doesn't work. Only while listening to your podcast did I get the idea to go to Wikipedia and actually search Tinwiki.
For anybody who wants to know, the link is .
Also, the 'tin' part now makes sense to me. I had no idea what that was about.
So thanks Mr Wupy for informing me, and undoubtedly numerous others, about what TinWiki actually is, and what it is going to be used for.
I would be happy to be an editor for TinWiki. I consider my spelling and grammar to be a notch above most people, and I also find strange enjoyment in
ripping apart the writing of others. I can probably help make the section more coherant. I'm going to bed for now, but I'll try to get signed up
But one thing though.... there are so many very thorough threads already on ATS. Do we really need to write up new original articles? We can
basically just take the info and throw it right on TinWiki, it will save a lot of time. I mean, it's all covered under the Creative Commons, so ATS
can use the information however they want, right?
[edit on 8-3-2006 by Yarcofin]